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Biden claims China is jailing 'a billion Uighurs'

@Itachi please mind the language

Please warn this members also for name calling. I just respond to certain provocation.
Calling someone a troll isn't foul language.
It is definitely not encouraged.

responding to provocation will also result in being punished in the same manner.

According to forum rules, when someone provokes, either ignore or just call a mod. Do not reply. If you reply back, You will get same punishment as the one who initiated.

Two wrongs don't do a right. If someone says xyz and you reply as xyz. You both are guilty as there is no difference in your behaviours.

Calling someone a troll is not a personal attack.

But calling out someone's country of origin or adopted country is a personal attack.

Kindly know the meaning of personal attack before using that as an excuse to attack others. Personal attack includes things personal to you like your country of belonging or country of origin...

However discussing about any country is also not a personal attack

@waz @The Eagle can either of you educate this lot
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For American, even there is no fire, they can create fake smoke. Until now you still believe if there is real mistreatment of Uyghur by China? The title and mention by Biden already prove how absurd American accusation can be. Beware, they will next time accuse Pakistan abuse of Balochs after China fall due to many blind allies of China believe in hearsay. India is a bigger economy. I dont think it take a genius to know US will support India. Their propangada machine will goes in full swing to claim Pakistanis jailed a billion Baloch to deframe you.

Then other countries will come and say 'Where's there's smoke there's fire.' Which is exactly the verse you are using.

Your current leader Xi Jinping is a mao lover

Mao killed 50 people Chinese and the Chinese people still look up to him? How stupid

The communist closed minded leaders are not responsible for china’s rise the only person who credit goes to is Deng Xiaoping who was a forward looking visionary

He openly disagreed with maos backward policy’s

China is now going backwards in its social development look no further than HK

Full fault lies with the Chinese communist party and its backward leaders

I am always pro-China but I would gladly see HK return to UK, and Ughars should get a free independent country

If you want to ruin your country go ahead
Your current leader Xi Jinping is a mao lover

Mao killed 50 people Chinese and the Chinese people still look up to him? How stupid

The communist closed minded leaders are not responsible for china’s rise the only person who credit goes to is Deng Xiaoping who was a forward looking visionary

He openly disagreed with maos backward policy’s

China is now going backwards in its social development look no further than HK

Full fault lies with the Chinese communist party and its backward leaders

I am always pro-China but I would gladly see HK return to UK, and Ughars should get a free independent country

If you want to ruin your country go ahead

Everyone is trying to give us answer how China rise and teach us how to manage country.
I am always pro-China but I would gladly see HK return to UK, and Ughars should get a free independent country
It's like saying I m pro Pakistan but I want Kashmir to go to India and I want Gilgit-Baltistan to be an independent country... what kind of "pro" logic is that..
It's like saying I m pro Pakistan but I want Kashmir to go to India and I want Gilgit-Baltistan to be an independent country... what kind of "pro" logic is that..


I have never said that...you can even see spelling mistakes lol.


This is weird...why is my name showing up on what Aziz wrote? (2nd last line)

@Itachi please mind the language

This guys been trying to put me into a corner. He has derailed the thread by asking my opinions on Kashmir and other Muslims suffering around the world.

I repeatedly told him across this thread that I wholly support Muslims suffering across the world, whether Kashmiris, Rohingyas or Palestinians (and more).....but he ignores that and keeps jumping on made up conclusions about me (i.e I'm a paid actor and bla bla bla).

Afterall of this, I didn't even call him a troll. I said this in response to another person's post:

If it acts like a troll, behaves like a troll. It's a troll.

That's all.
View attachment 582701

I have never said that...you can even see spelling mistakes lol.

View attachment 582702

This is weird...why is my name showing up on what Aziz wrote? (2nd last line)

This guys been trying to put me into a corner. He has derailed the thread by asking my opinions on Kashmir and other Muslims suffering around the world.

I repeatedly told him across this thread that I wholly support Muslims suffering across the world, whether Kashmiris, Rohingyas or Palestinians (and more).....but he ignores that and keeps jumping on made up conclusions about me (i.e I'm a paid actor and bla bla bla).

Afterall of this, I didn't even call him a troll. I said this in response to another person's post:

That's all.
I definitely hurt your pride when quesitoning you about your claim that Singapore is a Muslim country. I have no interest in religions, stop trying to get me into religious argument.
I definitely hurt your pride when quesitoning you about your claim that Singapore is a Muslim country. I have no interest in religions, stop trying to get me into religious argument.

Your question is getting as old as time. You can stop asking it again and again for the last 100th time. :lol:

A slip of the tongue, that's all it was.
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