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Belgium Admits It Was Screwed By The Saudis


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Counter-Terrorism: Belgium Admits It Was Screwed By The Saudis

April 14, 2016: One of the casualties of the recent ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) attacks in France and Belgium was the reputation of Saudi Arabia as an ally in the fight against ISIL. The media were all over the state of Islam in Belgium and many little-publicized facts were made very public. Chief among them was the role of Saudi Arabia played in building (at Saudi expense) mosques and religious schools in Belgium and then staffing them. These facilities were controlled by very-conservative (and anti-Western) clerics and religious teachers who were often trained in Saudi Arabia. This should not be surprising as since the 1980s Saudi Arabia has spent over $100 billion doing this promotion of the very conservative Wahhabi form of Sunni Islam that has predominated in Saudi Arabia since the 18th century.

This was all made possible after 1970 when the Arab oil states, mainly Saudi Arabia, found themselves with unexpected and unprecedented oil wealth. That was the result of the formation of the OPEC oil cartel. Because of OPEC the price of oil went from $3 a barrel in 1970 to $35 a barrel in 1980. Suddenly it became possible for Moslems to show how pious they were by funding Wahhabi missionaries who went to other Moslem (and many non-Moslem) nations to preach, establish Wahhabi religious schools and mosques and create the current Islamic terrorism problem. Billions were (and still are) spent on this and the policy of getting the young boys into these free religious schools and turning many of them into hateful (towards anyone not like them) Islamic religious fanatics led to a major outbreak of Islamic terrorism in the late 20th century. Saddam Hussein (as did many other Moslem dictators) kept this out of Iraq until 1991.

This Saudi effort was spectacularly successful in Brussels where over 20 percent of the population is now Moslem and most of them are Wahhabi Sunni. You could see this coming in the late 1970s when Saudi Arabia financed the rebuilding of the old mosque there into the Great Mosque of Brussels. This rebuilt mosque opened in 1978 and became the core of an Islamic Cultural Center that ran schools and efforts to convert Christians to Islam. All the teaching was done by clerics and instructors following the Wahhabi view of the world which believed all non-Moslems were a danger to Islam and must be eventually converted or killed. When criticized about this the Saudis got away with explaining it as “cultural differences.” Yet when data was compiled about the origins of ISIL recruits from Europe it was found that Belgium had the highest per-capita number of ISIL volunteers. No surprise that many who returned (nearly half died in Syria and Iraq) were even more determined to bring the war to Belgium. At this point Belgian officials were forced to admit that many Belgian Moslems had complained to the government about all this anti-Western preaching and were ignored because it had long been Belgian policy not to offend the Saudis.

Even before 2015 some Saudi diplomats were expelled for being too enthusiastic, and blatant, about Saudi support for thing kind of teaching but there was never an effort to shut down the schools or pro-Islamic terrorism preachers. While many Belgian Moslems sought to become Westernized, at least so they could get an education that would result in a job, most of those exposed to the Wahhabi preaching refused to make themselves employable and then complained that Belgium was punishing them for being Moslem.
strategypage.com ...interesting :pop:


Counter-Terrorism: Belgium Admits It Was Screwed By The Saudis

April 14, 2016: One of the casualties of the recent ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) attacks in France and Belgium was the reputation of Saudi Arabia as an ally in the fight against ISIL. The media were all over the state of Islam in Belgium and many little-publicized facts were made very public. Chief among them was the role of Saudi Arabia played in building (at Saudi expense) mosques and religious schools in Belgium and then staffing them. These facilities were controlled by very-conservative (and anti-Western) clerics and religious teachers who were often trained in Saudi Arabia. This should not be surprising as since the 1980s Saudi Arabia has spent over $100 billion doing this promotion of the very conservative Wahhabi form of Sunni Islam that has predominated in Saudi Arabia since the 18th century.

