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Beneath All Its Masks, The Kashmir ‘Conflict’ Was Always About Islam

Cut this drama. You sanghis hate everyone. These drama are common in India. But we know its worth and won't be impressed.

BJP's Muslim Rashtriya Manch is supported by the likes of President of All India Imam Council Maulana Jameel Iliyasi, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, Shahi Imam of Fatehpuri Masjid Maulana Mukarram, Sufi Muslims

Shia Personal Law Board Calls For Ban On Triple Talaq, Cow Slaughter
They also said that the custom of triple talaq in modern day was not feasible, irrelevant and against the spirit of Quran.
05/04/2017 6:42 PM IST | Updated 05/04/2017 6:53 PM IST
  • IANS


LUCKNOW -- The Shia Personal Law Board on Tuesday called for an amicable settlement to the Ram Janmabhoomi dispute and sought a blanket ban on cow slaughter.

At the fifth meeting of its executive, members of the body raised the issue of cow slaughter and it was unanimously decided that in view of the tensions between two communities, it was in the interest of all that the government ban it.

In Quran, the members said, slaughtering of the cow was said to be against the tenets of Islam and should henceforth be banned.

A cleric from the Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Dargah in Ajmer, Syyed Jail Obaidin Ali Khan openly discussed the controversy surrounding cow slaughter and called for an end to it. "In the background of the rising tensions and the laid down sayings in Quran, we should ban slaughter of cows and sale of its meat," he said.

He also said that the custom of triple talaq in modern day was not feasible, irrelevant and against the spirit of Quran.

Other speakers also agreed that when a marriage is solemnised with the consent of the bride and the groom, even a matter like divorce should have the consent of both.


"Prophet said cow milk is elixir, meat harmful": Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Sadiq
Ashish Tripathi| TNN | Nov 5, 2015, 11.20 PM IST

LUCKNOW: Expressing concern over the unpleasant turn of events over the issue of cow slaughter, senior Shia cleric and vice president of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Maulana Kalbe Sadiq, on Thursday said that consuming cow meat is not a mandatory part of Islam.

The internationally acclaimed cleric Sadiq reiterated a hadith of Prophet Mohammad according to which the Prophet had prohibited people from eating cow meat proclaiming it leads to diseases, while its milk works as an elixir. Maulana Kalbe Sadiq was addressing the on going Khamsa (five days) majlis at Imambara Agha Baquir in Lucknow. He, however, communal controversies are created when elections are either underway or round the corner.

Sadiq said that Muslims love the country as anyone else as it is their motherland. For the Shia community he further said, 'When certain Arab tribes were hungry for our blood centuries ago, we found a safe haven in India. How can we hate our mother then?' He however said that as much as he is for and of the country, he is against those who want the country to boil in communal discord and create rift among people. And for those who say that we are lesser Indians or not Indians at all, our love and devotion to the country is immense,' he said.


Shia body suggests table talks for Babri Masjid issue, demands ban on cow slaughter
Yusra Husain| TNN | Apr 5, 2017, 11.05 PM IST

All India Shia Personal Law Board spokesperson Maulana Yasoob Abbas. (ANI photo)
LUCKNOW: The issue of Babri Masjid and Ram Janmbhoomi should be settled out of court through table talks and not out on the roads amidst slogans of 'Allah-o-Akbar' and 'Jai Shri Ram' that are politically motivated, said members of the All India Shia Personal Law Board (AISPLB), in Lucknow, on Wednesday.

Conducting its executive meeting on the day at Shia PG College in the old city, the board also demanded that the central government form a stringent law against the arbitrary triple talaq in-one-sitting, on the lines of Sati prohibition.
Discussing other controversial issues, the board also reiterated that cow slaughterand eating cow meat was 'forbidden' if it hurts people's sentiments and asked for a complete ban on cow slaughter across India. "Recently we had sent a query on the issue of cow slaughter in India that at times leads to violence and communal disharmony, to Iraq based Ayatullah Bashir Al Najafi. He replied to it saying that it was haraam if human blood is at stake over animal blood and we should be considerate towards the countrymen of the land we live in," explained spokesperson Maulana Yasoob Abbas.
The board also demanded that a separate commission to decipher social, religious and economic issues of the Shia community should be formed by the union government, since the Sachar Committee formed under UPA had left the community out. "Whether the committee's findings were implemented or not is not our concern since. There should now be a different committee for the rights of Shias," added Abbas.


