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When the Army leadership promotes, supports and leverages violent extremist groups like the TLP, sectarian terrorist groups in Balochistan and elsewhere to play violent games pitting groups against each other and is allowing TTP (or other) terrorists to return to KP in a bid to undermine an elected PTI provincial government after conspiring to overthrow an elected PTI Federal government, then the argument of ‘nuclear weapons are in safe hands’ become pretty hard to defend.

We have a bunch of traitors and corrupt, violent military dictators running the nuclear weapons program.
When the Army leadership promotes, supports and leverages violent extremist groups like the TLP, sectarian terrorist groups in Balochistan and elsewhere to play violent games pitting groups against each other and is allowing TTP (or other) terrorists to return to KP in a bid to undermine an elected PTI provincial government after conspiring to overthrow an elected PTI government, then the argument of ‘nuclear weapons are in safe hands’ become pretty hard to defend.

We have a bunch of traitors and corrupt, violent military dictators running the nuclear weapons program.

lol.. You are suggesting Pakistan to basically erase itself from the history books because that is exactly what you are saying here..

You are speaking of traitors but speak with the worst tongue here..

Life is about to either be or to not be... And by be I mean exist or de-exist the choice is really easy from there on.. For you will not be allowed to exist if you refuse yourself the right to exist..
Yes you do,, mosques are openly attacked

You had a Hindu mob of 200 attack a mosque only a few days ago, don't make me show you the pictures

The state justifies these attacks, the attackers are either let off by the judiciary or openly celebrated as hero's as are rapists of Muslim women

The police openly side with Hindu mobs against you, they have begun beating you on streets and bulldozing your home's without trial or court precedings

Your a joke

More temples are attacked than mosques. We don't have incidents of bombing of shia mosques and Sufi dargahs. We have a fraction of Muslims hanged in 75 years compared to what so called Islamic countries do in one day.
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Good quote about the context.
A couple of things.
1) I am frankly surprised Joe Biden is still capable of articulating thoughts like the quoted above. I think it shows his very deep experience in world affairs, despite his failing mental and physical abilities. I have to give it to him despite I HATE this guy now!
2) The quoted part MIGHT be a window into the Biden administration. Here he is mentioning China, Russia, India and Pakistan in a short time span. It wouldn't surprise me at all that there is some 'understanding' with China about the overall relationship between the two Superpowers where Pakistan is significant part.
3) As to the Pakistani nuclear weapons being potentially unsafe--- nah, Americans know the safety precautions in place, some of them were helped to put on by Americans themselves. BUT it sort of serves Pakistan's interests to keep Americans on the edge about Pakistan's nukes, bad press notwithstanding. What is new here? Haven't we heard the claims of the unsafe nukes for decades? What did Bill Clinton say about Pakistan? Then Obama? As I see it, when Americans look at China and Pakistan then Pakistan's nukes become a big factor in their decisions.
4) I don't think the Biden admin is as much of a fond of the Modi govt as Trump, Bill Clinton and Obama were of the previous Indian govts.
The sad part is he is right. A nation without cohesion is a security issue especially when they have nukes.
The doubly sad part is that in any nation the Establishment knows how to navigate such dangerous waters carefully. They know what to do and not to do in order to avoid rocking the boat. In our case, everyone is looking for a reason to denuclearize us. EVERYONE!

Even if the threats to our nukes are not real, just giving people cause to build a narrative undermines our security. The nuttiness over the last few months is exactly the cause they needed, and we handed it to them on a silver platter.

The establishment knew this and yet they were willing to further their own personal interests at the expense of national interests when they subverted a government that was nationally cohesive, and gave us chaos. That is disheartening because if there was always one constant that we believed, it was that when the chips fell, the Establishment would always bleed green. Today that no longer holds weight. With time small men have occupied big offices in Pakistan, and have little deference to their sacred roles, duties and obligations, to a nation, its people, its culture its values. And in those small minds of theirs, they are quick to align their personal interests with national interests.

This then plays out into the hands of our enemies who broker no missed opportunity to strike another nail in our national coffin.
May Allah protect my nation, and may Allah protect those who in their hearts still yearn for a strong, prosperous Pakistani Nation.
can you tell me old tweets by US ambassador where they used to call it "pakistan controlled Kashmir" not AJK.