This was all made possible after 1970 when the Arab oil states, mainly Saudi Arabia, found themselves with unexpected and unprecedented oil wealth. That was the result of the formation of the OPEC oil cartel. Because of OPEC the price of oil went from $3 a barrel in 1970 to $35 a barrel in 1980. Suddenly it became possible for Moslems to show how pious they were by funding Wahhabi missionaries who went to other Moslem (and many non-Moslem) nations to preach, establish Wahhabi religious schools and mosques and create the current Islamic terrorism problem. Billions were (and still are) spent on this and the policy of getting the young boys into these free religious schools and turning many of them into hateful (towards anyone not like them) Islamic religious fanatics led to a major outbreak of Islamic terrorism in the late 20th century. Saddam Hussein (as did many other Moslem dictators) kept this out of Iraq until 1991.

This Saudi effort was spectacularly successful in Brussels where over 20 percent of the population is now Moslem and most of them are Wahhabi Sunni. You could see this coming in the late 1970s when Saudi Arabia financed the rebuilding of the old mosque there into the Great Mosque of Brussels. This rebuilt mosque opened in 1978 and became the core of an Islamic Cultural Center that ran schools and efforts to convert Christians to Islam. All the teaching was done by clerics and instructors following the Wahhabi view of the world which believed all non-Moslems were a danger to Islam and must be eventually converted or killed. When criticized about this the Saudis got away with explaining it as “cultural differences.” Yet when data was compiled about the origins of ISIL recruits from Europe it was found that Belgium had the highest per-capita number of ISIL volunteers. No surprise that many who returned (nearly half died in Syria and Iraq) were even more determined to bring the war to Belgium. At this point Belgian officials were forced to admit that many Belgian Moslems had complained to the government about all this anti-Western preaching and were ignored because it had long been Belgian policy not to offend the Saudis.

Even before 2015 some Saudi diplomats were expelled for being too enthusiastic, and blatant, about Saudi support for thing kind of teaching but there was never an effort to shut down the schools or pro-Islamic terrorism preachers. While many Belgian Moslems sought to become Westernized, at least so they could get an education that would result in a job, most of those exposed to the Wahhabi preaching refused to make themselves employable and then complained that Belgium was punishing them for being Moslem.
Interesting how when the West points fingers without proof that too from a tabloid, it is not blaming or not taking responsibility of their own shortcomings ...

Top Belgium Jew: Whites to Blame for Terror
The New Observer
April 13, 2016

White “racism” and white peoples’ “failure to integrate” with nonwhites is the cause of Islamic terrorism in Belgium, Yves Goldstein, the Jewish chief of staff for the minister-president of the Brussels Capital Region has said.

Speaking in an interview with the New York Times, Goldstein, who is described as a “militant” on his Socialist Party webpage, said the “problem is not Islam,” but “negligence” on the part of the Belgian government.

Yves Goldstein, left, chief-of-staff of the Minister-President of Brussels, says that white people are to blame to nonwhite terrorist attacks.

Goldstein also said that teachers in the nonwhite colonized Brussels districts of Molenbeek and Schaerbeek had told him that “90 percent of their students, 17, 18 years old, called them [the Muslim terrorists] heroes.”

Goldstein, who apart from being chief-of-staff for the minister president of Brussels, is also a councilor and group leader of the Socialist Party in Schaerbeek council, then went on to claim that the real reason why the nonwhites engage in terrorist violence is because white people have not “integrated” with them.

“Our cities are facing a huge problem, maybe the largest since World War II,” Goldstein said. “How is it that people who were born here in Brussels, in Paris, can call heroes the people who commit violence and terror? That is the real question we’re facing.”

As the New York Times pointed out, Schaerbeek is almost as infamous these days as Molenbeek, two districts where Paris terrorist Salah Abdeslam and “his group of Islamic State adherents had the space and time to live, hide, and manufacture their weapons.”

Schaerbeek is adjacent to Molenbeek, and is equally overrun with nonwhite invaders—who all, of course, vote for the barely-disguised communists masquerading as Goldstein’s Belgian “Socialist Party.”

It was in a townhouse in Schaerbeek where the nonwhite invaders and refugee-terrorists made their preparations for the attacks in Paris, and, where, afterward, Abdeslam hid in what is called the “Turkish area.”

According to Goldstein, Belgium’s “integration has been somewhere between the French model, which put new immigrants in suburban ghettos, and the British and American one, which created communities like Chinatown or Little Italy.”

“In Brussels, everyone lives in the city, and we chose a model of diversity through mixing of populations in the same neighborhoods.”

