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Beijing reaches out to Delhi to safeguard its interests

Both Indian lover and American licker are discusting, at the beginning it's like who is getting the world champion of hypocrite....
Well you are not in position of talking about American licker, if you know what I mean. Better talk sense, or keep out of it.
Few Pakistanis and false flaggers, if you know what I mean.

Chinese-Dragon and me have talked about it recently. He also contributed in Exploring India thread. Thing is if he talks positive about Indo-China relations, people attack him. Few good Chinese members have left the forum.

It won't be a surprise if we won't have a Chinese POV after some time.
why doesn't he show some maturity to ignore a few flagger's, rookie's comments and not to take them as the representation of larger majority of Indian posters here.
as far as I remember he has selective amnesia ? he only remembers a few Indians name calling and totally forgets other mature Indian members words.(in fact he has a collection of bad words from Indian side but nothing good is saved I guess including the sincere apologies from many of us). but I think lately he beamed a little more softer towards India. sorry if what I said hurt him but that what I observed.
@Agnostic_Indian Buddy, one TT and one Jnr. TT called him names. Not a rookie, or false flaggers. Also many senior members. He is patriotic like us. He bashes one someone bashes his country.

He doesn't bash people who make valid points. He argues with facts and stats. I know him because I had PM conversation with him. He finds China has more things common with India than with Pakistan.

Lets leave it, I just want people like him to put their POV from China's side because he can put it in best way.
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lol Do YOU think , China will turn its back on Pakistan to please you ?
are indian muslims Pakistani terrorist ? are kashmiri mujahid are Pakistani terrorist ? are people like Akbar u din awais funded or backed by Pakistan ? dude , before you point your fingers on others check your own country. you cant live in peace by killing sikhs in punjab, muslims in kashmir and haiderabad and other areas.
we do realise that kinda threat talibs are for us. but you dont realise.
btw @ A1khaid Chindian is an actual word.
Chindian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well you are not in position of talking about American licker, if you know what I mean. Better talk sense, or keep out of it.

Since when you are an judge of argument. A pissed-off Indian take chair of the middle....how funny....
This being Pakistan Defence Forum, Chinese members are just trying to avoid commenting on the thread and that is understandable.

Wrong. This being Pakistan Defence Forum, Indians are playing a game of being friendly to Chinese. In other online forums, we can see the real Indian hostility towards China.

Most Chinese are smart enough to see through this Indian charade but some here have been brainwashed by Indians.

Also, I have many Chinese mates here (in US) who hold similar outlook on Islamic extremism issue and they want countries to co-operate against these Islamic extremists destroying human lives and properties..

Most Chinese are far more concerned about Tibetan terrorism emanating from India than Islamic terrorism.

Chinese-Dragon and me have talked about it recently.

Yes, we know you are at the forefront of this anti-Muslim, anti-Pakistan brainwashing of Chinese members.

Thing is if he talks positive about Indo-China relations, people attack him.

Wrong. He gets called out when he shows selective outrage.

- angry at alleged Pakistani support of Uighurs, but not a peep about Indian support of Tibetans.
- going ballistic when ONE Pakistani says something against Chinese government policies, but glibly dismissing scores of Indian attacks by saying "It's OK to attack Chinese government, just not Chinese people".

Few good Chinese members have left the forum.

That is the Indian plan -- to eliminate or neutralize the Chinese POV on this forum -- so that Indians can play dadagiri over Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. When Indians blab about superpower India, it is usually the Chinese who slap them back to reality. Hence Indians want to minimize Chinese presence.

He bashes one someone bashes his country.

No he doesn't. When Indians bash China, he usually avoids those threads to avoid saying anything bad about India because he has been brainwashed by Indians (admitted by you yourself) that there is a India-China alliance against Muslims. This brainwashing was on full display here during the Burmese Buddhist attacks on Rohingya Muslims.

Bottom line, it's OK to be anti-Muslim or pro-India. We have scores of people like that here, but they are up-front about their beliefs and don't throw a tantrum when their biases are pointed out.

You shouldn't make idiotic accusations on anyone. I have asked him to be on the forum even if he gets irritated by the people attacking him.

And I am not defending myself, its just that if you have some problem with one poster, you directly accuse his friends too. So may be you have a problem that suddenly Chinese talking in friendly way with Indians. As for brainwashing, we all know who has been brainwashed, entire world doing conspiracy against an innocent country. :azn:

And enough of your Conspiracy theories, that I want to spread anti-Muslim thoughts and make Chinese leave this forum. As for anti-Pakistani, I say what I feel. If your policy or steps are wrong according to me, I will say out loud. You can go and cry to anyone. :coffee:

FYI, see that thread on PM of your country visiting Ajmer Sharif, its your countrymen making fun of Muslims they don't like and I supporting the people who believe in Khawaja Chisti. So I know who are real hypocrites. :drag:

So, its better to talk when you have proper knowledge. I know you guys have special reservations and few biased Moderators, but I don't give a flying fcuk about what title you have or support you got, if you are wrong or accusing anyone. Nor do I am dying for this title and remained here for it. :haha:

So better ask your own compatriots, or keep your judgement to yourself.