Now, ‘Shia gau raksha dal’ will check cow slaughter

This Gau Raksha Dal will create awareness drives, especially in Muslim dominated localities in the first phase of its action. In the second phase, it will focus on those parts of the state that are infamous for cow slaughter.
CITIES Updated: Apr 30, 2017 10:33 IST

This Gau Raksha Dal will function in two phases. In the first phase, members will create awareness drives, especially in Muslim-dominated localities.

“Work under phase one has already started. We are distributing pamphlets and other literature to create awareness on the issue among the masses. We are also using social media to expand our group by roping in more members,” Shamsi said.

He asserted that the initiative was getting a good response on social media. “People from both Hindu and Muslim communities are hailing the concept and expressing willingness to join the group.”

In the second phase, the group members will throw light on those parts of the state that are infamous for cow slaughter. “There are many localities in the state where cow slaughter is still in practice. These places are far from the reach of the district administration and the police. We will be highlighting these places to ensure action against illegal slaughter,” said Shamsi.

Even as Shamsi announced his group of cow protectors, the Supreme Court directed the Centre and six states including Uttar Pradesh to respond within three weeks on a PIL seeking a ban on ‘gau rakshak dals’ which often take the form of lawless groups that have assaulted alleged cow smugglers.

You ain't going to do no shit. You higher than Himalayan and sweeter than water friend with all their might could not do jack shit. We will just play with our trump cards from Iran and Afghanistan while keeping our border on the boil.

And all you will do is see the shit coming down on you.

We are not China. we are Pakistan and we f*ck you. Your trump cards are getting eliminated daily and are on a run. Save them if you can. But you can't do that either.

Kashmir is muslim and there is no cow worshiper in India who has balls to change that.

BJP's Muslim Rashtriya Manch is supported by the likes of President of All India Imam Council Maulana Jameel Iliyasi, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, Shahi Imam of Fatehpuri Masjid Maulana Mukarram, Sufi Muslims

Shia Personal Law Board Calls For Ban On Triple Talaq, Cow Slaughter
They also said that the custom of triple talaq in modern day was not feasible, irrelevant and against the spirit of Quran.
05/04/2017 6:42 PM IST | Updated 05/04/2017 6:53 PM IST
  • IANS


LUCKNOW -- The Shia Personal Law Board on Tuesday called for an amicable settlement to the Ram Janmabhoomi dispute and sought a blanket ban on cow slaughter.

At the fifth meeting of its executive, members of the body raised the issue of cow slaughter and it was unanimously decided that in view of the tensions between two communities, it was in the interest of all that the government ban it.

In Quran, the members said, slaughtering of the cow was said to be against the tenets of Islam and should henceforth be banned.

A cleric from the Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Dargah in Ajmer, Syyed Jail Obaidin Ali Khan openly discussed the controversy surrounding cow slaughter and called for an end to it. "In the background of the rising tensions and the laid down sayings in Quran, we should ban slaughter of cows and sale of its meat," he said.

He also said that the custom of triple talaq in modern day was not feasible, irrelevant and against the spirit of Quran.

Other speakers also agreed that when a marriage is solemnised with the consent of the bride and the groom, even a matter like divorce should have the consent of both.


"Prophet said cow milk is elixir, meat harmful": Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Sadiq
Ashish Tripathi| TNN | Nov 5, 2015, 11.20 PM IST

LUCKNOW: Expressing concern over the unpleasant turn of events over the issue of cow slaughter, senior Shia cleric and vice president of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Maulana Kalbe Sadiq, on Thursday said that consuming cow meat is not a mandatory part of Islam.

The internationally acclaimed cleric Sadiq reiterated a hadith of Prophet Mohammad according to which the Prophet had prohibited people from eating cow meat proclaiming it leads to diseases, while its milk works as an elixir. Maulana Kalbe Sadiq was addressing the on going Khamsa (five days) majlis at Imambara Agha Baquir in Lucknow. He, however, communal controversies are created when elections are either underway or round the corner.

Sadiq said that Muslims love the country as anyone else as it is their motherland. For the Shia community he further said, 'When certain Arab tribes were hungry for our blood centuries ago, we found a safe haven in India. How can we hate our mother then?' He however said that as much as he is for and of the country, he is against those who want the country to boil in communal discord and create rift among people. And for those who say that we are lesser Indians or not Indians at all, our love and devotion to the country is immense,' he said.