But, he said, “we failed. We failed in Molenbeek and Schaerbeek, too, to ensure the mixing of populations.

“We have neighborhoods where people only see the same people, go to school with the same people,” he said.

“What connection do they have with the whole society, what connection do they have with real diversity? It’s the establishment of the ghetto, and it’s the thing in our urban development that we have to tackle.”

The reason for this “lack of real diversity” is, of course, Goldstein said, white people and their alleged racism.

We have to fight racism and discrimination with the same force as radicalization,” Goldstein said, because “our society gives to these young people a bad idea of who and what they are.”

Almost as a footnote, the New York Times added that all the Jews have left Schaerbeek, and the last two synagogues are being sold off.

*Goldstein is also a member of the “Comité directeur du Comité de Coordination des Organisations Juives de Belgique” (Steering Committee of Jewish Organizations Coordinating Committee of Belgium), which of course supports Israel and its racially-exclusionary laws which prohibit Muslims and any non-Jews from entering or “integrating” with Jews in that country.

strategypage.com ...interesting :pop:

Interesting how when the West points fingers without proof that too from a tabloid, it is not blaming or not taking responsibility of their own shortcomings ...

Top Belgium Jew: Whites to Blame for Terror
The New Observer
April 13, 2016
Goldstein also said that teachers in the nonwhite colonized Brussels districts of Molenbeek and Schaerbeek had told him that “90 percent of their students, 17, 18 years old, called them [the Muslim terrorists] heroes.”

Goldstein, who apart from being chief-of-staff for the minister president of Brussels, is also a councilor and group leader of the Socialist Party in Schaerbeek council, then went on to claim that the real reason why the nonwhites engage in terrorist violence is because white people have not “integrated” with them.


According to Goldstein, Belgium’s “integration has been somewhere between the French model, which put new immigrants in suburban ghettos, and the British and American one, which created communities like Chinatown or Little Italy.”

“In Brussels, everyone lives in the city, and we chose a model of diversity through mixing of populations in the same neighborhoods.”

But, he said, “we failed. We failed in Molenbeek and Schaerbeek, too, to ensure the mixing of populations.

“We have neighborhoods where people only see the same people, go to school with the same people,” he said.

unbelievable. When you migrate to a new country, is it your job to try to integrate into the society there or theirs? If you go settle in the west and expect the west to start implementing shariah, don't blame them for blaming you.

Chinese, Italians, Irish, Germans, Indians, Dutch, Spanish ....all sorts of people migrated in mass and waves into the USA. They have all managed to integrate well even while retaining the diversity of their cultures. Little Italies, China Towns, India enclaves etc are cultural economic and social hubs ...not ghettos.

So ask yourself why it needs to be different for muslim immigrants?

My own view is that muslims from radicalised countries such as KSA, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc do not have the ability or willingness to nip the most radical tendencies and secretly agree and support them.
But their laws state the govt is responsible....

Belgium is not USA nor are Belgian laws similar to American ones! Please keep in context

Indeed. When until a few short months ago many Europeans took pride in mocking the USA for the level of intelligence gathering and homeland security. Now they all wish they had followed the USA - and are scrambling to hire security consultancies from the USA and Israel.

But let me be a bit serious - the government, whether Belgian or any other, ofcourse can and should facilitate integration. But it should be in its own terms, otherwise it is simply paying blackmail.

That's what happened in Belgium, France and select pockets of even UK and USA. Fortunately USA woke up sooner - UK is just waking up. But France and Belgium are still in denial
Indeed. When until a few short months ago many Europeans took pride in mocking the USA for the level of intelligence gathering and homeland security. Now they all wish they had followed the USA - and are scrambling to hire security consultancies from the USA and Israel.
Well happens to hollier than thou attitude ...

But let me be a bit serious - the government, whether Belgian or any other, ofcourse can and should facilitate integration. But it should be in its own terms, otherwise it is simply paying blackmail.
Well lets also be honest, some of the people arent the best choice to give "political asylum" to....
And others like Anjem Chaudry who are even hated by many British Muslims are uselessly made famous by shows like BBC....like he is always sought for an interview on Islam when he has no degree on Islam nor Shariah to talk about it....Kind of humiliates all the profs of uni which have Shariah degrees and prof who have knowledge in the subject!

