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Bhaag Milkha Bhaag banned in Pakistan

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its a good idea to watch movies based on director than actor, because movie is a director's medium, and most of the time you will see at least same quality of work.
That is if you like movies, not movie stars. :)
Now a days though with internet, many people including me check rating first.
its a good idea to watch movies based on director than actor, because movie is a director's medium, and most of the time you will see at least same quality of work.
That is if you like movies, not movie stars. :)
Now a days though with internet, many people including me check rating first.

I just watch movies if they are recommended by people I know wont recommend me junk!
Oh boy! No release of this Bollywood film in Pakistan! Lucky Pakistanis!
You know, I only knew Indians were THIS bad after I came to PDF...we have Indian family friends, we have Indians in our class at every level, and never ONCE have I had to face what I face by you internet warriors! seriously, get a life, Please!

About tolerance....we have tolerance otherwise Indians would have been banned from PDF mind you the P stands for PAKISTAN...Tell me how many Pakistanis do you see on the Indian defence thing in comparison to the number of Indians that are on THIS site

Oh don't worry we Pakistanis are not Indian girls who cry for Ali Zaffar and other Pakistani artists :D

Yes, I just read the Wiki provided by someone just now...So, now I know who he is....so? What changed?! Nothing!

Likewise you can not blame other Pakistani members who are here and hate India (@RazPaK @Armstrong ) and Indians esp Hindus...fair?

Count me out from your idotic quotes.For me any person who categorizes people according to their religion is the lowest scum present on earth.I was reflecting on society which you turned into a personal attack.Let me dissect your posts stupid as they are ;

1) you say that letting indians in pdf is your generousity....WRONG!!Pdf earns from indian visitors and also thrives in pakistan because of it.Without indian contribution pakistani's will themselves leave as there will be no one to confront which naturally is the main reason we come to this forum.So you are not doing us any favour, get that in your thick head.

2) Internet warrior huh...never have been callled that.I guess internet will be those guys (mostly pakistani's here but i may be wrong)
who talk of nuking india , capturing delhi etc.So please save me your lame crap.

3) Tolerance : Never teach an indian (we all are not hindus) about tolerance.This is the culture which assimilated with major ideas around the world.Different spiritual,political and even economical thoughts are present in india.I'll just end by giving you one proud example about how mature indian society is :

I have see many people sing yaa Ali , Khudha ke bandhe hai hum ,these people are both hindus and muslims .Actually more are hindus and they love these songs.Can you honestly tell me that a song called "Krisna is my god" will ever be sung by an average pakistani.No

Small though this example maybe , it says loads about india.
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