Shia body suggests table talks for Babri Masjid issue, demands ban on cow slaughter
Yusra Husain| TNN | Apr 5, 2017, 11.05 PM IST

All India Shia Personal Law Board spokesperson Maulana Yasoob Abbas. (ANI photo)
LUCKNOW: The issue of Babri Masjid and Ram Janmbhoomi should be settled out of court through table talks and not out on the roads amidst slogans of 'Allah-o-Akbar' and 'Jai Shri Ram' that are politically motivated, said members of the All India Shia Personal Law Board (AISPLB), in Lucknow, on Wednesday.

Conducting its executive meeting on the day at Shia PG College in the old city, the board also demanded that the central government form a stringent law against the arbitrary triple talaq in-one-sitting, on the lines of Sati prohibition.
Discussing other controversial issues, the board also reiterated that cow slaughterand eating cow meat was 'forbidden' if it hurts people's sentiments and asked for a complete ban on cow slaughter across India. "Recently we had sent a query on the issue of cow slaughter in India that at times leads to violence and communal disharmony, to Iraq based Ayatullah Bashir Al Najafi. He replied to it saying that it was haraam if human blood is at stake over animal blood and we should be considerate towards the countrymen of the land we live in," explained spokesperson Maulana Yasoob Abbas.
The board also demanded that a separate commission to decipher social, religious and economic issues of the Shia community should be formed by the union government, since the Sachar Committee formed under UPA had left the community out. "Whether the committee's findings were implemented or not is not our concern since. There should now be a different committee for the rights of Shias," added Abbas.


Now, ‘Shia gau raksha dal’ will check cow slaughter

This Gau Raksha Dal will create awareness drives, especially in Muslim dominated localities in the first phase of its action. In the second phase, it will focus on those parts of the state that are infamous for cow slaughter.
CITIES Updated: Apr 30, 2017 10:33 IST

This Gau Raksha Dal will function in two phases. In the first phase, members will create awareness drives, especially in Muslim-dominated localities.

“Work under phase one has already started. We are distributing pamphlets and other literature to create awareness on the issue among the masses. We are also using social media to expand our group by roping in more members,” Shamsi said.

He asserted that the initiative was getting a good response on social media. “People from both Hindu and Muslim communities are hailing the concept and expressing willingness to join the group.”

In the second phase, the group members will throw light on those parts of the state that are infamous for cow slaughter. “There are many localities in the state where cow slaughter is still in practice. These places are far from the reach of the district administration and the police. We will be highlighting these places to ensure action against illegal slaughter,” said Shamsi.

Even as Shamsi announced his group of cow protectors, the Supreme Court directed the Centre and six states including Uttar Pradesh to respond within three weeks on a PIL seeking a ban on ‘gau rakshak dals’ which often take the form of lawless groups that have assaulted alleged cow smugglers.


Lol reminds me of:


Nice drama but not impressed.
Nehru the then head of Indian Union.
UNSC's resolution puts a big question mark to Indian claim of sovereignty in the state of Jammu & Kashmir and the instrument of accession.

No it does not. After the instrument of accession was signed, Pakistan should have vacated and handed over the control of AJK & GB to India but it did not. Hence Nehru took it to UN and even offered to conduct a plebiscite. But History is testament to the fact that Pakistan did not have the guts to take Nehru's offer.

Nehru's offer and UN resolution are no longer valid for many reasons

1) Pakistan has changed the demography of AJK & GB by settling Punjabis

2) Pakistan has ceded the Shaksgam Valley of GB to China
Pakistan growth rate is not 5.5%. Looks like you believe what you minister dar says lol.


Nah.. you ain't. It's just middle of the year in 2017 we have almost 6 months to go.


Ohh we will change it. And you will only watch on the sidelines :flame:

Pakistan economic growth.


Down by 30pc

A latest study conducted by the Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS) shows that incidents of terrorism were down by 30 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year.


From your own source,

2015 = 3,700
2016 = 1800
2017(Jan to July) = 764 people


So cry in the corner as your proxies get banging.

