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BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

Burmese soldiers killed:


Bangladesh Defence's Photos - Bangladesh Defence | Facebook
That's fake photo from northern army..... They died within KIA fights 3month ago..
1. You know you are right about our kinship with Rohingyas. Southern and Eastern BD is in fact Northern Arakan annexed by Mughal Gov Shayesta Khan.Burmese invaders need to go back to their country, Burma.Then N Arakan will rejoin with Arakan forming a part of Greater BD.

2.Fyi, the Buddhist Rakhines hate the Burmese more than the Rohingya Muslims. The Rakhines know there will be no peace in their land till the Mahamuni statue of Buddha is retrieved from the Burmese looters.
What... What did u say..? Arakan state is ours now... Why should we go back..? So shame on you.. Forming a part greater BD..?? U want that..?? Ok.. Plz invade mm first.. Then try to kill all people in MM.. If not.. Even u miss 1.. Ur dream will never become... So forget ur dream.... :D
You are wrong about the intention of your govt. One example. Burma is selling gas to China, but it does not sell to BD although Arakan coast is near to pour land. Burma wants to sell gas to Inda by using our land, but it does not want the same gas to be sold to BD.

Forget about your misconception about Rohingyas. They have been living in an independent Arakan since 1413. Arakan became a part of Burma only in the early 19th century when the British Bengal govt decided to join Arakan with the British Burma for easy administration as Kolkata was too far from Arakan.

While Burma is now occupying Arakan, it says the native Muslims are foreigners in Arakan. Muslims are living there for 6 centuries, whereas Burma established itself in Arakan only 2 centuries before. Instead of believing in your propaganda, start learning the truth about the Arakanese Muslims.
What..? From which source..? Before u said don't believe propaganda.. U first need to see from both sides... Don't talk the news from Rohingya news., vision blah blah...... There's no Rohingya in MM.. It doesn't mean there's no Muslim in that state... One group of arkran who believe in Islam called Kaman lived in arkran.. The Kaman people themselves never ever accepted the bangali who called Rohingya.. Ok..?
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1.BGP troopers are Lunting personnel. The officers are retired army officers.However, at this instant Burma has deployed infantry battalions wearing BGP uniform.

2.Burma has a ragtag army without any logistics support chain.Infantry battalions normally have an authorized strength of about 500 personnel. But on ground this is often 200 men - many child soldiers. Poorly equipped. Till recently the only infantry mortars were 600 MM Chinese. Now they have acquired 81 MMs, but only six in a battalion manned by a section of 11 men only.

3. If war is forced on BD just now, Burma will be routed in no time.
Ok.. Dont't say if... Now u can try in reality.. :D
@Bandula asad71 is a respected retired Armed forces senior officer. Hope you understand that his stand on this issue is different from my and idune's opinion. There are many others here, each have their own unique views. Normally we do not see too many Myanmar posters here, so whenever someone shows up, looks like they try to blow steam with them (venting frustration about Rohingya situation). Please take it in strides and please do not take it too seriously.

What I mentioned to you is what matters, where the interest of both people of Myanmar and Bangladesh intersect, and then we can build from that beginning.

Thanks. I know he has been saying his opinion and explaining his point of views. I don't have a problem with that.
But some other guys are so racist to me. They can love their country. They can say Our Bangladesh is the greatest. It is not problem. No one is trying to stop them to love or to be proud for their country. We can respect that. But they must know as well that everyone loves his/her country. What is wrong with them is that they don't give any respect to others citizen's point of views. They never wanted to learn from others. All they want is to have a big debate and they just want to win on it so badly. Sorry for them. I didn't come here to have debate. I came here to learn how Bangladeshi view on the matters. They are very childish and they are also racist to me but they will never understand how it is like. By keep doing this is will never make their great Bangladesh to be proud on them. But not you. You are a very respectful Bangladeshi. I respect that.
Thank you.
Thanks. I know he has been saying his opinion and explaining his point of views. I don't have a problem with that.
But some other guys are so racist to me. They can love their country. They can say Our Bangladesh is the greatest. It is not problem. No one is trying to stop them to love or to be proud for their country. We can respect that. But they must know as well that everyone loves his/her country. What is wrong with them is that they don't give any respect to others citizen's point of views. They never wanted to learn from others. All they want is to have a big debate and they just want to win on it so badly. Sorry for them. I didn't come here to have debate. I came here to learn how Bangladeshi view on the matters. They are very childish and they are also racist to me but they will never understand how it is like. By keep doing this is will never make their great Bangladesh to be proud on them. But not you. You are a very respectful Bangladeshi. I respect that.
Thank you.

