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beijing prepaid for PRC 60'S Celebration!!great pics of beijing

Excellent pics buddy.

The way China has lifted herself in recent times is something unprecedented in human history and I doubt there will be an another example of such magnitude. Its a quantum jump achieved by an efficient government along with Chinese people's desire, dedication and determination to achieve better and move ahead.

Kudos to PRC and the people of China. Happy 60th anniversary :china:
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Beijing Subway is tops. Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hongkong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Seoul, Kiaoshing, Taipei, Busan, Bangkok, Manila, Delhi, etc.... they are the best-of-the-best in the entire world! :)

:blah: :blah: :blah:

Sometimes I have serious doubt about your nationality. You praise a country that has sized your lands and wants to nuke you... :frown: :blah: :blah:

Anyway, pics are excellent.
:blah: :blah: :blah:

Sometimes I have serious doubt about your nationality. You praise a country that has sized your lands and wants to nuke you... :frown: :blah: :blah:

Anyway, pics are excellent.

Delhi metro has become a very high quality metro service. He was right to mention Delhi there.

Btw why the fu*k you don't come up with your own country flag? What's holding you back?
very nice pics and i think the author should add some explanations of the pics, such as the Qianmen Avenue, national library, the CBD etc.
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China has done lot of hard-work to reach where they are, I really admire them. I also feel they have been a reasonable neighbor to, baring 1962 we hardly had any issues with them. I think we should learn from then and also try to have better relationship with them.
China has done lot of hard-work to reach where they are, I really admire them. I also feel they have been a reasonable neighbor to, baring 1962 we hardly had any issues with them. I think we should learn from then and also try to have better relationship with them.

it is a sad thing to have war between China and India,why not negociate issues? we r wise,right?
any bullet is hurting a mother's heart
if you need war ,we dont mind
india would like to find trouble? ok
make sure your soldiers not cry ,ok?
you r not superpower,but you have a superpower heart
if i am correct ,China is more stronger than india,and we r developing better than you
our :pakistan:friends had told the world how your kids fight a war
so--------?when you r weak ,dont try to show us your @ss in front of our feet

I have read your earlier post and I respect you thoughts. China and India are matured and intelligent enough not to go to war and that's the reason we've never had any major conflict after '62. Look at the govt establishment of both sides. they are behaving in a right way. its the yellow media which spread war rhetoric, admittedly more from the Indian side.

Btw try to avoid that guy quriosity. for sure he is not Indian. He is just anti-indian fag hiding behind the indian flag. just go through his posts. you will get it. Since you said something positive about Indo-china relation he felt some burning in his @$$ and so trying to make you think against india. nothing else.

I have read your earlier post and I respect you thoughts. China and India are matured and intelligent enough not to go to war and that's the reason we've never had any major conflict after '62. Look at the govt establishment of both sides. they are behaving in a right way. its the yellow media which spread war rhetoric, admittedly more from the Indian side.

Btw try to avoid that guy quriosity. for sure he is not Indian. He is just anti-indian fag hiding behind the indian flag. just go through his posts. you will get it. Since you said something positive about Indo-china relation he felt some burning in his @$$ and so trying to make you think against india. nothing else.

thanks ,man
i dont think war is a good way to deal with land problem,we had finished our issues with Russia,but way is the last way to --------

deep in my heart i dont hate india or your people,we r poor countries,and we had suffered a lot from the the west,and our :pakistan: friends too,we should find way to deal with the trouble,if we just prepare for war,we r fool

we should think more for our kids,and friends
as a chinese ,i support :pakistan:
as a human being ,i support peace
as a pure soul,i sopport love

China is different from India,we had a lot of wars,i am proud of those heros ,and i know that means many lives gone
india and china r both great countries,so? we should prepare for war and pray it not happen,and maybe at the end of this way ,we both would realize we can not get all we want ------------
cool down,man,peace is more brave

and i hope india and our :pakistan:friends would find a way to finish it too
even we r enemy or copetetior we still could :cheers:
we could be respectable enemy

i just dont like some indians think chinese as brainwashed ediots,world is changing,china too
a father's son is a new man,chinese r changing

when some indians bash china in this way,i will fight back in the same way
no offence,just for fun

come on ,dude ,some people r finding fun here

india would show the world it's power,i wait,even it is bad for china now
our :pakistan:dude would make india cool down,i wish
deep in my heart i dont hate india or your people,we r poor countries,and we had suffered a lot from the the west,

No no no.... no similarity between Chinese colonial subjects and Indian colonial subjects. Many Indians are descendants of the former British rulers and their soldiers. They belong to the same race, at least Indians claim that.

