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Beijing, New Delhi poised for closer ties - China daily

Excellent post, I have been trying to make the exact same point here in this post:
Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance | Page 14

And I provide a solution and road map for China here:
Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance | Page 19

There may not be an EU in Asia, but it is possible to expand the SCO as a military alliance and cover most willing Asian nations except India. And those who are willing to join this new military alliance, Chinese investments should go to only these countries. Potentially there is at least 1.7 billion people in these Asian nations, much bigger than the population of India, where much more money can be made. Almost every one of these nations is more efficient than India:

Global Hunger Index | International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

The only thing India has going for it is its size and its fantastic ability to deceive.

After these allied Asian nations, the next in priority for investment should be Sub-saharan Africa and Latin America. Arabs have their own money for investing in Arab League nations.

There is no need for a BRICs alliance to break hegemony of US, the fading away of US has already started and it will only accelerate every passing year. Helping India because of BRICs alliance will only set up China to make the exact same mistake the US did just a few decades back.

The thing is, we are already investing massively in all those regions you mentioned, due to our shift away from domestic-investment led growth. To the point where people are talking about Chinese "neo-colonialism", that's how much we are investing.

But our surpluses are so enormous that it cannot be absorbed, we are even resorting to buying "land" in places like Ireland and Ukraine, and water infrastructure in Britain.

The only reason India did not receive much, is because their Congress regime opposed all Chinese investment due to their political stance.

But Modi is much more pro-Chinese investment.

We can sit back, and let the USA + EU + Japan take all the lucrative infrastructure projects in India (since India's own government has destroyed their own fiscal situation and cannot afford it)... or we could seek those profits ourselves.

Which also strengthens the BRICS, and thus causes more heart attacks for the American dreamers that plan of upholding their global hegemony.
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china has no option,it has to invest the money where returns are best and there is no country that can compete with india in this respect except for china itself right now.

other countries are either too small or have a puny workforce and won't sustain growth for long unlike india.

also we will eventually get the funding from japan and usa as tensions between china and west rise which they will post 2020 looking at chinese expansion of its armed forces.
one was or the other we are gonna get the fdi,,,,,,the thing to look for is whether china will help us or will look us as an enemy.

China has other options, where it can make as much money in ROI than they can make in India. The only reason small countries have less growth compared to big countries is because they are less politically stable, but to solve that stability problem, what I proposed is a military alliance, so hostile powers cannot abuse and destabilize these small nations. Asia has 1.7 billion people out of which at least 1.5 billion are in under developed countries. Sub-saharan Africa has close to a billion and there are at least 500 million in Latin America. So in all there is about 3 billion people in Asia, Sub-saharan Africa and Latin America where Chinese investments can make much more profit than they can make in India. And none of these states will be pointing nuclear war heads aimed at Beijing and none are occupying 84,000 sq. km of its land illegally.

The thing is, we are already investing massively in all those regions you mentioned, due to our shift away from domestic-investment led growth. To the point where people are talking about Chinese "neocolonialism", that's how much we are investing.

But our surpluses are so enormous that it cannot be absorbed, we are even resorting to buying "land" in places like Ireland and Ukraine, and water infrastructure in Britain.

The only reason India did not receive much, is because their Congress regime opposed all Chinese investment due to their political stance.

But Modi is much more pro-Chinese investment.

We can sit back, and let the USA + EU + Japan take all the lucrative infrastructure projects in India (since India's own government has destroyed their own fiscal situation and cannot afford it)... and let them become stronger at our expense... or we could seek those profits ourselves.

While strengthening the BRICS, and thus causing more heart attacks for the dreamers that plan of upholding their global hegemony.

