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in the midst of all the fog, threat to Pakistan is not from the east, but from our western neighbor.

The Afghans (TTP, Taliban, NA) have only created turmoil for Pakistan. And if that was not enough, we have people in our midst who are sympathetic to their cause. Be it ethnic, religious, socio economic. Where did Pashto nationalism, sectarian violence, religious extremism, BLA issue, terrorist attacks, gun culture, smuggling arise from?

The quicker the establishment (foreign policy makers), politicians, public (both leftist and rightist) take note, the better.
Imran Khan may be the best of the lot, but he is not helping with statements like Afghanistan breaking the shackles of slavery. Someone needs to knock some sense into him.

Sure, the end of Afghan war was good for Pakistan. Operations in FATA and Swat were the need of the hour. So was fencing the border. Need be there needs to be hot pursuit to take care of TTP.

I have said this multiple times. The Taliban will become what TTP is today. Eventually Pakistan will have to fight these people. They are not fit to be living in the 20th century. Either they adapt and start living in this century or Pakistan needs to give them the same treatment that was meted out to TTP.

There has to be a consensus formed eventually. We’d be ready to use nukes if India did half of what Afghans (TTP, Taliban, NA) are doing. Pakistanis need to stop being forgiving to the other Muslim brethren when they are scheming and killing Pakistanis.
I heard the same thing when PDM came to power. It isn't that bad. That is how it all begins until things become out of control.
bhai, if you believe the things Imran Khan is saying, then fundamentally nothing has changed. Business is as usual in Pakistan, there was a serious chance of default, but that has been avoided for now.

Imran Khan may be the best of the lot, but he is not helping with statements like Afghanistan breaking the shackles of slavery. Someone needs to knock some sense into him.

Sure, the end of Afghan war was good for Pakistan. Operations in FATA and Swat were the need of the hour. So was fencing the border. Need be there needs to be hot pursuit to take care of TTP.

I have said this multiple times. The Taliban will become what TTP is today. Eventually Pakistan will have to fight these people. They are not fit to be living in the 20th century. Either they adapt and start living in this century or Pakistan needs to give them the same treatment that was meted out to TTP.

There has to be a consensus formed eventually. We’d be ready to use nukes if India did half of what Afghans (TTP, Taliban, NA) are doing. Pakistanis need to stop being forgiving to the other Muslim brethren when they are scheming and killing Pakistanis.
it's a money problem, fighting them is easy, but we don't have the funds.

We have beaten them before, we'll do it again.
I want Chinese-style one-party state system in Pakistan.

Oh absolutely. The one party state is the only way forward for PK.

Anything else would end up with the utter shambles that we see right now
Thoroughly enjoying the show.. and it's not sarcasm..

When you stop caring about something you loved the most, you just start worrying about yourself and other important stuff that took the back seat all these years.. You then enjoy the situation like other spectators.

I don't give a damn if nuclear capability is taken away from Pakistan. With TTP gaining ground, it's better for Pakistanis to handover the nukes to the capable powers before they go into the hands of rogue elements of the society.

Imagine believing that launching nuclear weapons is like planting fertilizer derived ieds with a Nokia phone as a detonator....

Rogue hands...bus karo bacho...

What is there left of Pakistan? Are you fockin dumb brov?
People who are stuck on Niazi as last saviour are prematurely believers of Armageddon but it is not end. It is only beginning to the fulfilling prophecy before judgement day. So relax and remember that the worlds operates by ALLAAH Alone - not ITS Created things.
China has been bending over backwards to help Pakistan for a long time, yet Mir Bajwa was vexing lyrically about US is our biggest trading partner and Russia was bad for invading Ukraine...

Chinese have now realized that although the British, who also tormented them through out the 19th and early 20th century, may have left the subcontinent, but their Raj still persists in the parts of it that makes up modern day Pakistan, through the native colonial military they left behind. China is in the process of cutting it's losses and moving on. It has invested greatly into Vietnam, Bangladesh and Myanmar and their manufacturing and trade.

Chinese know Pakistan's sepoy army will betray the whole Chinese enterprise in South Asia at the mere glimpse of a Popa John Pizza restaurant.
Yeah, true China has given many concessions to Pakistan. I respect that.

China gets Gwadar port, that's a such strategic advantage for them though.
in the midst of all the fog, threat to Pakistan is not from the east, but from our western neighbor.

The Afghans (TTP, Taliban, NA) have only created turmoil for Pakistan. And if that was not enough, we have people in our midst who are sympathetic to their cause. Be it ethnic, religious, socio economic. Where did Pashto nationalism, sectarian violence, religious extremism, BLA issue, terrorist attacks, gun culture, smuggling arise from?

The quicker the establishment (foreign policy makers), politicians, public (both leftist and rightist) take note, the better.

Absolutely and many, me included came to this conclusion a long time ago

We have a good handle against India, if anything both states have built up considerable forces and nullified conflict as hindutva poison spreads we are ideologically in a good position also to make use of Iran be dealt with

It's our western borders and the people there who are just a well spring of fassad and the situation in Afghanistan and our inability to deal with it that has dragged that afghan fassad into Pakistan, it's what I keep telling that other afghan dude Mirchiali or whatever his name is this is NOT a religious issue, this is a issue of Pashto Pashto Pashto

I have no aim of insulting pashtun citizens of Pakistan, but we cannot deny the poisonous problem amongst them and the afghani

They take no responsibility for anything and expect everything to be given to them without any contribution

Balochistan is very sparsely populated and can be nullified also

But something has to give amongst the pashtuns and tribal afghan types of we are to see progress in the country

We got to get the afghans out, they are simply good for nothing,we have helped them as much as we can and we have to let them destroy themselves without creating problems for us and everyone else
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