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Best State in India and Pakistan?

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Liking the discussing till now, thanks for keeping it civil. :)
i never like crowd so my obvious choice is northeast and sikkim even leh.

in that case, no one can beat my state which has population density of 17 person/sq km2( least in India)

There's one officer who is in court for getting into an extortion racket with a minister, which involved killing people in cold blood.

The others, to a man, looked away when they were told to look away, and allowed 700+ Muslims to be slaughtered.

Great guys.

I have faith in the judicial system, fact is that in Gujarat women can roam late in night without getting harassed...i am talking this because i have been living here, before that i was in rajasthan and MP....I have also lived in Banglore & Mumbai for 1 year, still i prefer Ahmedabad because as a simple citizen i liked the environment here...and how development project are being taken up in Gujarat.....

I have also told u once, two of my muslim classmates are also more than happy how things are at present...they are working as Software engineers in TCS in Ahmedabad and living a prosperous life...i agree there were problems and one can not blame one side or the other...and they understand that (maybe because they are well educated).....

I am hopefull that it will not be repeated....
Yeah I agree..great state, great people, great CM and great administration. Its only the food that is the sticking point for southies like me who are bred on a uber-spicy meaty diet.

Hehehe....bro dont worry, we have top notch restaurants here.....U will like it, Modi is quite stern on law enforcement though so No liquor in Gujarat...
Hehehe....bro dont worry, we have top notch restaurants here.....U will like it, Modi is quite stern on law enforcement though so No liquor in Gujarat...
Actually modi wants to bring liquor to gujrat but is afraid of the backlash.
I'll not respond to the the first part as I could see it de-railing the thread...Perhaps some other thread, some other day..But one thing I'll tell. What you people say now, I have heard my neighbouring state people say before. Now they are seeing the effects of it. Make no mistake, Bengal will see that same thing one day too.

How about formulating your opinion of Kerala based on Spark, Mech etc and not Nair.
Daman supply liquid all over gujrat,it not dry state indirectly,,modi wants bjp in daman so he exchanges votes with liquid which are being supplyd through balsar,udwada village by daman local gangster,

Manipur is the best and the beautyfull state,literacy is also above 90 and its natural beauty is devine and evergreen
How about formulating your opinion of Kerala based on Spark, Mech etc and not Nair.

You think just Nair is responsible for my views ?..heck I bet I have travelled through Kerala more than Nair, have Mallu frens and have first hand experience of what is going on there. I think I dont need anyone to formulate my views. Regarding Spark's opinion..I have a fairly clear idea of what it is, on reading his posts...sometimes a basic understanding of Malayalam helps..:P..and it is not exactly what you think. I would be doubly happy, if you people think like him.
which political party do you support

Depends on situation. I didn't vote for any political party in last election. Probably will vote for CPM in next seeing all the tomfoolery of Didi. Would have voted for BJP if they had strong presence in Bengal. Congress in Bengal is useless and lack any leader of repute.
You think just Nair is responsible for my views ?..heck I bet I have travelled through Kerala more than Nair, have Mallu frens and have first hand experience of what is going on there. I think I dont need anyone to formulate my views. Regarding Spark's opinion..I have a fairly clear idea of what it is, on reading his posts...and it is not exactly what you think. I would be doubly happy, if you people think like him.

Being an agnostic/non practicing Hindu Indian, I'm more frightened by some policies of BJP than that of Congress. Congress bowing out to Deobandi mullahs doesn't effect me as I'm not of minority population, rather it affects Muslims more.

However BJP and their mindless rhetoric of mandir, cow etc has direct consequence on my society as Sangh pariwar wants to align Hindu society in an organized, kind of Abrahamic manner. I'd not like to be part of that.
Being an agnostic/non practicing Hindu Indian, I'm more frightened by some policies of BJP than that of Congress. Congress's bowing out to Deobandi mullahs doesn't effect me as I'm not of minority population, rather it affects Muslims more.

We dont live in a vaccum. Every one is interlinked and as long as Muslims also live in this country, what affects them affects other communities also. One example Deobandi mullahs radicalize a section of the Muslim population and who they show their radicalism on ? The common public....The political parties bend over backward for every whim and fancy of a section of the minority and what this leads to..more whims and fancies. And the common public is comprised of whom ? Every community. Did the Mumbai protests affect only the Muslims ? Did the protests in Lucknow affect only them ? Were all the NE people affected by the SMS scare in Bangalore leading to migrations only Muslims ? And what do these things lead to - reverse majoritarianism among Hindus. Everything small thing is interconnected. There is nothing like "That thing does not affect me and hence I am not worried." If a person thinks like that, it only shows how little he understands the social dynamics in a country like India. If you really do not want that majoritarianism to happen, I know I dont want, then you should be cared about the this more than anything and try to set it right.

However BJP and their mindless rhetoric of mandir, cow etc has direct
consequence on my society as Sangh pariwar wants to align Hindu society in an organized, kind of Abrahamic manner. I's like to be part of that.

I wont agree that the Ram Janmabhoomi issue is a mindless rhetoric. Maybe it is to you as you are agnostic..but not to me and hundreds of millions of others. And believe me the BJP wallahs are far more benign to agnostics/atheists than the Deobandis can ever be.
We dont live in a vaccum. Every one is interlinked and what affects Muslims affects other communities also. One example Deobandi mullahs radicalize a section of the Muslim population and who they show their radicalism on ? The common public....The political parties bend over backward for every whim and fancy of a section of the minority and what this leads to..more whims and fancies. And the common public is comprised of whom ? Every community. Did the Mumbai protests affect only the Muslims ? Did the protests in Lucknow affect only them ? Were all the NE people affected by the SMS scare in Bangalore leading to migrations only Muslims ? And what do these things lead to - reverse majoritarianism among Hindus. Everything small thing is interconnected. There is nothing like "That thing does not affect me and hence I am not worried." If a person thinks like that, it only shows how little he understands the social dynamics in a country like India.

When I said bowing out to Deobandis, I meant the Sah Banu case which opened the Pandora's box.

I don't think Congress is responsible for the recent protests and it has nothing to do with any kind of appeasement. Those who were caught vandalising have been punished where's the question of appeasement? Are you accusing NDA govt of Bihar? Do you call it Congress appeasement when Tamils attack Lankan pilgrims because Sinhali war crimes on Lankan Tamils?

I wont agree that the Ram Janmabhoomi issue is a mindless rhetoric. Maybe it is to you as you are agnostic..but not to me and hundreds of millions of others. So let us not go there. And believe me the BJP wallahs are far more benign to agnostics/atheists than the Deobandis can ever be.

I'd start worrying about Deobandis when they become a threat to me. For now they are pretty confined inside their realms and I believe heavily monitored and regulated.
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