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Hasn't anyone reminded this stupid and ignorant old man who pees in his pants that no one in history has ever used nuclear weapons except American pigs?
Gardash...he has lost his mind. Old timer do lose their minds..
India has no conventional advantage over Pakistan non whatsoever and nor in none conventional. There is parity and if I have to give anyone the edge it is Pakistan currently as it stands.
Looking at how command collapsed in Russian offensive, im not so sure. Top Officers only know tactics for DHA plot schemes.
Pehle hi Biden ko paish kr k aya hai us ki sooji hui hai abi.

All bluster. Oldie is fuming, but can't do anything about Pak nukes. The Americans would rather give the Indians the upperhand and make Pakistan toothless. Too bad for CIA and Biden. For 20 years these cowards couldn't destabilise Pakistan to snatch its nukes. This is frustration speaking.
All bluster. Oldie is fuming, but can't do anything about Pak nukes. The Americans would rather give the Indians the upperhand and make Pakistan toothless. Too bad for CIA and Biden. For 20 years these cowards couldn't destabilise Pakistan to snatch its nukes. This is frustration speaking.
I think Bajwa ne already transfer kr dia sb kuch. US will invade in the near future.
@Dalit bhai

Pakistan US relations were always a mockery.

This is what I dont understand. With all this repeat betrayal and humiliation, why hasnt Pak taken a more firm pro-China and pro-US stance since 2018. I mean even Sri Lanka did that

lol.. You are suggesting Pakistan to basically erase itself from the history books because that is exactly what you are saying here..

You are speaking of traitors but speak with the worst tongue here..

Life is about to either be or to not be... And by be I mean exist or de-exist the choice is really easy from there on.. For you will not be allowed to exist if you refuse yourself the right to exist..
This is something you need to tell the Army/Mil leadership — when they undermine elected institution — when they blackmail, torture and manipulate politicians, judges, bureaucrats and journalists — when they rig elections and overthrow governments — when they install corrupt dynastic puppets in power — when they support terrorist sectarian groups like SSP/Lashkar-e-Jhangvi or extremist groups like the TLP — then they (the Army-Mil leadership) is the reason the country has become weak and is starting to collapse.
Wisdom would suggest Pakistan maintain good relations with powerful countries.

There has been a realization within Pakistan’s foreign office that relations with US, China, Russia is not a dichotomy. But things happened in April ‘22 and everything just fell like a house of cards.

The funny thing is Pakistan is badly exposed. The US won’t go all out in committing to Pakistan as the current regime is surviving on razor thin majority, the Chinese are pissed off and the Russians just think the Pakistani leadership is a pussy.

Coming to the nukes, there is absolutely no doubt they’d remain there. Even if Bajwa and a number of corp commanders were to go rogue, they won’t be able to touch these strategic weapons.

Meanwhile, we have our neighbor to the east that accidentally fired Brahmos into Pakistan and the US whose had multiple broken arrow accidents. The Americans will keep coming up with these statements every now and then to keep the Pakistan unsafe nuclear narrative and use other tactics to keep the pressure up. If you expose your a$$, somebody is bound to violate it.
This dream that the Pak mil leadership has that we are treated as some sort of neutral country like Switzerland, or Canada. This will never happen. The people in USA are stereotypical. All they see is a Muslim country with nuclear weapons. No matter what you do they will always think Pakistan is dangerous. Simply because its a Muslim country. India also has nuclear weapons, it is also a developing world. The simple reason is India is more seen as land of peace, harmony, yoga and all that nonsense even though its the same bs as anywhere in the world.

Simply Muslim beliefs are too "backwards" too "violent" and too "hostile" to them. They have to half heartedly deal with other Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia because thats where the world's engine (oil) is.

Pakistan just needs to find a way to develop its economy and give a middle finger to all the rest. And it also needs proper alliance in this world game like we have China. This dream of having a neutral peace loving country is just a dream. The people in the west are wicked and they would do anything to keep the balance of wealth, and power in the west. Iran is doing good it has its own internal economy. The only prob for Pak is it does not have oil money. But Pakistan has a really strong alliance with China which it should leverage and just be done with the Americans. They have no business in South asia anyways.

Also I hope other countries in the middle east also go nuclear just to spite them and move some power balance in the middle east as well.
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While the US President spits in the face of every Pakistani, the Foreign Minister of that country is scrambling to make excuses on behalf of the President of the country who spits in the face of every Pakistani. The US president makes irresponsible comments against a responsible nation. There is a nation that is missing their bomb and has not been found yet. Look at how dangerous a nation Indians are.

Explain why should you be worried if you were Biden? Whose puppet government is, installed by the USA. Who compromised our generals the USA. Who have bought out our media the USA. Who is paying for the NGO's to plant and create troubles in Pakistan the USA.
USA bought out Pakistan establishment by spending few $100 millions even properties of Nawaz worth then more then that so how bargain Pakistan sale has been and you will still be worried are you for real?
In my opinion if Imran succeeds in unseating these planted government Pakistan must pass a law no future Pakistan officers are trained and educated in the West particularly in the USA. Obviously, they are taking them to the USA for a reason and when they do come back to their native lands their loyalties are compromised. Elections via EVM machines and banning of our army personal training in the West is a must if our country needs to stop these crooked generals endangering our country integrity.
Biden have got selective dementia and he has blurred out these words for a reason and what will unveil in future only billo rani and traitor Bajwa and few other generals know

You can point fingers all you want. It won’t change Pakistan and Pakistani ppl. US is just the highest bidder. All these politicians and people you mentioned will start selling themselves to next highest bidder. Jis society main Jab tak jaza saza ka system nhi ho ga, people will keep selling themselves.
Biden can go fvck himself.

How many people have died because of school shootings in USA.

Go tell him that.
Pakistan did all that for selfish reason so called "strategic depth". All attempts to control Taliban came back to bite Pakistanis and now common Afghans be it Talib or anti-Talib both hate Pakistan.
"Selfish reason" lol. The US invaded Afghanistan for geopolitical reasons.

One of main objectives was to destabilize Pakistan through their proxies such as TTP and BLA and break Pakistan provinces into many different countries. As well as to denuclearize Pakistan.

And you thought Pakistan would just sit there and do nothing LMAO.

Delusional Yankee. Our proxies are now in charge of Afghanistan. You spend 2 trillion USD and lost while Pakistan and it's allies spend maybe not even 1% and achieved victory.

The Afghan war was a success for us we won it and achieved our objectives.

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