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Bitter lessons of Thailand to buy Chinese warships

Problem is our enemy China dont respect rules of international laws, peoples in the world have to do necessary actions to stop her.
Excessive insatiable greed makes China's leaders mentally unstable. They easily fall prey to Taiwan's honey-filled but poisonous 11-dash crap trap. Other than Taiwan, now look at how many countries globally mistrust and feel very angry against China.

For its adaptation of the fabricated 9-dash crap. China is making enemies of its neighbors aside from Taiwan.

"Sinophobia" or mistrust and hatred of greedy China is steadily spreading around the globe.

Because of its very greedy and gangster-like leaders, China is doomed.
Excessive insatiable greed makes China's leaders mentally unstable. They easily fall prey to Taiwan's honey-filled but poisonous 11-dash crap trap. Other than Taiwan, now look at how many countries globally mistrust and feel very angry against China.

For its adaptation of the fabricated 9-dash crap. China is making enemies of its neighbors aside from Taiwan.

"Sinophobia" or mistrust and hatred of greedy China is steadily spreading around the globe.

Because of its very greedy and gangster-like leaders, China is doomed.

Its the greedy philippines which is claiming Taiping and other Spratly islands after Republic of China already occupied and claimed them.

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: A Challenge for Cooperation - Hmi-gwOn Pak - Google Books

MNLF Official Website
Stop writing stories.. Lets talk point to point..
a) The article says "Thailand planning to buy Western equipment because it is disappointed by chinese product". Please read it.
b) Early retirement: when a country buy one product (Defense equipment) they plan its retirement age. Usually product last more than planned retirement age, only rich country replace there product before retirement. In this case chinese product didn't last long enough to serve them.
c) Chinese Ships are better now: Who cares, They have been cheated once, they don't want to be cheated again (if there wallet allow). Or they will go for tough negotiation this time. (may pay half what one frigate cost, assuming that the chinese frigate may last for half of time expected)... :P

Chinese product of the 90s... They have no experience of the recent products, its not a very hard concept to get.
Well only a dork will appreciate the 9 dash crap line map of China. Besides, does China posses a proof that those fish swimming in the middle of the sea are Chinese? I had never caught a slit-eyed flying fish LOL
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