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Billionaire Ambani Turns to China to Cut Costs

i don't like ambani. but that's just me. bill gates is the best.
Yaar tum log hamesha zale kyo rahte hoo..??


1 Billion dollar for this ?? :rofl: come on man this is the ugliest building I have seen in my life it looks like those buildings that never got complited as the person ran out of money , no paint , no walls and no windows

1 Billion dollar from outside I can't tell may be it has gold and dimonds inside but it is horrible choice for residence
The indian government is waging a war against the people of india. It is suppressing trade with China to keep the poor masses in line. Ambani is the future.
IT... india is good at servicing the English world but Indian IT services in china are just not in demand

This is a naive argument to say the least. Earlier you stated that China is open and now you say that Indian IT services are not in demand. The very logic of openness is that you let the market decide what is in demand & what is not in demand. If you don't enable Indian IT companies to operate freely, how do you decide if their products/services are in demand or not?? Is it not a contradiction in terms!!?

and what do you mean by limited access could you provide some examples and sources, i am interested.

Maybe this will help. Just Google for more details.

China's Wen, India's Singh make little progress at summit - Los Angeles Times

and you cant ask china to open up further when you yourselves are far more "closed" than we are.

Mate, take a consistent view. Earlier you said that China has been open for 30 years, implying a completely open economy. Now your stand has shifted to we are more open than India!! At this rate i can only guess what you might say next.

also security concern are legit but india has gone overboard,

Why don't you let us decide what our security concerns are, i don't remember outsourcing such decisions to the CPC!! GoI has taken a decision that some Chinese companies pose a security threat & these are very legitimate grounds in our opinion to not to buy your equipment if we feel so.

these china businesses that have been block have been international companies with long records of operating in other countries and have never had a security issue sometimes the items in question themselves have been bought by other countries with no problems. i mean you think we are bugging your weather Dopplers... aside from sensitive equipment many other things have been blocked( you want to protect your industries but dont wanna say it out loud)

Making a sale to countries in Africa & other third world nations, just does not vouch for the credibility of Chinese companies on security issues. Most of these countries are either do not have the capability to even make an analysis as to how their security might be affected by the sale of such equipment or are of such insignificant strategic dimension that it simply does not matter.

Other security conscious states have repeatedly denied Chinese companies presence in their markets on this very issues, the US & Australia stand out as good example, so India is not alone out their with such concerns in mind.

1 Billion dollar for this ?? :rofl: come on man this is the ugliest building I have seen in my life it looks like those buildings that never got complited as the person ran out of money , no paint , no walls and no windows

1 Billion dollar from outside I can't tell may be it has gold and dimonds inside but it is horrible choice for residence

maybe you haven't seen this one!
This is a naive argument to say the least. Earlier you stated that China is open and now you say that Indian IT services are not in demand. The very logic of openness is that you let the market decide what is in demand & what is not in demand. If you don't enable Indian IT companies to operate freely, how do you decide if their products/services are in demand or not?? Is it not a contradiction in terms!!?

Maybe this will help. Just Google for more details.

China's Wen, India's Singh make little progress at summit - Los Angeles Times

Mate, take a consistent view. Earlier you said that China has been open for 30 years, implying a completely open economy. Now your stand has shifted to we are more open than India!! At this rate i can only guess what you might say next.

Why don't you let us decide what our security concerns are, i don't remember outsourcing such decisions to the CPC!! GoI has taken a decision that some Chinese companies pose a security threat & these are very legitimate grounds in our opinion to not to buy your equipment if we feel so.

Making a sale to countries in Africa & other third world nations, just does not vouch for the credibility of Chinese companies on security issues. Most of these countries are either do not have the capability to even make an analysis as to how their security might be affected by the sale of such equipment or are of such insignificant strategic dimension that it simply does not matter.

Other security conscious states have repeatedly denied Chinese companies presence in their markets on this very issues, the US & Australia stand out as good example, so India is not alone out their with such concerns in mind.

Who said we don't enable indian IT to operate freely. Cite one rule that discriminates indian IT companies from other IT companies. The fact is, Indians don't know Chinese and Chinese don't know English much so why doesn't Indian IT companies start offering services that we actually need? Also note that the Chinese IT industry is over 3 times larger than the Indian one, which leads me to question even the importance of India's IT industry.

Britain's network is Huawei made:

BT gets £2.5bn broadband network going with Huawei deal - 8/26/2010 - Electronics Weekly

So if even Britain can accept it, India has no reason not to.

UPDATE 2-China's Huawei wins largest LTE deal in Europe - Forbes.com

And Norway too, beating Nokia in its own backyard.
Name one restriction, and cite the specific regulation and law please. (No Indian media source)

Unfortunately (for you), I do not understand Chinese so I cannot quote you a media source which you will trust

But even you know that China is blocking Indian IT industry from making major forays into their market. It services and media are our biggest export, manufacturing is yours.
If you want to see manufactured goods here, you have to let us have level playing field for our biggest exports also.
Simple logic.
I can understand your government's mindset in doing this. Free media and IT will not be welcome by a communist regime. But if they want loads of trade concessions here, then we would also like some of our own there.

And for the people who were saying China IT = 5 * Indian IT
Chinese $76-$80 billion (2010) with expected growth of 150% in next decade
India around $70 (2010) billion with expected growth of 300+% in next decade
google, there are many sources for the above stats
You can lie as much as you want, but it is the Chinese clients that rejected the Indian IT and the Indian clients that accepted Chinese products. No amount of whining and BS will change that.

