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Bhagat Singh Terrorist or freedom fighter????

Relax yara , I believe that all deoband Mullahs are either hypocrites , or terrorists , and Bhagat Singh was a patriot . For you Bhagat was a terrorist and Mullahs may be patriots . And I have no problem with your personal views , apko bhi nahi honi chahiyay bhai :)

Useless slander against me, you will not find one post of mine where I consider Mullahs patriots. Spare me your nonsense, anyone who has ever seen me mention deobandis know what I think of them.
In Gujranwala/Gujrat region calling someone "sikh" is an extreme form of abusive word, and here they are making a "sikh" as "our" hero, my foot

''Let us declare that the state of war does exist and shall exist so long as the Indian toiling masses and the natural resources are being exploited by a handful of parasites. They may be purely British Capitalist or mixed British and Indian or even purely Indian. They may be carrying on their insidious exploitation through mixed or even on purely Indian bureaucratic apparatus. All these things make no difference. ".....The war neither began with us nor is it going to end with our lives.''

23 March 1931
Comrade bhagat singh

one of the pioneers of freedom fighters & a proud son of both India & Pakistan
Shaheed Bhagat singh

bhagat singh chawk Lahore, Pakistan, people from Pakistan gather in shaheed bhagat singh chawk, Lahore, to pay respect to the freedom fighter in Lahore

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Don`t lie . You are not the only one from that area . If you are a bigot , it doesn`t mean that everyone else is bigoted too

I represent the average joe, I never rule out exceptions.

How so?

Why is it an abuse?

I really do not know but that is how it is on the ground, perhaps because sikhs were considered unhygenic people who never cut their pubic hair or have a haircut. And islam is all about keeping hygene or what we locally call "Taharat"
I really do not know but that is how it is on the ground, perhaps because sikhs were considered unhygenic people who never cut their pubic hair or have a haircut. And islam is all about keeping hygene or what we locally call "Taharat"
Go to ANY mosque in Pakistan and watch your fellow Muslim.. or rather go to any street .. any Mullah.. there is NOTHING even close to being clean or even an iota of hygiene about them.. let alone "Taharat".
Neither physical cleanliness nor mental.
@scorpionx @Spring Onion @KingMamba

Hey guys why don`t we look at it this way :

Gandhi and Nehru strongly condemned this act of Bhagat Singh as madness and lunacy , On the other hand Mr. Jinnah , while distancing himself from violent methods , defended "terrorist "Bhagat Singh and other revolutionaries in the legislative assembly and blamed the British rulers for driving the young patriots to adopt such means !!!

Nehru denounced the young men (Bhagat Singh and his comrades) as lunatics and their actions as the work of lunatics ! The young men in the court parenthetically retorted that they were not lunatics , but believed in using all weapons to wrest freedom from alien yoke (Though Nehru repented later and applauded their courage)
(See C.S.Ranga Iyer, India--peace or war , Bombay 1930 , p.230)

Gandhi wrote in Young India on 18 April 1929 that congressmen should not give even secret approval to the deed and condemned the action of Bhagat Singh as madness
(Young India , 31 january 1929)

When Bhagat Singh threw a bomb in the assembly , there was a terrible deafening explosion . All the members started fleeing in terror . Only 3 to 4 people seemed to keep their wits about them , One of them was Jinnah who remained in his seat
(Corrine Friend , Yashpal looks back , New Delhi 1981 , p.52)

Still Jinnah spoke in favour of these revolutionaries in the Assembly on 12 September 1929 :

I think I am speaking on behalf of a very large body of people , when I say that , if there is sympathy and admiration of the accused , it is only to this extent that they are victims to system of government .
.... The government goes to war against these young men . They seem to me in this frame of mind `we will pursue every possible course , every possible method , but will see that you are either sent to the gallows or transported for life and in the mean time we will not treat you as decent men `

It is the system , this damnable system of government ,which is resented by the people ... But remember there are thousands of people outside [legislature]. This is not the only country where these actions are resorted to . It has happened in other countries , not youth , but the grey bearded men have committed serious offenses moved by patriotic impulses

(Legislative Assembly Debates , 12 Sept 1929 , Vol. IV , p 752-753)

Jinnah further said :

Do you not realise yourself if you open your eyes , that there is resentment , universal resentment against your policy , against your programme .. Behave as a human and decent Government and that is enough for you .
(Legislative Assembly Debates , 12 Sept 1929 , Vol. IV , p 763-764)

Azlan we all know that :) out of all these mentioned above only Jinnah stands out prominently . Indians also know that.

The only argument is why someone is freedom fighter when he is fighting against foreign invasion/invaders and others who are doing the same are not freedom fighters.

The reality is that all are freedom fighters or all are terrorists . Bhagat singh is no exception not from Mars
The only argument is why someone is freedom fighter when he is fighting against foreign invasion/invaders and others who are doing the same are not freedom fighters.

The reality is that all are freedom fighters or all are terrorists . Bhagat singh is no exception not from Mars
A successful 'terrorism' is freedom-fight.

All Indian freedom fighters were terrorists to the British. All Mukti Bahinis were terrorists to the Pakistanis. All Kashmiris and Balochistanis are terrorists to their respective countrymen. So on and so forth.
Azlan we all know that :) out of all these mentioned above only Jinnah stands out prominently . Indians also know that.

The only argument is why someone is freedom fighter when he is fighting against foreign invasion/invaders and others who are doing the same are not freedom fighters.

The reality is that all are freedom fighters or all are terrorists . Bhagat singh is no exception not from Mars

Life is unfair, right?

Your question has been answered in previous pages, however, you are free to think anything about Bhagat Singh or anybody else.
A successful 'terrorism' is freedom-fight.

All Indian freedom fighters were terrorists to the British. All Mukti Bahinis were terrorists to the Pakistanis. All Kashmiris and Balochistanis are terrorists to their respective countrymen. So on and so forth.

hahahahahahahahahahahah you forgot to add Maoists to the list of freedom fighters.

But bhagtoo was not successful means he remained a terrorist like Kashmiris to Indians??
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