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Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

I was in Paris last year and had been living in the "13th area" for a week. Most of the Chinese there speak Cantonese and Vietnamese, I think most of them are Chinese from East South Asia especially Vietnam.
I was there. Yes, I think little Vietnam in Paris consists of each half of Viets and half of Chinese, they all came from Vietnam.

little Vietnam in Berlin looks cleaner than the one in California
not really, just on the picture... :disagree:
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If such liberal immigration policies are allowed to continue Germany will no longer be GERMANy, the land of ethnic Germans, but rather a land full of alien migrants who have no connection to the history of the German Fatherland or the heritage of its indigenous inhabitants, and thus erasing Germany's true identity.
don´t spew racist nonsense. there are enough haters here.

actually Germany has changed a lot in terms of feeling towards migrants. The country is not where it was 20 years ago. facing shrinking birth rate and shortage of skilled workers, today Germans welcome migrants, they have little choice, apart of East Europe, Germans favor migrants from East Asia, while Muslims are seen very negative.

don´t spew racist nonsense. there are enough haters here.

What did i say that was "racist" you retard?? :lol:

actually Germany has changed a lot in terms of feeling towards migrants. The country is not where it was 20 years ago. facing shrinking birth rate and shortage of skilled workers, today Germans welcome migrants, they have little choice, apart of East Europe, Germans favor migrants from East Asia, while Muslims are seen very negative.

Lol, sure, turn Germany into another third world country like Vietnam.

Whether the immigrants are Muslim or East Asian, they still can't replace the true ethnic Germans in terms of innovation, creativity, and productivity.
What did i say that was "racist" you retard?? :lol:

Lol, sure, turn Germany into another third world country like Vietnam.

Whether the immigrants are Muslim or East Asian, they still can't replace the true ethnic Germans in terms of innovation, creativity, and productivity.
We know how brown folks like yours rank at the bottom of German society while Vietnamese rose to become Vice Chancellor in Germany:omghaha:

You should worry about that place called Pakistan of yours where there is little to no export and FOREX is a mere $10 billion
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We know how brown folks like yours rank at the bottom of German society while Vietnamese rose to become Vice Chancellor in Germany:omghaha:

You should worry about that place called Pakistan of yours where there is little to no export and FOREX is a mere $10 billion

What's wrong with you? I've noticed you yesterday. Are you high on drugs? So aggressive!

What did i say that was "racist" you retard?? :lol:

Lol, sure, turn Germany into another third world country like Vietnam.

Whether the immigrants are Muslim or East Asian, they still can't replace the true ethnic Germans in terms of innovation, creativity, and productivity.

Just ignore the trolls bro.
And you should worry about that place called Vietnam of yours which is a third world country with no significance whatsoever lol.

Speaking of brown folks, check out these "brownie" Vietnamese countrymen of yours:



Since you wanted to take a racist jab at Pakistanis, the average Pakistani is still probably taller, fairer, masculine, and well built compared to your brownie Vietnamese.


If you want to quote a Vietnamese dark person, at least do it right and not quoting some Khmer folks and pass it off as "Vietnamese". Yeah, yeah, I know, Pakistanis are "fairer" looking than us Vietnamese but somehow the world is keep referring to you guys as brownie LOL

And stop worrying about us Viets in Germany, we are doing much better than a bunch of brownies who make zero contribution to Germany
Their still your countrymen you retard.

Pakistanis are taller, masculine, fairer, and well built compared to your countrymen.

Pictures speak louder than words:






Not the world, just your puny little brain LOL.

Is that why Vietnam is a "superpower" right now?? :lol:.
Are you that desperate to prove that Pakistanis are not brown people? Alright, Pakistanis are super good looking than us, so what is this thread having anything to do with Pakistan?

Last time that I check, Pakistan had an export of $25 billion and trade deficit of $14 billion while Viet Nam had an export of $129 billion and trade surplus of $7 billion. Talking about being a third world country, you guys beat us by a mile. Vietnamese rose to become Vice Chancellor in Germany, where are Pakistanis other than being pick pocketers in subways across Germany?
Are you that desperate to prove that Pakistanis are not brown people?
I never said we were White you English comprehension lacking nitwit! LOL :lol:

Since you called Pakistanis "brownies" and started this whole skin color racist BS i just responded in the same manner.

Alright, Pakistanis are super good looking than us, so what is this thread having anything to do with Pakistan?
You and your countrymen are the ones who brought Pakistan into the discussion, not me. Check my first post on this thread. My God do all Vietnamese lack comprehension skills?

Last time that I check, Pakistan had an export of $25 billion and trade deficit of $14 billion while Viet Nam had an export of $129 billion and trade surplus of $7 billion. Talking about being a third world country, you guys beat us by a mile. Vietnamese rose to become Vice Chancellor in Germany, where are Pakistanis other than being pick pocketers in subways across Germany?

Yeah, your right that Pakistanis are infamous for committing crimes in European countries along with other Muslim immigrants, but its the fault of the European gov.t's for having such liberal immigration policies that allow such people to enter their borders.

In America the policies are (or at least used to be) a lot strict so only best of the best Pakistanis migrate here like students, military officers, doctors, engineers, I.T. experts, etc and thus Pakistanis don't have bad reputation there since they are successful, its the Mexicans and Blacks who are known for robbing, stealing, killing people, etc in America.

Secondly, Pakistan has been in one hell of a mess since the past 10 years due to the WOT as well as internal corruption coupled with foreign interference within its internal affairs. The economic problems stem from these problems.