We import a lot of things from different countries. IT imports are plenty from Europe and the United States. If Indian IT products are truly competitive, we will buy them. But the fact is that they are not good enough.

Unfortunately (for you), I do not understand Chinese so I cannot quote you a media source which you will trust

But even you know that China is blocking Indian IT industry from making major forays into their market. It services and media are our biggest export, manufacturing is yours.
If you want to see manufactured goods here, you have to let us have level playing field for our biggest exports also.
Simple logic.
I can understand your government's mindset in doing this. Free media and IT will not be welcome by a communist regime. But if they want loads of trade concessions here, then we would also like some of our own there.

And for the people who were saying China IT = 5 * Indian IT
Chinese $76-$80 billion (2010) with expected growth of 150% in next decade
India around $70 (2010) billion with expected growth of 300+% in next decade
google, there are many sources for the above stats
whats so much fuss about???/
he thought it is more beneficial to take it from chinese bank so he did it thats all he is a bussinessman for gods sake
and if you doing bussiness with other countries is so bad then there shouldnt be any international bussiness right?

and off course i would always prefer TATA and others when it comes to nationalism
Unfortunately (for you), I do not understand Chinese so I cannot quote you a media source which you will trust

But even you know that China is blocking Indian IT industry from making major forays into their market. It services and media are our biggest export, manufacturing is yours.
If you want to see manufactured goods here, you have to let us have level playing field for our biggest exports also.
Simple logic.
I can understand your government's mindset in doing this. Free media and IT will not be welcome by a communist regime. But if they want loads of trade concessions here, then we would also like some of our own there.

And for the people who were saying China IT = 5 * Indian IT
Chinese $76-$80 billion (2010) with expected growth of 150% in next decade
India around $70 (2010) billion with expected growth of 300+% in next decade
google, there are many sources for the above stats

China computer software industry report, 2009-2010 The Outsource Blog

The above was written by someone with an apparently Indian name.

In 2009, a attention completed program income of RMB951.3 billion, up 25.6% year-on-year. Software trade accounted for reduction than 20% of China’s program revenue, so China’s program attention was reduction influenced by a tellurian mercantile crisis. Driven by a tellurian mercantile liberation as well as a government’s impulse policies, China’s program attention began to miscarry in Q4, 2009.

Information Technology in China: software industry maintained rapid growth in 2008 « { design@tive } information design

RMB to USD conversion: 6.7:1
Total worth of software industry in china: 141.9 billion USD

India eNews - 'Indian software industry will hold out against competition'

Total worth of software industry in india: 60 billion USD

"Our costs will still be competitive. There are markets like China, Singapore, and the Philippines which offer lower costs. But they are not in the same league as India,' said the software gian't India chairman Saurabh Srivastava.

'China has an issue with language, a lot of other countries don't have the same levels of competency and, moreover, a lot of them are still in process of learning business norms,' Srivastava, an industry veteran and noted venture capitalist, told IANS in an interview."

Apparently, the main advantage of Indian IT industry for Westerners is speaking English, but not actually skill at coding. Of course, scientific and industrial software, not outsourced low tech daily business programming, consists of the bulk of China's software industry, not for sale to outsiders of course.
This is a naive argument to say the least. Earlier you stated that China is open and now you say that Indian IT services are not in demand. The very logic of openness is that you let the market decide what is in demand & what is not in demand. If you don't enable Indian IT companies to operate freely, how do you decide if their products/services are in demand or not?? Is it not a contradiction in terms!!?

the market has decided that indian IT services are not in demand how does this contradict what i said? plenty of other IT groups operate in china instance Microsoft and cisco, they have demand and thus operate in china

your links provides nothing other than saying not much progress was made

Mate, take a consistent view. Earlier you said that China has been open for 30 years, implying a completely open economy. Now your stand has shifted to we are more open than India!! At this rate i can only guess what you might say next.

let me clarity then, china started opening up in 1979, obviously it is a work in progress but still we don't ban others to the level that India does, china runs a trade deficit against many countries. and as i have said, so long as laws are met(basically censorship) these companies have no problem running(no problems from the government) for instance google did fine until they fought the government on censorship

Why don't you let us decide what our security concerns are, i don't remember outsourcing such decisions to the CPC!! GoI has taken a decision that some Chinese companies pose a security threat & these are very legitimate grounds in our opinion to not to buy your equipment if we feel so.

of course its your government's decision, but trade is a two way street thus china has a say in this, i have also made the counter argument that many other have used these companies products and have no problems what is your governments decision based on? its it simply because these companies are chinese? if so then clearly we cannot work together so long as your government is basically racist.

Making a sale to countries in Africa & other third world nations, just does not vouch for the credibility of Chinese companies on security issues. Most of these countries are either do not have the capability to even make an analysis as to how their security might be affected by the sale of such equipment or are of such insignificant strategic dimension that it simply does not matter.

huawei and many other international chinese companies(like lenovo, haier etc) work for/with(or by themselves) many US companies in the US and other western nations(Norway, England etc), your not gonna claim the us is some 3rd world nation or some kinda of close Chinese ally are you? of course the US has its moments but again, it is much much more receptive to chinese products than india. also these companies sales in the US are anything but insignificant

Other security conscious states have repeatedly denied Chinese companies presence in their markets on this very issues, the US & Australia stand out as good example, so India is not alone out their with such concerns in mind.

the issues in us and Australia are acquisition(buying out) issues such as unicoal are not operational issues nor are they banning china from entering their markets so long as safety benchmarks are met(pcs, trains, industrial machinery), do the us claim that millions of PC parts made in china have a backdoor and ban them on such grounds?
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