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Bell Boeing to brief India on V-22 Osprey

VERTRep certainly. However the news item even mentions another configuration (one that had slipped my mind); as an AEW a/c. Now that is interesting since we have'nt heard about the design freeze on IAC 2 and IAC 3. STOBAR or CATOBAR?
Apart from the utility of Ospreys on the projected LPD (or LCH) series. We have to wait and see what eventually transpires.
An AEW would be a costly modification to undertake.
Moreover.. the osprey's "repute" is not all rosy.
Its speed advantage does not apply too much to India's requirements.

for an AEW, whether STOBAR or CATOBAR.. a Helicopter based AEW platform such as one based on the Sea-king or Merlin makes better sense.
Money is not everything when it comes to security. You should always opt for the best available & offered if you need it.
V-22 Osprey is good indeed.

More money doesn't necessarily mean it's better for the end-user's requirements.
also a not so shining report to congress
Congress are a bunch of civilians most of whom don't have a clue. As of today, 130 Ospreys are operational with the Marine Corps and the Air Force Special Operations Command. Apparently the staffers who put together the recommendations for Congressman Dick Cheney, didn’t realize that the Osprey has become by far the safest rotorcraft in the Marine Corps air fleet, suffering no fatal accidents in over a decade despite prolonged deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti and other places.

And it isn’t hard to see why the Marines like it. The un-refueled combat radius of the V-22 is more than twice that of the aging Sea Knight helicopters it is replacing, and the V-22 flies over a hundred miles per hour faster. As one Marine commander in Iraq put it, the Osprey has greatly increased the reach of U.S. ground forces with an aircraft that is both more versatile and more survivable than any conventional helicopter."

So don't troll as is your habit, on anything that's American, Indian, or Israeli. It's getting a little tiring. Try and be more objective instead of bashing everything that is not Chinese.
Maybe its a good bird for Antarctic scientific missions...where people can cover huge distances from ships. India can look into this application
Where will the capabilities of the Osprey be useful to the Indian military?
The only possible use I can think of where the osprey would offer a "significant" advantage would be VERTrep for the carriers.

Possible carrier based AEW and Special Ops.
We should buy for our 3 Aircraft carrier. Also, it can operate on many large warships like Destroyers, Amphibious Ships too if i am not mistaken.

We are buying 4 Large LPD too.

These AWACS will be force multiplier along with P8I for our navy.
Where will the capabilities of the Osprey be useful to the Indian military?
What, h haven't read the article ??? First read the article and then enter in any discussion. The article says IN and MOD requested the presentation on “ V-22 as an AEW (Airborne Early Warning) platform ” . Apart from this 6-12 V22 can be purchased for special operations and disaster relief by IAF/IA ...

We should buy for our 3 Aircraft carrier. Also, it can operate on many large warships like Destroyers, Amphibious Ships too if i am not mistaken.

We are buying 4 Large LPD too.
Now with V22 in the fray, Hawk E-2D don't stand a chance. Around 6 E-2d were planned, i think we are gonna purchase at-least 6 V22 AEWS. Although 6 were proposed keeping in mind 2 platform for each AC but this number can also meet the requirement of 2 AC and 4 LPDs.
More the moving parts ..more is the maintenance and operation costs.
Add salt and sand to the mix and ur in one hell of a fix.
If that is the deterrence, then we should have never had the helo in the first place. The helo is probably the most mechanically demanding contraption in aviation.
The V-22 may go away but it is because of cost and because it is the first of its kind to be mass produced for a hostile working environment. But the reality is that BECAUSE it proved the concept is workable and under hostile environments at that, the tilt rotor is now more feasible for the civilian market than before. This is now a matter of financing and shrewd market research. The tilt rotor is not going to replace the helo. Each has strengths and weaknesses. But just as the helo and the fixed-wing complement each other, the tilt-rotor is going to be a successful leg in this aviation triad.
What, h haven't read the article ??? First read the article and then enter in any discussion. The article says IN and MOD requested the presentation on “ V-22 as an AEW (Airborne Early Warning) platform ” . Apart from this 6-12 V22 can be purchased for special operations and disaster relief by IAF/IA ...

Now with V22 in the fray, Hawk E-2D don't stand a chance. Around 6 E-2d were planned, i think we are gonna purchase at-least 6 V22 AEWS. Although 6 were proposed keeping in mind 2 platform for each AC but this number can also meet the requirement of 2 AC and 4 LPDs.

Can we afford it? or do we need it?...V22 is one of the costliest projects in US military history. ( not implying its bad ). And modifying it to a AEW unit will up the per piece price even more.
Can we afford it? or do we need it?...V22 is one of the costliest projects in US military history. ( not implying its bad ). And modifying it to a AEW unit will up the per piece price even more.
If you need it and if whatever it is that justified that 'need' is dire enough, you will find a way to pay for it.




Enjoy :devil:
It can fly troops to hard-to-reach combat zones at an airplane-like 300 mph and then pitch its twin “proprotors” upward to descend as a helicopter. Part of the reason for the long delay stems from an air disturbance common to rotocraft called a “vortex ring state,” which can cause a sudden loss of lift and which contributed to one of the Osprey’s three fatal test-flight crashes. The final version has a VRS warning system that alerts pilots to impending problems early enough for them to maneuver out safely.

The Chinese can only look at all the pretty pictures.....which explains the constipated commentary. Whereas India gets the real deal.
Can we afford it? or do we need it?...V22 is one of the costliest projects in US military history. ( not implying its bad ). And modifying it to a AEW unit will up the per piece price even more.
V22 cost is around 70 million $ a piece and CH-53K Super Stallion which is participating in IN's competition cost more than 100 million $. As for your answer this platform serves alot of purpose and in limited numbers yeah we can afford it. V22 as AEWS platform is a necessity and it won't cost much more than E2D platform. We can also follow the Phalcon way...i mean we can purchase the V22 platform and with US consent and Israeli help we can develop a cheaper platform and if we can propose such a partnership even US Navy might be interested in it. Whatever happens we are gonna purchase E2D or V22 AEWS, technically V22 meets our requirements.

As far as other usage of V22 are concerned i think we can purchase 12 V22 instead of 12 Chinook in heavy lift chopper category because lets face it we need such platform for carrying light artillery and for transferring personnel quickly. Apart from carrying artillery Chinook was also meant for special operations and lets face it V22 can do Special OPerations better than Chinook and it can also do the job of carrying artillery.

We can purchase 10-12 V22 and we can also afford and for Special forces V22 can be more useful than placing further orders of C130j (i mean after 12 which is confirmed by even Air Force Chief).
why don't we go for it in large numbrs?it will hlp us in logistic movments!imagine this babe carrying stuffs in those areas without advanced landing grounds
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