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Biggest threat to world peace? - Map showing worldwide perception


Jan 11, 2011
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A map showing the results of a survey asking the world who they see as the biggest threat to world peace.
A map showing the results of a survey asking the world who they see as the biggest threat to world peace.
So it is USA, Iran and Pakistan in the top position. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Australians along with Fins, swedes and Germans think US as threat to world, now that's a BS map.
Australians , Germans and Swedish think it's USA which is threat to world's peace. Nice.

Japan,Vietnam even Italy thinks China is the biggest threat to world's peace but India does not. How Interesting!
Australians , Germans and Swedish think it's USA which is threat to world's peace. Nice.

Japan,Vietnam even Italy thinks China is the biggest threat to world's peace but India does not. How Interesting!
India thinks it is Pakistan which is correct
Australians along with Fins, swedes and Germans think US as threat to world, now that's a BS map.

no shit. these countries are always the Slave of murica. australia can't even move without murica giving them order to do so. why would it be too surprising to see that they hates the murican?
Australians along with Fins, swedes and Germans think US as threat to world, now that's a BS map.

I believe this was a survey, many Australians knows what a dick of a country USA is when it comes to their foreign policy. Every single major conflict post WWII Australia has been involved in has never affected Australia directly, but rather the government showing solidarity with the Americans.
Sole purpose of this thread to show that Afghans are against Pakistan.
Would India take three million Afghan refugees from Pakistan, just as a solidarity gesture for Afghanistan? :enjoy:

no shit. these countries are always the Slave of murica. australia can't even move without murica giving them order to do so. why would it be too surprising to see that they hates the murican?
I believe this was a survey, many Australians knows what a dick of a country USA is when it comes to their foreign policy. Every single major conflict post WWII Australia has been involved in has never affected Australia directly, but rather the government showing solidarity with the Americans.
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