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And that’s also why they’ve been good at fooling low iq emotional awam for decades.

Low IQ emotional awam because they support brutal feudals in Sindh that hijack the biggest port city, Karachi. And are too busy playing proxy proxy instead of development in Pashtunkhwa.

Denuclearisation coming soon, with the eventually annexation of Kashmir by India

I wonder what Papa John’s kids have to say about that when it happens 😭😂
I wonder what Papa John’s kids have to say about that when it happens 😭😂
Popa John's kids AKA Army brats will chalk this up to some four dimensional chess the uber genius strategic thinkers in GHQ are engaged in with the Americans whereby they will cut noses of Pakistani awam to spite their domestic enemies' faces and that will be good for Pakistan, read Popa John's franchises, in the long run...
🤣🤣🤣😂 What the fcuk do we care about idol worshipping temples

We care about our mosques and Muslims under attack and when it's justified by the Hindutva state we know how right Jinnah was

Because idol worshippers can do to mosque which we do to temple. This ill mentality has kept Muslims backward. We are so backward that we can not mske a vaccine or a life saving drug. Aukat do kodi ki nahi aur pichhavade me hava duniya bhar ki.
Low IQ emotional awam because they support brutal feudals in Sindh that hijack the biggest port city, Karachi. And are too busy playing proxy proxy instead of development in Pashtunkhwa.

I wonder what Papa John’s kids have to say about that when it happens 😭😂

Only development that's happening is in Defence Housing Authority.
I fully support Pakistan in its response to call US ambassador to express its concern. I hope that he is schooled properly.
This is something you need to tell the Army/Mil leadership — when they undermine elected institution — when they blackmail, torture and manipulate politicians, judges, bureaucrats and journalists — when they rig elections and overthrow governments — when they install corrupt dynastic puppets in power — when they support terrorist sectarian groups like SSP/Lashkar-e-Jhangvi or extremist groups like the TLP — then they (the Army-Mil leadership) is the reason the country has become weak and is starting to collapse.

Pakistan is caught between two destabilising powers. One is papa America and the other the Pak army. It is the bitter truth. The irony is that both powers cannot live with each other. Yet, both always have to unwillingly work with one another. This at the expense of Pakistan.
Popa John's kids AKA Army brats will chalk this up to some four dimensional chess the uber genius strategic thinkers in GHQ are engaged in with the Americans whereby they will cut noses of Pakistani awam to spite their domestic enemies' faces and that will be good for Pakistan, read Popa John's franchises, in the long run...

And if you question it they will say

yOu DoN’t KnOw ChAiN oF hAlWa
Wisdom would suggest Pakistan maintain good relations with powerful countries.

There has been a realization within Pakistan’s foreign office that relations with US, China, Russia is not a dichotomy. But things happened in April ‘22 and everything just fell like a house of cards.

The funny thing is Pakistan is badly exposed. The US won’t go all out in committing to Pakistan as the current regime is surviving on razor thin majority, the Chinese are pissed off and the Russians just think the Pakistani leadership is a pussy.

Coming to the nukes, there is absolutely no doubt they’d remain there. Even if Bajwa and a number of corp commanders were to go rogue, they won’t be able to touch these strategic weapons.

Meanwhile, we have our neighbor to the east that accidentally fired Brahmos into Pakistan and the US whose had multiple broken arrow accidents. The Americans will keep coming up with these statements every now and then to keep the Pakistan unsafe nuclear narrative and use other tactics to keep the pressure up. If you expose your a$$, somebody is bound to violate it.

You have summed it up nicely. The Americans have always dealt very reluctantly with Pakistan. Even during the Cold War where Pakistan was supposed to be a so-called ally it really wasn't. The Americans simply needed Pakistan due to geographical reasons and Jihadi menpower. We all know how that ended. A total fiasco. The Americans left everyone high and dry.

When India became a nuclear power there was hardly any fuss. This despite the fact that India never really had cordial relations with Western powers back in the day. This should tell us how skewed Western throught process really is when choosing favorites. On the contrary, when Pakistan became a nuclear power there was a huge propaganda campaign to discredit the capability. The Islamic nuke propaganda is still on till this very day.

The Americans are absolute scumbags. They are masters of deception. There can never ever be cordial relations with USA. Never. The Americans have only one interest in Pakistan. Even grandpa Biden couldn't control himself and had to spit the words Pakistan and nuclear. The Americans are after Pakistan's nuclear capability and so are their Western counterparts. Having an Islamic country with a nuclear capability is too much of a heartache for these savages. It defies all Western logic.
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Denuclearisation coming soon, with the eventually annexation of Kashmir by India

Once Pakistan is denuclearised you can kiss bye to Pakistani state. India will pounce and start a conventional war against Pakistan. The only thing that is keeping both India and the US in check are Pakistani nukes. To think otherwise would be foolhardy. It would be a logical move on India's part to attack Pakistan conventionally. The US and Western powers would facilitate India against Pakistan. Remember that US/NATO absolutely hold Pakistan responsible for their defeat in the 20 year war in Afghanistan. The grapes are very sour. Pakistan is considered a major thorn by India and Western powers in order to contain China. Obviously the end goal is to contain China. That is yesterday's news by now. India, the US and major Western powers are all in bed against China. The constant bickering and propaganda against both Pakistan and China is also part of this campaign.
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Once Pakistan is denuclearised you can kiss bye bye to Pakistani state. India will pounce and start a conventional war against Pakistan. The only thing that is keeping both India and the US in check are Pakistani nukes. To think otherwise would be foolhardy. It would be a logical move on India's part to attack Pakistan conventionally. The US and Western powers would facilitate India against Pakistan. Pakistan is considered a major thorn by India and Western powers in order to contain China. That is yesterday's news by now.

Rora so in that case what will happen with Pashtuns?
Lets see if the usual suspects, Bajwa, Shahbaz and Biloo Rani going to utter anything against Biden!!
If not than be restassured, during the visit of Bajwa and Biloo things are discussed and agreed how they are going to subjugate Pakistan , including on nuclear issue. That's is the main reason, make no mistake about it. Pakistan defang, India off the hook, Pakistan their client state and China encircled. Next big threat is China, I am hearing this for last 10/15 years in the West.
Secondly, Najam Sethi the spokeperson of the Sharifs has rececntly said that American wants bases in Pakistan to keep any eye on Pakistani nuclear assets and for drone strikes. He missed out the fact is to keep a tap on China.
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