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Betterment of PDF.

Major d1

Jun 4, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Add a section with forum rules. And members opinion must be granted by the administrators. Without members act PDF is nothing. We must realize the fact .

I am giving some points about forum rules.-

I. General Forum Rules:

Do not:
  • Flame or insult other members.
  • Bypass the swear filter or other filters.
  • Abuse or encourage abuse of the Reputation, Post Reporting, or Private Messaging Systems
  • Post personally identifiable information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.)
  • Bump threads
  • Derail a thread's topic.
  • Post links to phishing sites.
  • Post spam (i.e. +1, 10char, rickrolls) or Re-post Closed, Modified, Deleted Content.
  • Repetitively post in the incorrect forum (example: trade requests belong in trading forum).
  • Openly argue with a moderator. Contact the Moderator via a private message.
  • Share your account. Forum accounts are intended for the use by one person.
  • Create alternate, backup, or multiple accounts.
  • Publicly post or otherwise share PMs with other users unless you have the expressed permission of the sender to do so. Private Messages are intended to be just that - private.
II. The following topics are strictly off limits, including in external links:
  • ****, gross stuff, or anything else not safe for work
  • Piracy, warez, Leaked content.
    *Any* discussion of piracy will result in a permanent ban from the Steam Forums.
  • Cheating, hacking, game exploits
  • Threats of violence or harassment, even as a joke
  • Posting copyrighted material such as magazine scans
  • Soliciting, begging, auctioning, selling, advertising, referrals
  • Racism, discrimination
  • Drugs, alcohol
  • Religious, political, and other “prone to huge arguments” threads
III. No Backseat Moderating:

Let the Forum Moderators do the moderating. Backseat Moderating is when people who are not Moderators try to enforce the forum rules. Whenever you see a person breaking the rules, take advantage of the "Report this post to a moderator" link. Or simply IGNORE the offensive post(s) or thread. The most common backseat reply is the "+1 in before lock" phrase. Backseat moderating is annoying, and pointless.

IV. Report Post to the Moderators:

Should you observe a fellow forum member breaking these rules please report the post by clicking the Report Post button "
" located to the left of every post, or feel free to contact any of the Forum Staff.

V. Lifetime Achievement Award:
Last edited:
Need some more points.

I used to run many forum. So i think some more points should be added.
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