Fortunately USA woke up sooner -
Not really...You see integration can be measured by how the people are treated and react....When you have pockets of area where low wage people gather, or pockets of 1 kind of people...THAT is called alienating and isolation and such pockets are VERY obvious in USA! Lets not deny that!

Integration means you show them what you are ...how better to do it than to mix the people? When you put criminals in 1 area, low in come people in 1 area, all filthy rich in 1 area and average pay in 1 area and put refugee and asylum seekers in the worst area that is not integrating...

And when you neglect areas they become breeding ground for crimes coz criminal like areas where no one cares!
Well happens to hollier than thou attitude ...

Well lets also be honest, some of the people arent the best choice to give "political asylum" to....
And others like Anjem Chaudry who are even hated by many British Muslims are uselessly made famous by shows like BBC....like he is always sought for an interview on Islam when he has no degree on Islam nor Shariah to talk about it....Kind of humiliates all the profs of uni which have Shariah degrees and prof who have knowledge in the subject!

Not really...You see integration can be measured by how the people are treated and react....When you have pockets of area where low wage people gather, or pockets of 1 kind of people...THAT is called alienating and isolation and such pockets are VERY obvious in USA! Lets not deny that!

Integration means you show them what you are ...how better to do it than to mix the people? When you put criminals in 1 area, low in come people in 1 area, all filthy rich in 1 area and average pay in 1 area and put refugee and asylum seekers in the worst area that is not integrating...

And when you neglect areas they become breeding ground for crimes coz criminal like areas where no one cares!

In the USA or the UK etc you have all kinds, you have those who treasure traditions and those who seek rebellion. You have families that are tight and in moral bonds and you have completely alienated families where the children don't see parents for years! you have shows that preach and you have shows that purvey the crass the lewd. Trump sells, Anjum sells... But what has made muslims and islam the butt of the joke is the continued inability for its followers to come to terms with themselves. Everytime a terrorist strikes, the first headline is which islamic outfit did it. And the second headline is it is not Islam. Fine, so fix it! Is it any wonder Islam and Shariah have acquired a bad repute?

And low wage people gathering - that is a cop out. What do you expect? This has nothing to do with muslim violence. remember - poor gather because they cannot afford to buy where the rick live; and the rich got their (in most cases) by hard work and ambitious risk taking, so they want certain standard of life. Because they are poor and they have to live a poor neighborhood is no excuse to radicalize. It is no excuse for parents to be negligent in bringing up their kids with human values. It is no excuse for hating the country that welcomed you when you ran away or were run out of whatever source nation you came from. (ofcourse you is not you personally ...I am talking about these nutjobs that claim some sort of lifelong amnesty from hard work and learning just because they are muslim).
But what has made muslims and islam the butt of the joke is the continued inability for its followers to come to terms with themselves.
Or just that it is a cycle...Once upon a time the same Christians were at each other's neck over Catholic and protestant but they dont teach that shit in history!
Everytime a terrorist strikes, the first headline is which islamic outfit did it. And the second headline is it is not Islam. Fine, so fix it! Is it any wonder Islam and Shariah have acquired a bad repute?
And that itself kills the main purpose of why news was first made popular! Media was to investigate the truth now it is all about who opens their mouth first even if shit comes out!

Fix it? To fix it we need to FIRST fix people like you who think Anjem Ch is fine and not doing any harm...How can people fix anything when you are not taking part to fix your own jumping to conclusions? You yourself said first headline - which btw, comes in when crime is committed without evidence or investigation - not only killing the purpose of journalism but also showcasing that we are right people are stereotyping and alienating....