I understand your points, but I present the other side of that argument. Of course ultimately the decision is for the Chinese govt. and leaders to make and whichever way China makes that decision, we Bangladeshi's will wish the best outcome from those decisions. Hopefully China will have some leverage over India and can ask Indian govt. to stop its abuse of the smaller neighbors.
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India is more hungry than Bangladesh, why should Bangladeshi's go into a
China has other options, where it can make as much money in ROI than they can make in India. The only reason small countries have less growth compared to big countries is because they are less politically stable, but to solve that stability problem, what I proposed is a military alliance, so hostile powers cannot abuse and destabilize these small nations. Asia has 1.7 billion people out of which at least 1.5 billion are in under developed countries. Sub-saharan Africa has close to a billion and there are at least 500 million in Latin America. So in all there is about 3 billion people in Asia, Sub-saharan Africa and Latin America where Chinese investments can make much more profit than they can make in India. And none of these states will be pointing nuclear war heads aimed at Beijing and none are occupying 84,000 sq. km of its land illegally.

none of these countries u are quoting have the skilled people that are required in huge numbers.......................we produce the largest number of skilled people in the world only next to china.

india is totally stable

infrastructure is getting better every year and by 2020 it will be electricity 24/7 for the whole year.

there is metro rail in 5 cities already with additional 8-9 under construction.

railway network is huge.

as u can see we beat any other seveloping nation when all the factors are considered,,,,there is no competition

none of these countries u are quoting have the skilled people that are required in huge numbers.......................we produce the largest number of skilled people in the world only next to china.

india is totally stable

infrastructure is getting better every year and by 2020 it will be electricity 24/7 for the whole year.

there is metro rail in 5 cities already with additional 8-9 under construction.

railway network is huge.

as u can see we beat any other developing nation when all the factors are considered,,,,there is no competition
Even through massacre right?

This is a myth the Indian Hindutva nationalists created to get rid of Muslim Bengali Indian citizens. I have already shown proof that India is more hungry than Bangladesh, why should people move to a country that has more hunger than their own? Does that make any sense?
This is a myth the Indian Hindutva nationalists created to get rid of Muslim Bengali Indian citizens. I have already shown proof that India is more hungry than Bangladesh, why should people move to a country that has more hunger than their own? Does that make any sense?

In my view India can't be trusted thus i rather not see too much investments from China to India.
This is a myth the Indian Hindutva nationalists created to get rid of Muslim Bengali Indian citizens. I have already shown proof that India is more hungry than Bangladesh, why should people move to a country that has more hunger than their own? Does that make any sense?

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bangla desh Low HDI

These people who would run to Somalia for a better life.

Countries with a higher HDI than bangla desh:

Solomon Islands

and most importantly India
Poor people do not care about HDI, they care about food.

HDI factors living standards. I am going to ask you again, please stop flooding India or more efficient methods will be taken to counter bengla deshi invasion.
A strong India is good for the world. Which is why no one is concerned about India developing or nuclear India or India developing missiles. India never attacked any country and we have no intention of doing so. Even our own people will reject the thought of attacking any country. All we need is peace, development and reduction of poverty in our country.
So in your view China should not help India because it might be a problem for China after 30 years or so..?

India couldn't attack other country because it was already colonized by the British for the last 200 years. But as soon as India gained independence, India annexed other princely states and even Sikkim. Nehru started 1962 war with China. He and Patel were eyeing to take Tibet. (India aggression was well documented in the Henderson report which your govt refused to release to public 50 yrs on.)

The US and the west are not concerned about India missiles because they want to rope in India to counter China.

China and India are not adversary, but if border dispute cannot be resolved, mistrust will always be there.
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China and India are not adversary, but if border dispute cannot be resolved, mistrust will always be there.

The border dispute needs both the countries to sit and talk over a period of time. And improving the trade relations in mean time will only help in solving the issues between the countries.
I was replying to dude who said that India rise is a threat to China. India is in no way threat currently. Even if India develops consistently for 15-20 years, I dont see India as a threat to China. I rather see India and China as competitors than enemies.
Frankly as a new member and common Chinese civilian here,I am really deeply influenced passively by comments in this forum between China and India.In my view ,though we had border dispute,we don't loathe Indians and we like to discuss Indian things.My mother very much likes Indian film,TV series and yoga.I have a lot of customers from Indian and they are very friendly and honest.We treat each other equally and friendly.
I just hope both government should try to deal with those historical issues peacefully soon.Bring cooperation and development to our civilians.
China is a big country but hegemonic country because of our culture and education.Some persons try to propagandize "threat of China" because of communism and jealousy.This world is not zero-and-sum game and should be era of cooperation and development.
Hope members here could say something more positive and constructive.Hatred would evolve into war sooner or later.Don't pass it on generation by generation if we could face the history justly.
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