Nautch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a quote from "moonlight 09/21/2009, 02:12:42" on a different forum. He's a very nationalistic Chinese and his English is poor, but here is a very good summary about Mao Zedong and China's recent history.

Since this gives our members better understanding of China and the greater significance of her 60th anniversary! :china::pakistan::usflag::pdf:

After the defeated of Japan and then finally CCP won the Chinese civil wars against the KMT, Mao and his Comrades wants to be closer relation with the USA and hoping the US will come to the aids of China and helping her to rebuilding. At that stage of China development when PRC was formed, China basically was a destroyed country have to be rebuild from bare bone.

Baastard Stalin have ill intention toward China and he is afraid of a strong China allies with the USA, he have a hand to encourage Kim iLL Gook's Father(aka Big Kim Chee) of North Korea to starting the Korean war. When China was forced into entered the Korean War on the side of the North Korea because dirty Douglas MacArthur pushing his army into the Northern Soft Belly of China near Harbin, Mao have no chose but to sent in the PVA to fighting and pushing back MacArthur from the Northern Yalu River. Anyway, Mao stepping into Korean War basically have killing off any future plans for China to approach to the USA and hoping for the West to helping China rebuilt.

The basic problem for the CCP still remains at the early stage of PRC, is to rebuild a destroyed China and she needed external help from other nations. Since the most powerful country at that time, USA have slammed the door to helping China, Mao have no other chose but to approaching to Baastard Stalin for aids.

Initially during the War against the Jap, when these dirty Japs were surrendered after the American dropping of Atomic Bombs on Japan; dirty Stalin wanting to permanently division of China by preserving the KMT power and forcing the CCP to corporation with the KMT. Bascially, Stalin wanting to create a situation like that of North/South Korea or East/West Germany inside China. A divided China is a weakened China and will not post any future threats to these dirty Russian.

Unfortunately for both Russia and USA, the great Chinese population voted with their feet and their lives to teamed up with Great Mao and supporting the CCP; thus, defeating the corrupt KMT government and sent these baastards on the running to Taiwan. Thus allows CCP to unified China under Great Leader Mao control is a shock and unexpected even to both Moscow and Washington.

When a triumphant Mao is blocked access to US aids, he have gain the aids to rebuilding of China from the Soviet Union. But, Soviet Union aids are not freely giving contrary to popular believes; Soviet Union aids to China are loans and dirty Stalin also forced Mao to accepting the division of Mongolia into Inner and Outer Mongolia. Outer Mongolia were given to the Russian as part of a buffer zone, these are Chinese land. Anyway, Mao have no chose but to agreed with the term of the Russian aids in order rebuilding China; thus, setting into motion the tragic events of Great Leap Forwards.

Great Leader Mao was a great civil war leader in particular in People Wars and his ability to mobilized hundred of millions, but Mao is not a economist nor he understand the peacetime leadership of a destroyed nation. In fact, the entire first generation of Chinese Leaders were hard man promoted to leadership roles because they are good in fighting wars and leading people in wars. But, to running a vast nation like China, you require many of educated people with varies of skills. The first Generation of Chinese Leadership were noble men, but they are still basically Country Bumpkin in term of economic, production .... etc.

Great Leader Mao and the CCP leadership believes that just People Power alone would be able to leap frog and rebuilding China and eventually surpassed that of the West and the Soviet Union... etc. At the earliest experiment, Mao and CCP were initially successful in reform China when land were redistributed to the peasant and the Chinese Old Land Owner Class were bloody purged after Mao formed PRC.

But in order to speed up the Chinese reform and to rebuilding China at leap frogging steps, Mao and the CCP started the experiment of Great Leap Forwards and creating massive Collectives ... and to mobilization of the entire Chinese people to rebuilding China.

