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Benazir says US action in Pakistan allowed, if Osama there


May 1, 2007
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WASHINGTON: Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto said on Monday that she might allow a US military strike inside Pakistan to eliminate al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden if she were the country’s leader.

“I would hope that I would be able to take Osama bin Laden myself without depending on the Americans. But if I couldn’t do it, of course we are fighting this war together and (I) would seek their cooperation in eliminating him,” she said in an interview with a news channel.

Asked whether she would agree to let the Americans take action against bin Laden in Pakistan, Benazir said her decision would depend on the strength of the evidence. “I think one really needs to see the information. So I would really, really need to see the evidence,” she said, according to a transcript of the interview.

“But if there was evidence, my first reference would be to go in myself and if there was a difficulty on that I’d like to cooperate with the Americans.”
Is the Wh*** gone completely out of her mind or what is that she's trying to prove here, with people like herself, who needs india to destroy pakistan, she can do it single handedly.
Shes gone mad! She really wants US support and wants them to place her as the next prime minister as she can satisfy their interests in Pakistan... that is what she is trying to tell the Americans...
Benazir Bhutto Mental = US mental Presidential candidates.

i can see much difference in both, Can you ?

first they have to prove that Osama is in Pakistan.

And we are not buying fake tapes.
first they have to prove that Osama is in Pakistan.

And we are not buying fake tapes.

Providing proof is really no issue for them, they just need to say that Osama is in pakistan and leaders like her will say yes he is in,please come in and bomb.
It doesn't make sense for the U.S military to enter Pakistan for such purposes. All the threats, in the Pakistan soil will be eliminated by Pakistani forces, because they are capable of doing so.
F*** B**** whats wrong with her ... She wants to become PM that badly that she will sell out Pakistan !!! Providing evidence is so easy for the Americans ... I think she is going Senile ...
Her position is clear regarding national security and interests. Then why should be allowed to take part in election? If she becomes PM then will Musharaf go same with her?
she wants to rape pakistan she doesnt care about its people or land the people of pakistan need to see this and not let in the country.
Don't you guys think that it will be a good thing if Osama is hunted down once and for all? It will also help Pakistan by weakening the fundamentalists.
Don't you guys think that it will be a good thing if Osama is hunted down once and for all? It will also help Pakistan by weakening the fundamentalists.

Should we send Pakistani Army to Finish the trouble in India, it will be Finish once & all, What do you say ??.

Don't you guys think that it will be a good thing if Osama is hunted down once and for all? It will also help Pakistan by weakening the fundamentalists.

Who's talking. Man besides the normal rivalary that india and pakistan have and what more then anything will make you guys happy seeing US attacking pakistan. Things you wouldnt allow in india to happen, spare them from suggesting to pakistan.

Should we send Pakistani Army to Finish the trouble in India, it will be Finish once & all, What do you say ??.

Doesn't the US have bases in Pakistan already?

Since they are there, should help out rather than sittin on their arses rite? Obviously they won't occupy Pakistan once Bin Laden is caught. It will just make things better for Pakistan. Of course, the right-wing nationalists won't be too happy, nor will the mullahs, but if you think practically rather than egoistically, it is not such a big deal.
Doesn't the US have bases in Pakistan already?

Since they are there, should help out rather than sittin on their arses rite? Obviously they won't occupy Pakistan once Bin Laden is caught. It will just make things better for Pakistan. Of course, the right-wing nationalists won't be too happy, nor will the mullahs, .
I want to ask you two questions

1. What makes you think that every trouble starts from Pakistan?.
2. Why do you think usama is or will be in Pakistan. ?

We have self respect, we dont want any one to violate our borders, just like all the other countries.

but if you think practically rather than egoistically, it is not such a big deal
For any self respecting country it is very big deal, it might not be 4 you but for us YES, it is a very big deal.
Would you let Pakistani Forces to conduct operation in your territory ? would you ??

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