Thank you for the kind words. And I agree with what you said about Bangladeshi's here, good observation.
@Bandula : hi and welcome to the forum.

Now I am personally angry at your treatment of Rohingya but leaving that to one side..

Would Myanmar be interested in giving BD road and rail link to connect with China?
@Mockingjay asad71 has some personal issues about Myanmar and Rohingya. BDforever is pro-India Awami League supporter, so he is looking after India's interest rather than that of Bangladesh. @idune is one of the few who has a grasp of our national interest. There are also a whole bunch of clueless folks here who are emotional and don't know what they are talking about.

India is our eternal enemy, so by necessity we cannot screw up with our only escape route Myanmar, which gives us access to South East Asia and China, just think about this and the fact that India wants to close this escape route for us and box us in from all sides, that will give you an idea what we are dealing with here.
You just never try to understand others. Let it be. You will never try to understand and you just want to live on your thought. May be always swimming in mostly lies and rumors. So I don't give you any damn from now on.

Just wanted to ask you one thing and answer me straight. Some one is trying to kill you now and you have only two options.
(1) killer will use his gun to kill you.
(2) killer will use his knife to behead you.
Alright. Which one you would beg him to kill you.
Please choose one of these two question. Straight and simple.
If It were me, I would beg the killer to use his gun when you choose option 2 to give him some honor.
Hey bro @kalu_miah and Bandula, we have wasted our time more than enough here. I.understand for kalu, you want to have a good gov for your country. I respect that you never insult to others. Bandula, we better to leave here. Some are just one sided. We r only two. Some will just kept on crying. But it does not mean, we need to explain everything, they will never know. but at least, they know this news is fake but some just doest want to sccept the truth. They just want to believe the fakes and lies which give them pleasure. I am done here.
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Fake out! As the saying goes, satan can always fool some, also it can fool a portion for sometimes but it can't never fool a few. Perhaps S M Ahmed is one of those few along with Idune, MBI of this forum, thanks...

BURMA TIMES কি বাংলাদেশ থেকে নিয়ন্ত্রিত? কোন লক্ষ্যে ও কার স্বার্থে এই প্রচারনা?
Published On Tuesday, June 03, 2014 By Sheikh Mohiuddin Ahmed. Under: প্রচ্ছদ, বাংলাদেশের সংবাদ, সর্বশেষ সংবাদ.

শেখনিউজ রিপোর্টঃ হঠাৎ করেই বাংলাদেশীদের মাঝে আলোড়ন ফেলে দিয়েছে একটি অনলাইন নিউজ পোর্টাল, নামটি BURMA TIMES. নিউজ পোর্টালটি কিছু আজগুবি এবং প্রোপ্যাগান্ডা মুলক সংবাদ প্রচার করতে থাকে। এর মধ্যে বার্মিজ সেনাবাহিনী বাংলাদেশের পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম দখল করবে, বারমা ৩টি যুদ্ধ জাহাজ মোতায়েন করেছে এবং বাংলাদেশের বিজিবি বার্মার সেনাবাহিনীর ২ জন অফিসার ও ২ জন সেনাকে মর্টার শেল মেরে হত্যা করতে সক্ষম হয়েছে।

শেখনিউজের পক্ষ থেকে সামরিক ও তথ্য সংশ্লিষ্ট দুটো বিষয়ে বিশেষজ্ঞদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করে এবং তথ্যানুসন্ধান করে কিছু চমকপ্রদ তথ্য সংগ্রহ করতে সক্ষম হয়েছে। মূলত বার্মা টাইমস পোর্টালটির এডমিন অর্গানাইজেশন হল ‘banglatimes.com.bd’ নামের একটি নিউজ পোর্টাল। আর যিনি এডমিন হিসেবে নিবন্ধিত হয়েছেন তার নাম হল মোহাম্মেদ ইব্রাহিম। ডোমেইন রেজিস্ট্রেশন হয় এই নামেই এবং সেখানে রেজিস্টার ও টেক (প্রযুক্তি) পারসন হিসেবে এই ইব্রাহিমের নামই রয়েছে। আর টেকনোলজি সাপোর্ট দেয়ার জন্য নিবন্ধিত নামটি হল banglatimes.com.bd।