The early success of Great Leap Forward leading to many of abuse and false promise, Stupid CCP Comrades at lower level starting to boasting and making up false production data and painting a false picture to the CCP leadership. During the initial stage of Great Leap Forward, all production was indeed drastically increased; but, this initial surge in production gain can't be sustained. When the second stage of Great Leap Forward were forced into place, where larger scale collective farming and collective industries were created; this caused many of social problems hidden at first and later reviews and undo many of CCP accomplishment. The very fact of Communist and the entire theory that "all man are equal... etc" is good in theory but can't be properly function in reality. There were many mistakes made during Great Leap Forward, such as the Back Yard Furnace, or killing of the three pests... etc.

Anyway, the false picture of initial Great Leap Forward success leading Mao and the senior CCP leadership to false believes that China was heading to greatness and that China could quickly repaying these dirty Russian Baastards at the earlier stage then planned. Much of food and farming production were divert to repaying of Russian loans, when the worst of famine strike China and farming collapse; this leading to starving of hundred of million Chinese during the later part of Great Leap Forward. This was a tragic failure of Mao and the CCP. When the production problem started and the Liberal Comrades(like Comrade Deng...etc) who urging caution about the full implementation of Great Leap Forward, warning to Mao about these GLF plans failure.. etc, but it was too little too late to saving millions of Chinese peasant from death.

Anyway, because of the tragic failure of Great Leap Forward, Great Leader Mao lost power within the CCP and the leadership of China were transferred to more liberal leadership and GLF were reversed; thus setting the stage for the even more tragic event of Great Cultural Revolution. Mao was basically put to early retirement after GLF failure and travel in his train around the country enjoying himself while the daily running of China were turn over to younger leadership blood with modest goal of rebuilding China.

Because Great Leader Mao were sidelined after the Great Leap Forward event, he started the Great Cultural Revolution by stirring young Chinese Youth as a Nationalistic pretext but real goal is fighting his own political opponents inside the CCP. This is the reason and why Great Cultural Revolution was created for Mao to regain power and leadership roles. Same mistake were once again created like that of People Commutes, sending educated people to the farm learning from the peasants, radical Young Red Guards killing and rampages in all part of the nation to destroy tradition and authority... etc.

As one CCP Comrade told of Great Mao and his legacy....

... If Mao have died after the defeat of Japan and won the Chinese civil war against the KMT to forming of PRC, Great Leader Mao would be remembered as a God to the Chinese Nation. And the Chinese people would worship him as God.

... If Mao have died after the failure of Great Leap Forward, Mao would still be remembered as the Great Leader but capable of human mistakes. Neither the less, Mao is still remembered as a Great Leader.

... unfortunately, Great Leader Mao died after the event of Great Cultural Revolution...... what more can I say?

Hope this very brief short lesson about China give you insight into Great Leap Forward and Great Cultural Revolution. You should read more books on these topics to learning more of these tragic events.
Grand ceremony planned to celebrate National Day

Xinhua, September 29, 2009 :china::pakistan::usflag::pdf:

A grand ceremony is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Thursday in Beijing to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

The celebrations will center on the Tian'anmen Square in the heart of Beijing, and Chang'an Avenue, the capital's main west-east thoroughfare, said Wang Yue, executive commander of the headquarters for civilians' parade affairs of the 60th anniversary celebration in the Chinese capital.

According to Wang, immediately following a massive military parade, there will be a civilians' parade comprising 36 formations and six performing groups involving about 100,000 citizens and 60 floats. It is complemented by 80,000 primary and middle school students in the Tian'anmen Square forming background patterns.

More than 4,000 performers, including a 2,400 strong chorus, will present a concert in the Tian'anmen Square, said Wang.

The civilians' parade begins with a formation of honor guards holding high the National Flag of the New China.

The civilians' parade will have three themes: ideology, achievements and future prospects, Wang said.

"Ideology" will be portrayed by formations holding high portraits of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, and placards featuring slogans characteristic of their thinking.

Nineteen floats will display China's achievements in different sectors, while another 34 will represent China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Three formations of teenagers will express the concept of wishing China a beautiful future. More than 5,000 children have been organized to fly and release colorful balloons and several tens of thousands of doves will also be released in the Tian'anmen Square Area, Wang said.

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