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Bharti Baboons Making Racket Over White Flag !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
It is not uncommon for opposing armies around the world to raise the white flag on certain occasions. Both Indian and Pakistani armies do it when entering into the others territory without hostile intent, but bewildered Bhartis who need some solace after recent debacles,have to create a story of such incidents just to feel and look good. and the Indian media plays it's role to play with fragile Indian minds.
Take this incident from last month for example and judge for yourselves the facts and the fiction created by the Bollywood Nation.


The Truth:
No such truce was declared by the Pakistani Army and the photo is from last month when Indian soldiers handed over the coffin of a seven-year-old boy who was swept away in a river from Azad Kashmir.

The minor was fished out of Kishanganga river and handed over to the Pakistani army.

Abid, a resident of Minimarg Astore area of Gilgit-Baltistan region, was on his way to school when he was swept away by the tide. The river carried his body to Achoora Sindiyal region of J&K's Gurez Valley, where some locals fished it out.

The child was identified with the help of a video released by his distraught family on social media . The Indian Army decided to hand over the body in a casket to the Pakistani army.
It is not uncommon for opposing armies around the world to raise the white flag on certain occasions. Both Indian and Pakistani armies do it when entering into the others territory without hostile intent, but bewildered Bhartis who need some solace after recent debacles,have to create a story of such incidents just to feel and look good. and the Indian media plays it's role to play with fragile Indian minds.
Take this incident from last month for example and judge for yourselves the facts and the fiction created by the Bollywood Nation.


The Truth:
No such truce was declared by the Pakistani Army and the photo is from last month when Indian soldiers handed over the coffin of a seven-year-old boy who was swept away in a river from Azad Kashmir.

The minor was fished out of Kishanganga river and handed over to the Pakistani army.

Abid, a resident of Minimarg Astore area of Gilgit-Baltistan region, was on his way to school when he was swept away by the tide. The river carried his body to Achoora Sindiyal region of J&K's Gurez Valley, where some locals fished it out.

The child was identified with the help of a video released by his distraught family on social media . The Indian Army decided to hand over the body in a casket to the Pakistani army.

Please don't go by the chest thumping of A TWITTERER...
ENTIRE INDIA know the exact reason... we even know that a swift action was taken by both the parties to expedite the handover...

Indian media and social media in full swing in this.

I'm literally shocked to know this... it is a general practice... during conflicts...

Press and people are really in a HYSTERIA... on both sides of the border...
Indian media and social media in full swing in this.

Yea, you will never find the Indians showing their mighty army also holding the White Flag.

Indian media and their supporters are gone low in morality and making cases out of nothing merely to boost demoralized souls. Had it been the case of pride or chest thumping to show videos as such which is in-fact normal practice; we have a lot of footage for the other side as well. Nonetheless, sanity & intellect has nothing to do with Indian Warmongering Machines rather, want to celebrate something as such so they can get rid of the beating of 27th Feb and find something to feed insecurity as well as superiority complex.
Exactly right. Some clown candian Indian on another thread seems to think retrieving bodies is an act of white flag surrender. Why do bhaktistanis jump up and down with these pseudovictories?

Same category as "locking on to an f16 while being hit by an AMRAAM" or "crash landing on the moon".

People get killed in war. Decent armies will allow bodies to be recovered or repatriated, like PA did with a certain crashed su30 pilot.
While their Army and media do not miss any chance even such minor ones to demean our country, We somehow take pride in not revealing such footages where we caused real damage to the enemy, which in my opinion is not always wise considering we have such a moral less and cunning enemy..
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I thought the same thing. Since when is this a new practice. Soldiers die on both sides, and for flag meetings and body recovery, white flags are used.
Please don't go by the chest thumping of A TWITTERER...
ENTIRE INDIA know the exact reason... we even know that a swift action was taken by both the parties to expedite the handover...

I'm literally shocked to know this... it is a general practice... during conflicts...

Press and people are really in a HYSTERIA... on both sides of the border...
You just contradicted yourself like your ENTIRE INDIAN
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