Your assessment is peek delusion of average Pakistani. India and US have become more inclined towards each other under Modi so its hard to believe that their stance become more pro-Pak in last few years.

Pakistan did all that for selfish reason so called "strategic depth". All attempts to control Taliban came back to bite Pakistanis and now common Afghans be it Talib or anti-Talib both hate Pakistan.

Imran was also chest thumping about Afghans getting Haqiqi azadi..
How does that Azadi feels now at your western border.

Ethnic slogans are being raised in Swat too. "Punjabi sun le .. Azadi".

But we made usa alone supper power and we were the who ended cold war for usa. It was usa who enjoy the whole befits alone after Cold war.. So be very careful when you open your mouth. Now we going to stay with Chinese.. first go n win the war against russian then number will come for Chinese.. welcome in new cold war era where your European friends are tuning againt you.. it will be last thing you will expect to make Pakistan hostile againt your county. So tell that fucking sleepy Joe and your stupid establishment Act like man and accept the fact that you not the supper power anymore which you were in 90z after end of cold war...
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No one's defending anyone. Your beloved has literally said some vile things which are true to some extent, however they will obviously undermine the sanctity of the state.

We can already see how Biden and the US are treating entire Pakistan.

President Biden is from the cold war era. Americans with ideals that are shaped by this history are typically said to favor Pakistan. There is even a famously quoted exchange between Obama and Biden where Biden says that Pakistan is infinitely a more important ally than Afghanistan (during the WOT period). Given this history, the latest statements are surprising and uncharacteristic. :unsure:

On a related note, this is one more corollary evidence to say that the US does not play any partisan role in Pakistani domestic politics. :coffee:

Keep drinking coffee bud. Pakistan US relations were always a mockery. Always on a downhill slide. Always filled with hate and grudge. Grandaddy Joe just made sure that Bajwa and company are on the defensive LOL
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But we made usa alone supper power and we were the who ended cold war for usa. It was usa who enjoy the whole befits alone after Cold war.. So be very careful when you open your mouth. Now we going to stay with Chinese.. first go n win the war against russian then number will come for Chinese.. welcome in new cold war era where your European friends are tuning againt you.. it will be last thing you will expect to make Pakistan hostile againt your county. So tell that fucking sleepy Joe and your stupid establishment Act like man and accept the fact that you not the supper power anymore which you were in 90z after end of cold war...

Don’t quote the cow piss drinker. He is here to derail thread.
Your whole population is used to of such treatment..

look at China, giving contracts to its own companies , bringing own raw material , own work force , and top of that own food supply, and even own security force but in the end Pakistan has to pay for the project..

but no one on this forum even cares about such treatment. See example below,

yeah stay with CHinese😂.. pay them back the CPEC Loans, Amount which CHinese spent on their own Industries and workforce.

STFU Indian curry turd. Your daddy is fuming to snatch Pakistani nukes LOL

Such a joy to see the F-16 team, Bajwa and PDM on the backfoot. Beautiful.
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Your whole population is used to of such treatment..

look at China, giving contracts to its own companies , bringing own raw material , own work force , and top of that own food supply, and even own security force but in the end Pakistan has to pay for the project..

but no one on this forum even cares about such treatment. See example below,

yeah stay with CHinese😂.. pay them back the CPEC Loans, Amount which CHinese spent on their own Industries and workforce.
Closing eyes make the Pigeon cat will go away. Remmber you guys ran away from Kabul airport lossing after 1.28 trillions dollars. Do you want me to play the video when your last General was taxing his airplane. Go search on YouTube. How your army ran away... do you want me to remind you how Russians and iranin make you run out of Syria.. come back on mother earth. You are riding on your high cow boy..
Nah .. US should better let India control whole J & K. India has better relation with Afghans so only India can provide access to Central Asia via Afghanistan.
I was trying very hard to not engage with rats and moving forward I will try to do the same

But your geography is lols, do realize that having whole gilgit won't give you access to CAR, there's a big a** region after it in pakhtunkhwa... 🤣

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