তবে এই পোর্টালটি জার্মানির সার্ভার ব্যবহার করার কারনে অনেকের দৃষ্টিই ভিন্ন দিকে থাকছে। এখন প্রশ্ন এই কাজটি করা হচ্ছে কার স্বার্থে এবং কারা এর আড়ালের নিয়ন্ত্রক? ভুলে ভরা ইংরেজিতে এই পোর্টালটি চালানো হলেও অনেকের কাছে এটাও তুলে ধরা সম্ভব যে এটি কোন রোহিঙ্গা সংগঠন চালাতে পারে। কিন্তু শেখনিউজ ভিন্ন কিছু তথ্য পেয়েছে। তার অন্যতম হল এটি সরকারের একটি স্পর্শকাতর বিভাগ পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা করছে। তবে এর পেছনে যে আরও অনেক রাজনীতি রয়েছে এবং সেই রাজনীতি বোঝার জন্য পাঠকদের আরও কিছুকাল অপেক্ষা করতে হবে। সেই সময়ে পোর্টালটি বন্ধ হয়ে গেলেও রাজনীতির সেই খেলা বন্ধ হবার নয়। এটি কামানের গলার মত, একবার ট্রিগার টিপে দিলে ফিরিয়ে আনার পথ নেই।

www.sheikhnews.com - BURMA TIMES কি বাংলাদেশ থেকে নিয়ন্ত্রিত? কোন লক্ষ্যে ও কার স্বার্থে এই প্রচারনা?
@Bandula : hi and welcome to the forum.

Now I am personally angry at your treatment of Rohingya but leaving that to one side..

Would Myanmar be interested in giving BD road and rail link to connect with China?

I am sorry that you got angry on my view. I didn't mean all of Rohingya people. Some did really bad things. They are so cruel. It cause trouble on the rest. Most of them are innocent but not all. Cruel Rohingyas are causing bad images and it become as a whole. Sorry for that view again. It is not my point of view. I just carry this view from Rakhine ethnic group.

Now Myanmar has been building rail road that will link Sittwe ( Rakhine state ) to China. It is not too far from Maungdaw. I believe Myanmar government would be interested to give Bangladesh to have a link from one of its city near border to Sittwe. (only if that link does not go through neither Buthidaung nor Maungdaw). I hate to say that again which is "it is because of Rohingya matter". Before identifying these people between who are Myanmar citizen should be and who are not, I believe Myanmar government will not be willing to give a direct link to Sittwe.

Another one matter to be careful about is Bangladesh media. Most of the time, they are the one who causing troubles between two governments. They always make Myanmar government get angry. I agree on the point of freedom of press but sometime their news relied on people's words which is mostly rumors which are half right and half wrong. If the news were right, I know my government and my people, they would not get mad. They would just keep quiet by themselves with shame. I agree Bangladesh media are way better than Myanmar media and they are standing in opposite. While Myanmar media are keeping quiet on a matter, Bangladesh media already put rumors on air to the world. This cause Myanmar government gets so mad but mad at Bangladesh government. I know it is not fair but it always happens.

But I can guarantee that after solving Roghigya's matter, Bangladesh and Myanmar would become friendly neighbors. Because Myanmar has never intention to invade Bangladesh and Bangladesh also want to have good relationship with Myanmar. So, It surely will happen one day.
Fake out! As the saying goes, satan can always fool some, also it can fool a portion for sometimes but it can't never fool a few. Perhaps S M Ahmed is one of those few along with Idune, MBI of this forum, thanks...

BURMA TIMES কি বাংলাদেশ থেকে নিয়ন্ত্রিত? কোন লক্ষ্যে ও কার স্বার্থে এই প্রচারনা?
Published On Tuesday, June 03, 2014 By Sheikh Mohiuddin Ahmed.