Though i have nothing against Vietnam and the Vietnamese people, my first post was not aimed at any specific Nationality, nowhere did i mention Vietnam in my first post, it was just aimed at Liberal European immigration policies in general.
who is Monsieur Vuong?

well, it is true, most of Viet foods served in Germany are a mix of Viet-German foods, otherwise they are hard to sell. German customers are very challenging. They rather go for a Döner. LOL

Little Vietnam in Paris is more popular due to many shops and business, especially in the street Ave d´Ivry. Yes, you can get all authentic Vietnamese foods there.

M. Vuong is anything but a Vietnamese.

We are indeed the most demanding customers in the world, just not in food. :(

Paris is the only place in Europe where Vietnamese food is the most authentic, here in city they always leave out something essential, most often herbs that are readily available in Asian food markets. So, I don't understand why they just don't give me the right herbs. They are not even expensive stuffs. :hitwall:
We know how brown folks like yours rank at the bottom of German society while Vietnamese rose to become Vice Chancellor in Germany:omghaha:

You should worry about that place called Pakistan of yours where there is little to no export and FOREX is a mere $10 billion

WHat a nutcase. Is skin colour all that matters to you? Btw those Pakistanis, Indians and other brown people are genetically much closer than you to the same white people that you admire so much. A lot of people are racist toward your kind, so you are not in any position to be racist.
WHat a nutcase. Is skin colour all that matters to you? Btw those Pakistanis, Indians and other brown people are genetically much closer than you to the same white people that you admire so much. A lot of people are racist toward your kind, so you are not in any position to be racist.
You admire white people so much that you think we're admiring white people. Why are we admiring the white skin tone when we already have it? White skin tone is not something that only White people have, dummy, we have it widespread as well. Unlike you guys, we're not interested in proving our genetic kinship to white people. Yeah, I got it, brown people are closer to White people genetically; you guys even went to Stormfront to prove it. So? Like you said a lot of people are racist toward us, what is that going to do? Stopping us from what we think about certain group of people?
You admire white people so much that you think we're admiring white people. Why are we admiring the white skin tone when we already have it? White skin tone is not something that only White people have, dummy, we have it widespread as well. Unlike you guys, we're not interested in proving our genetic kinship to white people. Yeah, I got it, brown people are closer to White people genetically; you guys even went to Stormfront to prove it. So? Like you said a lot of people are racist toward us, what is that going to do? Stopping us from what we think about certain group of people?

What are you talking about? :crazy:
I've seen a lot of Vietnamese people in canada and never come across one with white skin. You sound delusional. In fact, most Vietnamese are closer to brown and that's why your East Asian cousins are racist to you. Even they admit that they are yellow not white. So how are you claiming to be white?
Secondly, the muslims in Germany that face racism are predominately Turks and they are much whiter than you.

Germans aren't racist to them because of their skin colour but because of a culture clash. Do you think Germans think that Viets have white skin? :rofl:
Thirdly, go ahead and look down upon brown people. But then don't complain when you are discriminated against by East Asians or others. Be consistent.
What are you talking about? :crazy:
I've seen a lot of Vietnamese people in canada and never come across one with white skin. You sound delusional. In fact, most Vietnamese are closer to brown and that's why your East Asian cousins are racist to you. Even they admit that they are yellow not white. So how are you claiming to be white?
Secondly, the muslims in Germany that face racism are predominately Turks and they are much whiter than you.

Germans aren't racist to them because of their skin colour but because of a culture clash. Do you think Germans think that Viets have white skin? :rofl:
Thirdly, go ahead and look down upon brown people. But then don't complain when you are discriminated against by East Asians or others. Be consistent.
Looks like the closet racist here are you since you take my "brown" word as some kind negative innuendo. Unlike you I think those brown mexican chicks, Cambodian chicks, and Bollywood chicks can be very hot.
We don't refer to ourselves as "White" ,you dummy:omghaha:, we call ourselves as "yellow" skin people. If you delusionaly want to believe most Vietnamese have brown skin, then I can't help it. East Asian are racist toward us is because of economic factor, not skin tone, dummy. We export a bunch of our women to their countries every year and if you already know East Asian, you should know that they are very obsessive with skin color and you think they would marry someone that is not closer to their skin tone?

How pathetic can you be trying to use the Turks (who are not brown skin) as your proof that South Asian is not brown skin!
Looks like the closet racist here are you since you take my "brown" word as some kind negative innuendo. Unlike you I think those brown mexican chicks, Cambodian chicks, and Bollywood chicks can be very hot.
We don't refer to ourselves as "White" ,you dummy:omghaha:, we call ourselves as "yellow" skin people. If you delusionaly want to believe most Vietnamese have brown skin, then I can't help it. East Asian are racist toward us is because of economic factor, not skin tone, dummy. We export a bunch of our women to their countries every year and if you already know East Asian, you should know that they are very obsessive with skin color and you think they would marry someone that is not closer to their skin tone?

How pathetic can you be trying to use the Turks (who are not brown skin) as your proof that South Asian is not brown skin!

Why would I want to prove that south asians are not brown? :crazy: You do realize that I'm not south asian, right? And I'm brown Brazilian and the last thing I care about is East Asian romantic preferences :lol: We Brazilians are not beguiled by Asian women as some North Americans are. We prefer the brown mestiza and the European women. I do despise racism in all its forms and you seem to be a racist. I'm just reminding you of where exactly you stand as per your own internalized hierarchy. Vietnamese are definitely darker than East Asians. You'd be blind or delusional to not notice that.
My point about Turks was that you claimed that Germans prefer Viets to muslim immigrants because the muslims are brown people. I just showed you that that isn't true because most muslims in Germany are Turks and they are (as you admitted) not brown. Europeans have dissociated themselves from the skin colour hierarchy but white wannabes still believe in it. The West will always be more enlightened than you.
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