1) It was India under Nehru who took the case to UN

2) The operative word here is "suggest" not "mandate" by UN

Sovereignty, Suzerainty & Protectorate agreements are bilateral agreements signed between legal heirs/states.

UN is not a state but just as body which may or may not recognize such bilateral agreements.

India and Bangladesh recently settled the border dispute by exchanging land as part of that deal. Did they go to UN?

Worse Pakistan which does not have legal heir-ship ceding Shaksgam Valley of Kashmir to China.

View attachment 410002

Stop with that nonsense of Pakistan ceding any thing,

The agreement resulted in China withdrawing from about 750 sq m of territory, and Pakistan withdrawing its claim to about 2,050 sq m of territory (which it had not in fact occupied or administered).



So actually Pakistan gained 750 sq m of territory. Pakistan only withdrew from claims of the territory it had never controlled.

@ssethii @Areesh
Stop with that nonsense of Pakistan ceding any thing,



So actually Pakistan gained 750 sq m of territory. Pakistan only withdrew from claims of the territory it had never controlled.

@ssethii @Areesh

It does not matter you controlled it or not. The question is about getting into a formal agreement.

On what basis did Pakistan get into an agreement with China?

to give an analogy, Can India get into an agreement with Oman to agree to cede Pakistan's Baluchistan?
It does not matter you controlled it or not. The question is about getting into a formal agreement.

On what basis did Pakistan get into an agreement with China?

to give an analogy, Can India get into an agreement with Oman to agree to cede Pakistan's Baluchistan?

Because those lands were part of GB.

India can try to do whatever with Oman. Firstly Oman will reject it and secondly Pakistan will get active in North east and south india. You come to Pakistan's legal areas and Pakistan will do the same.

Because we control GB and share border with China. Unlike you we gained territory while you got a beating and gave whole of Aksai Chin to China.

Not to mention Gilgit Baltistanis fought dog ra and India to accede GB to Pakistan.
Because we control GB and share border with China. Unlike you we gained territory while you got a beating and gave whole of Aksai Chin to China.

So you are saying Might is Right and this whole argument on UN resolutions/plebiscite is just drama bazi of Pakistan to fool the people.

Thanks for being honest.

Because those lands were part of GB.

So? GB was part of the undivided state of Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan had no locus standi to cede it to China through a formal agreement.

India can try to do whatever with Oman. Firstly Oman will reject it and secondly Pakistan will get active in North east and south india. You come to Pakistan's legal areas and Pakistan will do the same.

I am only talking in legal terms.

If Oman agrees to sign an agreement with India to take Pakistan's Baluchistan, will Pakistan accept it?
So you are saying Might is Right and this whole argument on UN resolutions/plebiscite is just drama bazi of Pakistan to fool the people.

Thanks for being honest.

So? GB was part of the undivided state of Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan had no locus standi to cede it to China through a formal agreement.

Pakistan backed off from it's CLAIMS. Do you understand this line? Pakistan don't CLAIM that land in return of 750 sq m territory. Pakistan had never controlled those lands neither did it controlled this additional 750 sq m.

I am only talking in legal terms.

If Oman agrees to sign an agreement with India to take Pakistan's Baluchistan, will Pakistan accept it?

India nor Oman has any legal standing over Balochistan. Historically Balochistan and Kashmir both are part of the land that is called Pakistan today.

Furthermore Oman will reject any such move by india and quite possible they will kick indians out. Secondly Pakistan will start poking it's nose in Indian internal matters such as khalistan, assam, South tibet, manipur, etc.
No it does not. After the instrument of accession was signed, Pakistan should have vacated and handed over the control of AJK & GB to India but it did not. Hence Nehru took it to UN and even offered to conduct a plebiscite. But History is testament to the fact that Pakistan did not have the guts to take Nehru's offer.

Nehru's offer and UN resolution are no longer valid for many reasons

1) Pakistan has changed the demography of AJK & GB by settling Punjabis

2) Pakistan has ceded the Shaksgam Valley of GB to China
Why do you think UNSC's resolution wouldn't make the instrument of accession null and void. By all means, Kashmir as of today stands as a disputed territory. Whatever intentions Nehru had at that time is irrelevant. Pakistan is crying out loud for a plebiscite since the start but a meaningful dialogue is required to agree on the nitty-gritty of the matter. Indians stance is they can hold off the status quo with a forceful occupation.

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