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Haha. Honestly I don't know. Just exploring.. :ashamed:
Just google "Ghori captured Sanyukta" and see the BS spewed in Pakis sites.They have made history lilke a pornography script,Keep repeating the same thing again and again after 3 to 4 lines that Ghori did this Ghori did that e.t.c. Seriously do look it up if you are 18+,
To me, Ambedkar reminds me of Thomas Paine (Sorry for western references :) ).

Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, who are deified in the Pantheon of the American revolutionaries, where still orthodox men. They still only wanted the landed white, male gentry to have power in the new America.

Thomas Paine however, thought that institution of slavery was incompatible with the new experiment in liberty known as the United States.

He truly believed that every Human being was assigned by god, certain inalienable rights.

Thomas Paine increasingly became a bitter character over the years.

Ambedkar was bitter towards the Hindus. And it is obvious the discrimination that he suffered colored his view of Hinduism. Interestingly, he did not have a flattering view of Islam either.

But he played the perfect foil to Gandhi's orthodoxy. The question was, how could India and Indians claim to be free, when it's Poor, it's women, Dalits, it's sexual minorities were deprived of their rights?

I see this phenomenon all across the world. The revolutionaries of today become the oppressors of tomorrow.

@scorpionx Your thoughts on my take :-)
That is an excellent and very informative post Ravi. :cheers:
All kids are cute; its only when we grow up do we become ugly ducklings ! :(

Especially the ones who streak their hair with the most unaesthetic of colors ! :whistle:
Taunting me???:pissed::pissed::pissed:
How dare you say that??
I like my hair color.And those were just few streaks.
You are not even left with enough hairs on your head to get them colored.:sarcastic:
Armstrong said:
Waise who is the kid ? :what:
My youngest cousin sister.:-)

what are you doing on that inactive thread???:blink:
Taunting me???:pissed::pissed::pissed:
How dare you say that??
I like my hair color.And those were just few streaks.
You are not even left with enough hairs on your head to get them colored.:sarcastic:

Only Mr.Levina gets his hair colored - Proper Men don't ! :sarcastic:

My youngest cousin sister.:-)

Ahhh okay; well it appears all the good looks in the family went to her and not to an Aunty with horrendously colored hair ! :whistle:

Just kidding ! :)

You looked fine, if only you hadn't a double chin - You could've looked ever better ! :p:

Nahin....I'm just kidding, Mr.Levina is a lucky man; its hard to find a caring and kind spouse these days - I mean that, Apa Jee ! :)
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