And low wage people gathering - that is a cop out. What do you expect? This has nothing to do with muslim violence. remember - poor gather because they cannot afford to buy where the rick live; and the rich got their (in most cases) by hard work and ambitious risk taking, so they want certain standard of life. Because they are poor and they have to live a poor neighborhood is no excuse to radicalize. It is no excuse for parents to be negligent in bringing up their kids with human values. It is no excuse for hating the country that welcomed you when you ran away or were run out of whatever source nation you came from. (ofcourse you is not you personally ...I am talking about these nutjobs that claim some sort of lifelong amnesty from hard work and learning just because they are muslim).
Well when you take responsibilities for refugee and asylum you dont offer them the shittiest place you have and forget about it and cry when someone else offered them a better life be it involved in committing more crimes...
Or just that it is a cycle...Once upon a time the same Christians were at each other's neck over Catholic and protestant but they dont teach that shit in history!
And that itself kills the main purpose of why news was first made popular! Media was to investigate the truth now it is all about who opens their mouth first even if shit comes out!

Fix it? To fix it we need to FIRST fix people like you who think Anjem Ch is fine and not doing any harm...How can people fix anything when you are not taking part to fix your own jumping to conclusions? You yourself said first headline - which btw, comes in when crime is committed without evidence or investigation - not only killing the purpose of journalism but also showcasing that we are right people are stereotyping and alienating....

Well when you take responsibilities for refugee and asylum you dont offer them the shittiest place you have and forget about it and cry when someone else offered them a better life be it involved in committing more crimes...

1. ofcourse it has happened with most religions - we can only worry about the now, Right now it is Islam
2. you are missing the main point - when you come to enjoy western values that means take the good with the bad because what is good for you doen't have to be viewed that way by others. There will be characters you will detest, doesn't mean you can go blow them up. So yeah, unless Anjam or david duke or paris hilton or nixon - whoever - they get caught committing a crime, they will be punished. As long as what they do is within the law, nobody is allowed to 'fix' them.
3. you are failing to seek root cause. Here is a data point: a significant portion of terrorists and those in various stages of radicalization are not economically poor or lacking in education. They simply have grown up and been brought up with the notion of two lives: live like in Pakistan inside the house but pose like a local outside. When they reach a thinking age they can no longer live this double life imposed upon them and they rebel - some relinquish their Pakistan/islamic veneer and other relinquish the local lad veneer. The latter get radicalized. If you want proof just look at how many girls in muslim families are allowed to date or not date. What do you expect? This is not something David cameroon can 'give you'. The girl's parents who migrated has to accept his reality and let his kids grown and flourish. Most muslims do not do that. And in the process they have created this madness
1. ofcourse it has happened with most religions - we can only worry about the now, Right now it is Islam
When we dont study the past or its reasons we repeat the same mistakes....

you are missing the main point - when you come to enjoy western values that means take the good with the bad because what is good for you doen't have to be viewed that way by others. There will be characters you will detest, doesn't mean you can go blow them up. So yeah, unless Anjam or david duke or paris hilton or nixon - whoever - they get caught committing a crime, they will be punished. As long as what they do is within the law, nobody is allowed to 'fix' them.
Let me give you an analogy:

In America if a white man/ kid is found guilty of a massacre he is 99% declared insane due to some past trauma....But brown kids who have seen nothing but war their whole lives cant suffer from any form illness? Shouldnt they be given more care esp since you have signed an agreement to take in refugees....from war torn countries...Countries YOU bombed...Wars you threw on them that they didnt ask....Showing them dead neighbours which no child should see!

Where is your responsibility? You cant ask another when you havent paid your side of the bargain!

3. you are failing to seek root cause. Here is a data point: a significant portion of terrorists and those in various stages of radicalization are not economically poor or lacking in education. They simply have grown up and been brought up with the notion of two lives: live like in Pakistan inside the house but pose like a local outside. When they reach a thinking age they can no longer live this double life imposed upon them and they rebel - some relinquish their Pakistan/islamic veneer and other relinquish the local lad veneer. The latter get radicalized. If you want proof just look at how many girls in muslim families are allowed to date or not date. What do you expect? This is not something David cameroon can 'give you'. The girl's parents who migrated has to accept his reality and let his kids grown and flourish. Most muslims do not do that. And in the process they have created this madness
A significant of those do exist and are thriving because the govt has failed to integrate which in sociology terms means to mix ...diversify the surrounding..BUT when you find singular environment, it shows "no integration" occurred so before pointing fingers the laws which were supposed to make this happen "should also" be questioned!

Let me give you an example close to home....