Since when you are an judge of argument. A pissed-off Indian take chair of the middle....how funny....
Since hypocrites like you who has flags of two nations , one that takes money from US while crying death to America and other nuked by US.
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Don't bring up Kashmir as Kashmiris want to be with Pakistan.
Really?? :woot: Says who? Your rants and bluster are getting a little tiring. Kahmiris want nothing to do with what they say is a 'failed state'. Go ask them first before posting nonsensical tripe out here. For the Shia's of Kashmir, Pakistan is a strict no, no!

You have been brainwashed by your propaganda machine to such an extent that you've started collapsing from within, what with extremists, religious fundamentalists, and terrorists who have started ruling the roost out there with no one having the balls to take them on.

And China knows it and therefore distancing itself from the powder keg! Because after Afghanistan, the dorks are going to spread mayhem and religious fundamentalism in Xinjiang and possibly Kashmir too. This is all part of their grand design of establishing a Muslim Caliphate across Asia. Just like the Yanks who want to establish a New World Order controlled by the Illuminati and the neo-cons. Some say, a clash of civilizations is on the cards....
Wrong. This being Pakistan Defence Forum, Indians are playing a game of being friendly to Chinese. In other online forums, we can see the real Indian hostility towards China.

The news is about Chinese govt approaching India to discuss an issue. We support it and I am sure most of Chinese do as well. What is there to play game in it? And believe it or not, in real life outside forums Indians and Chinese are in general quite friendly towards each other. The main reason for it is the interactions we have amongst each other since the times before some of the religions were born.. The hostility part is a recent phenomenon and partly it is because of the actions of outsiders.

Most Chinese are smart enough to see through this Indian charade but some here have been brainwashed by Indians

I agree Chinese are smart people and brainwashing them is a task tougher than the wahabis brainwashing Pakistani youth.

Most Chinese are far more concerned about Tibetan terrorism emanating from India than Islamic terrorism.

Their concern are clearly visible from the action of their government. They have approached Indian govt to join hands against Islamic terrorism which is concern for both countries. Let me correct you on one thing though, there is no Tibetian terrorism emanating from India. Nobody is getting trained and sent across the border to blast innocents visiting their religious places or markets. We host DL because we respect Buddhism and the Buddhists monks and when they asked us to provide shelter there was no way we could have denied them the same. We also need to be aware that India is an early supporter of one China policy and all these facts are there in open.
I see you're @ss kissing up to the Indians now. You're an Indian apologist advocating China build ties with India, that makes you an Indian lover. From now on I will call you Chindian. You also advocate China expand economic ties with India disrespect to southern Tibet. Sad how you have become a tool of India and selling out your country's interest to foreigners.

How much did they pay you?

Why you want all chinese should be against India and Indians? I am sure chinese will not like to terrorists bombing in their country.... as India involved in Afghan development some Chinese officials might approached New Delhi... Indians and Chinese are not foe.... just got disputes over some land... there is no single point for him to post anti India post.... see how you are going offensive on him... when he post neutral or balanced post? so you want use Chinese pakistan brotherhood against India? lol.... proved your artificial love on chinese...hehehe ...... don't go offensive on him because he is not satisfying your ego...
Your own words.Once again, it's OK for you to spread propaganda suitable for your interests. But don't throw a tantrum when people point it out.
If you didn't notice, I also posted the link of Pakistan based terrorist camps causing trouble in Xinjiang province. Read some news first and do your research. :omghaha:

The Xinjiang problem and Pakistan


Read this and then talk.
I don't talk without any proper research unlike you who twists words and make false accusations.

I am stating the obvious possibility. BTW I was talking about terrorists and Taliban, why do you think its Anti-Pakistan ? :azn:
Since hypocrites like you who has flags of two nations , one that takes money from US while crying death to America and other nuked by US.

I am not hypocrite myself and I always say what I want to say.

You should ask yourself if you're the most hypocrite among all Indian members on the forum, with a royal cap of "JR think tank". (quite amusing, isn't it)

People have eyes. I'd say you are worse than American licker and Indian lovers, you are self deluding hypocrite, that's such an award of awes.
I am not hypocrite myself and I always say what I want to say. You should ask yourself if you're the most hypocrite among all Indian members on the forum, with a royal cap of "JR think tank". (quite amusing, isn't it)
People have eyes. I'd say you are worse than American licker and Indian lovers, you are self deluding hypocrite, that's such an award of awes.
I really don't care about this title. Ask your Admins. I have asked them to take it away. :omghaha:

As for hypocrite, I am like every one, but up to some extent. Unlike you who pretend to be Torch Bearer of Fairness.
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