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Bhagavad Gita faces 'extremist' branding, ban in Russia

On January 14, 2006, Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone handed over letters expressing concern about the harassment of Russian Hindus by the Moscow Government and the Russian Orthodox Church to the visiting Mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov in London, even as British Parliamentarians led by Ashok Kumar MP, Lord Dholakia and Baroness Flather got ready to host the launch of the Defend Russian Hindus campaign at the House of Commons on 18 January of the same year.

British Parliamentarians and members of the Hindu, Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities will adopt a resolution at the Defend Russian Hindus launch at the House of Commons, urging the Moscow Government to stop harassment of minority religions in Russia. Parliamentarians from all three parties will later hand a copy of this resolution to the Russian Ambassador in London.[4]

Shame you tell the half truth :lol:

---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

You fool its not their rules where does it say on Russian law that other religions are not permitted? where does it say in the UN?

This is just some satanic people in the Russian church because they are scared of the growth of ISKCON

The Orthodox Church has powerful Influence in Russia, Russia been known as for breaking human rights so if they ban this what will you do ? Noting. The Church is VERY Powerful.

Stop responding to post by Chinese who are hiding behind the veils..
I have not read Bhagvad gita or any religious texts but the fact is that discrimination based on caste still exists in rural areas of India. Brahmins still percieve themselves to be superior to dalits or lower caste people.

I myself belong to a low caste family but never experienced any kind of discrimination because I've always lived in big cities. But my dad belongs to a village and has experienced such discrimination first hand.
it is just the case of misunderstanding.

Gita neither teaches hatred nor love. it just tells you to do your duty.

One classic example of misunderstanding occurred during British Raj.

British came to know that all 'Krantikaris' read/hear Gita lectures so they issued 'arrest warrant' against gita. :rofl:
Humans invented religion for satanic purposes in the first place

That may be true for all "religions". But Hindusim is not a "religion", but a way of life. There is no religion in this world by the name of "Hindusim", I challenge you to prove to me that there is such a religion.

As per your imbibed Indic value system, if you feel compassionate toward the weak and the suffering, then you belong to this Indic way of life. If you believe that every living creature has an equal right to live, then you belong to this Indic way of life. If you believe that killing helpless animals is cruel then you are an adherent to this way of life. And so on..

You may be agnostic, but nevertheless an Indic dharmic (call it hindu or whatever). This Sanatan (eternal) way of life does not bind you to be "religious" to call yourself an adherant to this way of life. You can be an Indic dharmic and agonostic at the same time.
This is the only thing religion is good at ........CREATING FIGHTS........ Look it started one over here as well.....RELIGION SHOULD BE BANNED from this world. If you have a conscience, u do not need religion

Humans invented religion for satanic purposes in the first place

Dude, :cheers:
Nice to see sombody upholding values of "Carvaka philosophical school of thought" of HINDUISM, at least on one front. :lol:


The Cārvāka school of philosophy had a variety of atheistic, materialistic, and naturalistic beliefs.
The proper aim of a Charvakan or Charvaka, was to live a prosperous, happy, and productive life in this world. :smokin:

Religion is invented by man : The Carvaka believed that religion was invented and made up by men, having no divine authority.

No life after death : The Carvaka believed there was no afterlife, no life after death.

Sensual indulgence : Unlike many of the Indian philosophies of the time, the Carvaka believed there was nothing wrong with sensual indulgence, and that it was the only enjoyment to be pursued.

Naturalism : The Carvaka believed in a form of naturalism, that is that all things happen by nature, and come from nature (not from any deity or Supreme Being).
Can you tell me authenticity of these things ?

Apastambha Dharma Sutra III, 10-26, says:

The tongue of a Shudra, who spoke evil about a BRAHMIN should be cut off A Shudra who dared to assume a position of equality with the first three castes was to be flogged. If a Shudra overheard a recitation of the Vedas, molten tin was to be poured into his ears; if he repeated the Vedas his tongue should be cut and if he remembered Vedic hymns, his body was to be torn into pieces.

MANU, 167-272 says:

If a Shudra arrogantly teaches Brahmins Dharma, the king shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and ears.
Here is the aphorism of the Brahma-Sutras:

Shravana, adhyana, arthapratishedhat smriteh ca (Brahma-Sutras


The smrithi orders that shudras must be prohibited from hearing, studying and understanding the Vedas.

Is this any script for a english horror movie??
I have read the Gita as part of my "india" orientation - process. What it says about the Shudra's was eye opening.

O great hero! The duties of Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and also of Shudras have been divided according to the qualities born of their own nature

In india - I met some Hindu people - who believed sincerely that Shudra's are responsible for their condition - because they were bad people in their previous incarnation.
I went to Pakistan,as a part of my "Pakistan" orientation.

And whatever you said,i ll sum up in simple words:
I don't wanna go there back again!:fie:
Religion is a delusion of man.... No god exists,it's just his delusion...

Hinduism is not at all a religion.....it's just a way of lifeNo one invented Hinduism...
Let's bring in the simple fact

Founder of christianity--Jesus
Buddhism----- Gautama Buddha
Who invented Hinduism??(to be correct it's sanatana Dharma)????
BTW,if u ask my opinion about religion...i have only one answer for it:-

NUKE all religions from this world.....

The true god is who gives u life..i.e food,air by trees,earth and fire and sky...these are the true gods protect them and don't pollute it....
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