Malaysian indians every now and then complain about racism....they have their own schools, areas and even temples in Malaysia.....yet they cry....Now if tomorrow india was bombarded by America and Malaysians joined the fleet...with soldiers and weapons ...full support....

How will you behave, the Malaysian indians? Please dont give me holier than thou bs we all know ANY human being will feel the heat if thrown in such a situation ...

Now lets say some indians who were prosecuted on their land and they moved to Malaysia and made their ghettos....then Malaysia attacked india - full fledged war, blowing off the taj mahal and any other marks....leaving behind some weapons that militia got and started a full war with the neighbourhood you grew up in bombed to pieces and your old neighbours who were living there vaporized- their only crime they were not rich enough to move out in time....then these militia go and recruit these Malaysian indians who were thrown and forgotten in ghettos....tells them that their mother land needs them is getting "invaded"....

Now tell me as a human being not just an indian what the hell crosses your minds?

Because no matter how much you deny....Afghanistan looks worse than it did before 9/11...Iraq looks like Nagasaki after the nuclear strike! And you expect me to believe not a single civilian was harmed? Esp when at 9/11 people were rushing to "kill some of them" (not indicating in any specific details but with full of anger) (exact words when American army was being sent)

If a white kid can go into trauma enough to kill from child abuse or even some as simple as neglect...then imagine what these people go through?! If you cant then you neglect EQ and are in no position to debate further!

When 9/11 happened Americans were soo full of hate and ignorance they did stereotype and cause pain to a lot of people who put the trust in the justice system....mistakes did happen...Ignoring them or pretending they didnt, not acknowledging them and all this other piled up WRONGS...is not making any right!
Or just that it is a cycle...Once upon a time the same Christians were at each other's neck over Catholic and protestant but they dont teach that shit in history!

On the contrary,they teach it well,hence we know that doing shait for religion is stupid.That's why we kind of loath medievals coming here and doing stuff according to religion in 2016.
you are failing to seek root cause.
Now that going on a killing spree to avenge some thousands resulting in an invasion lasting a decade AND killing OVER A MILLION people...They are human too you know!

You may not relate to them but if a million of indians would have died at the hands of Pakistanis, you would want blood no matter which civilized country you live in!!

How about you fix that first before having the audacity to ask anyone else of anything

On the contrary,they teach it well,hence we know that doing shait for religion is stupid.That's why we kind of loath medievals coming here and doing stuff according to religion in 2016.
Just coz you loath your religion because of your past wars you assume its the same with every religion? Just coz you hate your religion you cant tolerate anyone practicing theirs? You call yourself "secular" but you have Sunday off instead of say Tuesday? You call yourselves secular when all the public holidays are Christian related? Why is the state taking days off according to religion? Just asking if you loath you wouldnt be holding it as per your daily practices would you? From public holidays to even weekends?

If you know your wars you would have stopped America from starting another one during the cold war and then again in Afghanistan and again in Iraq....No one stopped the monster and now no one wants the consequences!

America goes to wars in other people's country, erect something calling it Al Qaedah to sooth your ego against Russia and then while leaving them with training AND weapons ...cry they bit you? Kind of rich, dont you think? Plant the bomb and cry when it explodes?

And someone mentioned foreign....If woman covering their head is foreign than mother Mary is equally foreign to you guys but you havent removed her headscarf as often as you jump in to alienate Muslimss
Just coz you loath your religion because of your past wars you assume its the same with every religion? Just coz you hate your religion you cant tolerate anyone practicing theirs? You call yourself "secular" but you have Sunday off instead of say Tuesday? You call yourselves secular when all the public holidays are Christian related? Why is the state taking days off according to religion? Just asking if you loath you wouldnt be holding it as per your daily practices would you? From public holidays to even weekends?

No,I call myself a Christian,just that i don't do stupid medieval things like some Christians did 500 years ago...burning people at the stake for heresy,etc.Muslims should try it to,it's revigorating not living in the 7th century.
.Muslims should try it to,it's revigorating not living in the 7th century.
Muslims represent more than a billion people on the planet by you using generalized statements like that implies all of us do when MAJORITY of us mind our own business coz a billion of us doing so would surely have wiped every other nation away!

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