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Bhagat Singh Terrorist or freedom fighter????

:) So all those fighting against US, occupation and Indian occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kashmir are also in this catogry .

BTW how much the Indian member here know about Bhagat Singh ???
No. These are the points -

1. Everything is relative. Our nations are adversaries. What is freedom fighter to you, is a terrorist to us. Similarly Bugti should be a freedom fighter to us(though unfortunately he was not acc to the Indian Govt)

2. You are confusing Faith based movements with Land based movements. Bhagat did not wish to create a Hindu or a Sikh Riyasat. He wanted to free the land from the British. This is very far from the call of the Islamists in Kashmir.

3. 'We are Indians, and so inherently cunning and love to conspire, so our world view is skewed.'
Go to ANY mosque in Pakistan and watch your fellow Muslim.. or rather go to any street .. any Mullah.. there is NOTHING even close to being clean or even an iota of hygiene about them.. let alone "Taharat".
Neither physical cleanliness nor mental.
what a sentence! wah!
where did you come up with this?
sikhs are known for not shaving and washing their hair.
muslims on the other hand have to be clean according to our religion.

So you mean to say that Jinnah was sympathizing with the terrorists ???
Young men who are victim of tyrannical system , when resort to violence (under patriotic impulses) as Jinnah said , are not terrorists my friend !!!

are BLA terrorists?
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I hope people who find it convenient to tag Bhagat Singh as a terrorist will be honest enough to apply the same logical aptitude to define Tibetans and the Srilankan Tamils as well.(Keeping Baluchistan and Kashmir issue aside).
if kashmirs are fighting for freedom are terrorist then so does this guy, gandhi and nehru are all terroroist ... all of tehm were hated by opressers but loved by local people ...
A terrorist is one who systematically targets civilians in pursuite of his political goals.

Did Bhagat Singh do that? No. He was certainly a militant, and a hero to Indians. Most of the islamic invaders who pakistanis consider heroes were certainly terrorists as per the above definition. So expecting common pakistanis to honor Bhagat Singh is expecting a bit too much from them, their moral compass is religiously skewed, forever.
hahahahahahahahahahahah you forgot to add Maoists to the list of freedom fighters.

But bhagtoo was not successful means he remained a terrorist like Kashmiris to Indians??

Maoists don't want freedom from India, they want to make India a Maoist Communist country. Hence, they are not freedom fighters to start with. And since they indiscriminately kill innocent people, they are terrorists.

Kashmiri separatists are not fighting for Kashmiri people, they are fighting for Islam, they became terrorists when they went against the Kashmiri Pandits and Kashmiri Shikhs and drove them out of their ancestral land.

They became terrorists when they started killing innocent people including children and women indiscriminately.

And outsiders from across the border have nothing to do with Kashmir, hence, they are terrorists for their action.

India is not a colonial occupier like British, India has full right over its land after the king of Kashmir signed the documents to join India, hence, what some Kashmiris from the valley are doing is terrorism.
if kashmirs are fighting for freedom are terrorist then so does this guy, gandhi and nehru are all terroroist ... all of tehm were hated by opressers but loved by local people ...
and same goes for balochis right

what The Indian Memebers have to say about him???
he was a freedom fighter
why ask Indians..............ask Pakistanis and Bangladeshis as well
he fought for undivided India that included India,Pak,BD
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I hope people who find it convenient to tag Bhagat Singh as a terrorist will be honest enough to apply the same logical aptitude to define Tibetans and the Srilankan Tamils as well.(Keeping Baluchistan and Kashmir issue aside).

:)))))))))))))) and those who find it convenient to tag Bhagat Singh as freedom fighter will be honest enough to apply the same logical aptitude to define Kashmiris as freedom fighters.

This is what is the fuss all about it.
you cant separate any of these areas.

BD was part of Pakistan Kashmir was never indian as per international law. it remains an occupied land
and same goes for balochis right
why do u only use to conter arguement ?? why dont u pass a resolution in ur NA or sanate??? India state knows its not a disputed region ..that is why they never mention it in on any forums .. but few naive indians use it to justify the aggression
:)))))))))))))) and those who find it convenient to tag Bhagat Singh as freedom fighter will be honest enough to apply the same logical aptitude to define Kashmiris as freedom fighters.

This is what is the fuss all about it.
you cant separate any of these areas.

BD was part of Pakistan Kashmir was never indian as per international law. it remains an occupied land

:lol: What a stupid logic

Bhagat singh never killed Indians but your so called freedom fighters aka Kashmiri terrorists killed many people in Kashmir.

And what about Kashmiri pandits who was threatened and forced to leave their land by these terrorists???
:lol: What a stupid logic

Bhagat singh never killed Indians but your so called freedom fighters aka Kashmiri terrorists killed many people in Kashmir.

And what about Kashmiri pandits who was threatened and forced to leave their land by these terrorists???

many people aka Indians the occupiers. as far as kashmiri pundits are concerned you need to look deeep down your indian agencies have plotted to thicken own illegal occupation there.
:)))))))))))))) and those who find it convenient to tag Bhagat Singh as freedom fighter will be honest enough to apply the same logical aptitude to define Kashmiris as freedom fighters.

It depends on which side you are in..... Even in Bhagat Singh's case, if you ask the East india company they might have said that he is a terrorist......
Maoists don't want freedom from India, they want to make India a Maoist Communist country.1. Hence, they are not freedom fighters to start with. And since they indiscriminately kill innocent people, they are terrorists.

Kashmiri separatists are not fighting for Kashmiri people, they are fighting for Islam, 2. they became terrorists when they went against the Kashmiri Pandits and Kashmiri Shikhs and drove them out of their ancestral land.

3. They became terrorists when they started killing innocent people including children and women indiscriminately.

And outsiders from across the border have nothing to do with Kashmir, hence, they are terrorists for their action.

4. India is not a colonial occupier like British, India has full right over its land after the king of Kashmir signed the documents to join India, hence, what some Kashmiris from the valley are doing is terrorism.
1. whats the difference .. ur force always do that in kashmir ..how r u better then them???

2. well hindu army invaded them and raped and killed them ..they took the anger out on kashmir pundits ... thats natural .. before ur occupation .. they were peaceful

3. do i have to show u how much children ur army have killed ..so how r u different from terrorist???

4. then how can u claim Hyderabad .. u invaded the princely state .. isnt it hypocrisy
why do u only use to conter arguement ?? why dont u pass a resolution in ur NA or sanate??? India state knows its not a disputed region ..that is why they never mention it in on any forums .. but few naive indians use it to justify the aggression
i think India has always maintained a clear stance that it is an integral part of India and i guess,this is what that matters.........
passing a resolution?????
seriously,if we pass a resolution,will you give up your claim ????
you do know the ground realities

the ones fighting for kashmir arent freedom fighters bcoz they arent fighting against any oppressor
we arent trying to oppress them.........
the budget,the infrastructure and developments in kashmir tells otherwise.........

just bcoz a group of brainwashed people are asking for a separate country that doesnt make them freedom fighters

you are comparing bhagat singh who fought against britishers for whom India was a colony with a group of retards who kills innocents for the so called freedom movement
just bcoz a group of brainwashed people are asking for a separate country that doesnt make them freedom fighters

The most funny part is People on other side of the boarder believes that Kashmiri's want to join Pakistan......(yes there will be few who want).....
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