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Isn't it the final sinister agenda of the US, to denuke Pakistan and defang it, US is acting on India interest as for India to wholly concentrate on China, India wanted the threat and parity from Pakistan to go.

The nuclear Pakistan gives it a parity in non conventional weapons, as in conventional weapons and Army size, India have undue advantage.

Now US will ask about it when Pakistan is closer to a default, and will look to bail it out with surrendering the nuclear command and control or to denuke it.

Ukraine did this mistake and the result can be seen.

India has no conventional advantage over Pakistan non whatsoever and nor in none conventional. There is parity and if I have to give anyone the edge it is Pakistan currently as it stands.

Pakistan will never denuke for anyones pleasure. Pakistan will de-exist if it de-nuclearize itself meaning aka Bharat.. Nothing that is called Pakistan will remain on the face of the earth if they denuclearize themselves by free will and Pakistan knows this.. Even if Pakistan was to default or close to it then the right choice will be to start war rather then to default and at that point you will have a pakistan that has nothing to lose..

Pakistan defaulting on debt is not good for anyone trust me because nobody wants a Pakistan that has nothing to lose
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So I guess all the ‘diplomacy’ by the current military leadership and thieving government has not yielded anything substantial? No surprises then.
Even boot polishers have more rapport with the people they shine shoes for.
That being said Biden is probably the worst president ever, certainly the most senile and is faced with a country falling down fast.
Unfortunately he isn’t wrong. A nuclear armed country in chaos. Puppet govt and compromised General. Sh!t if I was him, I would be worried too.

Explain why should you be worried if you were Biden? Whose puppet government is, installed by the USA. Who compromised our generals the USA. Who have bought out our media the USA. Who is paying for the NGO's to plant and create troubles in Pakistan the USA.
USA bought out Pakistan establishment by spending few $100 millions even properties of Nawaz worth then more then that so how bargain Pakistan sale has been and you will still be worried are you for real?
In my opinion if Imran succeeds in unseating these planted government Pakistan must pass a law no future Pakistan officers are trained and educated in the West particularly in the USA. Obviously, they are taking them to the USA for a reason and when they do come back to their native lands their loyalties are compromised. Elections via EVM machines and banning of our army personal training in the West is a must if our country needs to stop these crooked generals endangering our country integrity.
Biden have got selective dementia and he has blurred out these words for a reason and what will unveil in future only billo rani and traitor Bajwa and few other generals know.
haji sabh must be angry!
black vigo coming your way Mr Biden!
Haji baghlol decided to remain neutral, just as in the US sponsored regime change operation in Pakistan baghlol remained neutral.

Haji baghlol: we will not interfere in other countries affairs if they have decided to damage Pakistan. We will concentrate on our more important property development business.

Without the DHA there is no GHQ.
India has no conventional advantage over Pakistan non whatsoever and nor in none conventional. There is parity and if I have to give anyone the edge it is Pakistan currently as it stands.
Dude please... India has got a big conventional advantage over Pakistan. Why is so hard for people like you to admit that?
Dude please... India has got a big conventional advantage over Pakistan. Why is so hard for people like you to admit that?

Not really.. Weapon to weapon no not at all. I would give Pakistan a slight edge currently as it stands. Pakistan armement is great with Turkey, China pushing edge to Pakistan in the decent 5 years or so..

India has cannon fodder advantage but Pakistan has terrain advantage they will be slaughtered conventionally if they made a push conventionally into that unforgiving terrain. India can't beat Pakistan conventionally they couldn't do it in 3 attempts and won't be able to do it in the future neither
Bajwa will do everything to hand over Paks nukes. Bajwa wants to keep his uncle sam happy.
Not really.. Weapon to weapon no not at all. I would give Pakistan a slight edge currently as it stands. Pakistan armement is great with Turkey, China pushing edge to Pakistan in the decent 5 years or so..

India has cannon fodder advantage but Pakistan has terrain advantage they will be slaughtered conventionally if they made a push only conventionally. India can't beat Pakistan conventionally they couldn't do it in 3 attempts and won't be able to do it in the future neither.
Pakistan does not have conventional edge over India. If that is the case, there wont be any proxy war in Kashmir.
President Biden is from the cold war era. Americans with ideals that are shaped by this history are typically said to favor Pakistan. There is even a famously quoted exchange between Obama and Biden where Biden says that Pakistan is infinitely a more important ally than Afghanistan (during the WOT period). Given this history, the latest statements are surprising and uncharacteristic. :unsure:

On a related note, this is one more corollary evidence to say that the US does not play any partisan role in Pakistani domestic politics. :coffee:
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