Thank you and special thank to Sheikh Mohiuddin Ahmed. He is my hero.
We Indians are a strange lot. We fought a skirmish against ourself through our proxies bangladesh and Burma.
Burma is certainly your proxy when it has trouble with BD as well as China. But, as usual, you have again dumped Burma when four of its troops were killed by our BGB in revenge for one of its troops was shot at and killed without a provocation. Seems BGP is the true disciple of Indian Army.
I am sorry that you got angry on my view. I didn't mean all of Rohingya people. Some did really bad things. They are so cruel. It cause trouble on the rest. Most of them are innocent but not all. Cruel Rohingyas are causing bad images and it become as a whole. Sorry for that view again. It is not my point of view. I just carry this view from Rakhine ethnic group.

Now Myanmar has been building rail road that will link Sittwe ( Rakhine state ) to China. It is not too far from Maungdaw. I believe Myanmar government would be interested to give Bangladesh to have a link from one of its city near border to Sittwe. (only if that link does not go through neither Buthidaung nor Maungdaw). I hate to say that again which is "it is because of Rohingya matter". Before identifying these people between who are Myanmar citizen should be and who are not, I believe Myanmar government will not be willing to give a direct link to Sittwe.

Another one matter to be careful about is Bangladesh media. Most of the time, they are the one who causing troubles between two governments. They always make Myanmar government get angry. I agree on the point of freedom of press but sometime their news relied on people's words which is mostly rumors which are half right and half wrong. If the news were right, I know my government and my people, they would not get mad. They would just keep quiet by themselves with shame. I agree Bangladesh media are way better than Myanmar media and they are standing in opposite. While Myanmar media are keeping quiet on a matter, Bangladesh media already put rumors on air to the world. This cause Myanmar government gets so mad but mad at Bangladesh government. I know it is not fair but it always happens.

But I can guarantee that after solving Roghigya's matter, Bangladesh and Myanmar would become friendly neighbors. Because Myanmar has never intention to invade Bangladesh and Bangladesh also want to have good relationship with Myanmar. So, It surely will happen one day.

BD does not agree on expulsion of citizens based on ethnicity.

These people have been in Myanmar for centuries. No other country in the world applies this logic.

Sorry but if that your "price" for road and rail connectivity then we would rather do without it.

Just remember that BD is a near 200 billion dollar economy and Myanmar stands to gain from normal trade relations with one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
I have been looking for the same news in the BD newspapers, but could not find one. So, the news could be false. But, it is always possible that troops from either side may be killed during a border skirmish, specially when the fighting continued for a long five hours and both sides were prepared. But, why the newspapers in BD are suppressing the killing news. Is it under any govt redirection?
BD does not agree on expulsion of citizens based on ethnicity.

These people have been in Myanmar for centuries. No other country in the world applies this logic.

Sorry but if that your "price" for road and rail connectivity then we would rather do without it.

Just remember that BD is a near 200 billion dollar economy and Myanmar stands to gain from normal trade relations with one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

For those who have been living in Myanmar soil for centuries would not have a problem to be titled as Myanmar Citizen. We don't want to deny them as Citizen of Myanmar because they are already Citizen of Myanmar. So we could accept them as Myanmar Citizen but a process is needed to be see if they are eligible. I guess may be 60% or 70% (may be) would be eligible. But you may know that some people are just trying to get titled themselves as Rohingya who is an ethnic group of stateless in the eyes of kind countries. They are trying to see an opportunity to get refugee status in developed countries such as America, Australia or Norway. Myanmar is trying to filter them. You can see many Bangladeshi is Saudi declared themselves as Rohingya to see this opportunity.
Myanmar will be growing in economy on coming 5 years. So I don't need to worry about my country no more. But you may need to worry about your country since more than 160 millions people are living in Bangladesh and it will be growing hugely in future in a such small country.
Thank you.

Burma is certainly your proxy when it has trouble with BD as well as China. But, as usual, you have again dumped Burma when four of its troops were killed by our BGB in revenge for one of its troops was shot at and killed without a provocation. Seems BGP is the true disciple of Indian Army.

Just wanted you to know that Myanmar is really not India Proxy. India has its power in this region so we just pay respect that. Myanmar may be 70% China's proxy because we can't block against them to have a link with the west. India actually don't need link to East through Myanmar. They just don't want Myanmar becoming as China's Proxy.
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