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Bhensa has been controlled.

who is he. what girls have to do with him.
Salman masood is jurno of the Nation paper also contribute in NYT .He use to Saroor ijaz ID a famous sarcastic ID on twitter .He used to taget ladies on account most of his fans were girls .You know girls like Rangbazi he caught by one girl when he invite her on whats app that was his hallmark pretty pistol .she posted all his communication with her on twitterr. salman never denie it.irony is unmistakble. But i beleive many girls know who is he but ppl shy sometimes .
I saw people over here fighting on secular and liberal.....Please guys...Do we have one single defined nation of liberal or secular? People arguing over whether Pakistan was destined to be secular state or not??

What the fuk is liberal or secular? What does it mean? Everyone defines in it own way...Doesn't it?
Yeh girls have tough time to accept this it was him .Hello pretty pistol was his hallmark .This guy was nothing more than a pervert a women predator actualy caught by woman .A desparate Saroor saroofied aka salman masood .

Loll.. It had nothing to do with me, being a girl... It was just odd hearing this, at first

Anyways.. I just googled...and read all tht.....

Loll.. It had nothing to do with me, being a girl... It was just odd hearing this, at first

Anyways.. I just googled...and read all tht.....

No i am not pointing you but look at his following most r girls .So u enjoyed reading it .?
I saw people over here fighting on secular and liberal.....Please guys...Do we have one single defined nation of liberal or secular? People arguing over whether Pakistan was destined to be secular state or not??

What the fuk is liberal or secular? What does it mean? Everyone defines in it own way...Doesn't it?
This part of his speech is very very important.
"You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed --that has nothing to do with the business of the State. " but we're going off topic here so i would say lets avoid it.
Question: "What is secularism?"

Essentially, secularism says that man does not need God. It can be defined as “a system of doctrines and practices that disregards or rejects any form of religious faith and worship. Its primary objective is the total elimination of all religious elements from society.” Secularism, also known as secular humanism, teaches that there are no objective or absolute truths defining right and wrong. In essence, to secularize something is to make it worldly and unspiritual. Its intent is to deprive something of its religious character, its spiritual influence and significance.

Secularism permeates all facets of our society: education, government, the criminal justice system, the news media, the entertainment industry, etc. Secularists believe that man is the measure of all things, that morals are man-centered, not God-centered. Therefore, no one is entitled to determine right from wrong, and morality is best determined by what is good for today’s culture. Secularists do not believe that mankind can have a set of permanent values such as are taught in the Bible. Secularism pays lip service to tolerance and diversity, yet many times secularists are intolerant of those who look to the Bible as God’s standard for morality.

When the things of God are removed from schools, courtrooms, and congressional hallways, it naturally leads to a deterioration of personal morality. The acceptance of situational ethics does away with moral absolutes and dictates that there are no limits, no values, no real standards.

The more our nation embraces secularism, the more it becomes like ancient Israel, where “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6; 21:25). When the mindset is “if it feels good, do it!” wickedness, perversion, and sin become the norm. In a completely secularized society, marriage is disparaged, morality is mocked, and human life is devalued.

The truth is that, left to his own devices, man always descends to a lower level. Following the Bible’s precepts lifts us to a higher moral plane (Deuteronomy 4:7-8; 10:12-13; Proverbs 14:34). However, man has hardened his heart against God (John 12:40; Romans 1:18-22). We have sown to the wind and are in danger of reaping the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7).

Even the church is being impacted by secularism. Many churches are dealing less and less with the moral conduct of its membership for fear of offending them. After all, accommodating a wayward member is much easier than correcting him. However, the church cannot allow itself to become secularized. Jesus taught that, though we are in the world, we’re not of the world (Romans 2:2; James 4:4; 1 John 2:15).

Secularism promotes the idea that religion is nothing but a relic of the past. But the truth is, God exists, and we do need Him. Despite the claims of secular humanism, the Bible is God’s truth (John 17:17). As believers living in a secular society, we must “become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15, NKJV).

Recommended Resource: Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by William Lane Craig & J.P. Moreland
Please all of you just watch this Program . .............. a must watch ................

@Horus , @Spring Onion , @WAJsal , @The Sandman , @The SC , @django , @Zibago , @Farah Sohail , @PAKISTANFOREVER , @PaklovesTurkiye , @F.O.X , @Mrc , @Patriots , @EAK , @Khafee , @Moonlight

In UK 12 YEARS boy got jail for just saying love u Hitler!!!!!!!!!!! where are these human rights mafia.... this in program at 33:00.

@Patriots , Just look at these faces in red ........ LOL are they even know wtf is FB , look like , in NGOs ki barri ainak walli aunties kay gharoon main kam kernay walli oor walay!!!

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See this pig Shafi Burfat .......


Another Taarik Fatah in making .......

Lanati Shafi Burfat

This is the true purpose behind disappearance... make opportunity for these b@stards to rant against state...

I m sure either these people are just hiding or have been taken by own handlers

Denying holocaust is jailable offence in Uk and US...here people can curse our prophet and describe it on liberalism....

Please all of you just watch this Program . .............. a must watch ................

@Horus , @Spring Onion , @WAJsal , @The Sandman , @The SC , @django , @Zibago , @Farah Sohail , @PAKISTANFOREVER , @PaklovesTurkiye , @F.O.X , @Mrc , @Patriots , @EAK , @Khafee , @Moonlight

In UK 12 YEARS boy got jail for just saying love u Hitler!!!!!!!!!!! where are these human rights mafia.... this in program at 33:00.

@Patriots , Just look at these faces in red ........ LOL are they even know wtf is FB , look like , in NGOs ki barri ainak walli aunties kay gharoon main kam kernay walli oor walay!!!
View attachment 368453

Your observation is right ... These ladies are looking like maids of so-called liberal aunties .........
See this pig Shafi Burfat .......


یہ عورتیں اپنے گھر کی ماسیوں کو بھی احتجاج میں ساتھ لے آئی ہیں... نمبر پورے کرنے کے لئے

کسی گٹر سے لال بیگ بھی اتنے نہیں نکلتے جتنے آج کل یہ غدّار انٹرنیٹ سے نکلنا شروع ہوگئے ہیں

ایک اچھے سپرے کی شدید ضرورت ہے

یہ عورتیں اپنے گھر کی ماسیوں کو بھی احتجاج میں ساتھ لے آئی ہیں... نمبر پورے کرنے کے لئے

کسی گٹر سے لال بیگ بھی اتنے نہیں نکلتے جتنے آج کل یہ غدّار انٹرنیٹ سے نکلنا شروع ہوگئے ہیں

ایک اچھے سپرے کی شدید ضرورت ہے

اور ایک خاتون پردے میں بھی ہیں
اور ایک خاتون پردے میں بھی ہیں

بڑی گہری نگاہ رکھتے ہیں یار آپ تو

ماسیوں کو ہٹا دیا جائے تو کل ملا کے تین لیڈیز کا احتجاج ہے یہ
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