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Beijing may intervene in Kashmir :Chinese Media warns India

This brings to the forefront Chinese insecurity. Tibet, SCS, Arunachal Pradesh, Taiwan etc are sore points in China's foreign policy.
It would be a lot better if China were to ignore the Dalai Lama.
You are mixing politics with religion .

Chinese don't give a $hit about Dalai Lama's discourse. They object to the position of Dalai Lama itself.

I am talking about common Chinese people who have been misled by their regime. I have met Chinese tourists as well in HH's discourses and they appreciate his teachings and go home happily.

This is for PDF Chinese members who think that HH is some Hafiz Saeed.

Oh and as for our faith is considered, we don't care what they object to in our own country. It is not like HH has walked into China and preached hate against Chinese government.
Karma is a :butcher:.. ... Masood azar :-)

Masood Azhar is just a tool, even bigger (good) terrorist who was banned in west is ruling you, terrorism in non of your concern anyways. uncle sam is playing real game behind the scenes... LEMOA paying off, soon Russian orders will be replaced by western equipments.
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Shimla Accord doesn't allow 3rd party to mediate.

On Topic: China is already interfaring in Kashmir. What's new in this warning?
Exactly , what is that new they are telling us? They are already interfering in kashmir and sided with pakistan.
Hasnt India clearly said that china should not invest in disputed land of kashmir. If they up the ante then India should openly support tibet and include uighurs as well. Lets see how far they can go. Its high time china stopped acting against India.

bullies always act in a desperate manner when they are hit back and so is the case with china.
I am talking about common Chinese people who have been misled by their regime. I have met Chinese tourists as well in HH's discourses and they appreciate his teachings and go home happily.

This is for PDF Chinese members who think that HH is some Hafiz Saeed.

Oh and as for our faith is considered, we don't care what they object to in our own country. It is not like HH has walked into China and preached hate against Chinese government.

Its pointless to discuss the common Chinese since they do not have any power.

Its equally pointless to discuss WITH the average chinese except to learn more about china. In fact, almost all of them will avoid discussion that are "uncomfortable". At best they will regurgitate standard chinese propaganda and mention 62 at a drop of a hat.
HH is some Hafiz Saeed.

except PDF Chinese they dont even know who are HAfiz Saeed, Masood Azhar and Dawood :lol: so how can they take this filthy terrorist as Hafiz Saeed? more appropriate example should be of ISIS or ETIM.

India warned over Dalai Lama visit

China asked India on Wednesday to immediately stop acting in ways that harm China's interests by using the Dalai Lama, and said it would take necessary measures to safeguard its territorial sovereignty.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said India insisted on arranging visits by the Dalai Lama to areas where China and India have territorial disputes, regardless of Beijing's concerns, adding that such actions seriously damage China's interests and China-India relations.

"China is firmly opposed to it and will lodge solemn representations to India," Hua told a daily news conference in Beijing.

The Dalai Lama arrived in the so-called Arunachal Pradesh on Tuesday.

Indian Junior Home Minister Kiren Rijiju said that the visit was "purely religious" and that "China shouldn't interfere in India's internal matters", The Hindu newspaper reported.

"China always pursues the principle of noninterference in other countries' internal affairs," Hua said. "However, India's arrangement of this visit, regardless of China's concerns, goes beyond internal affairs."

According to Hua, India is clear about the role played by the Dalai Lama. The fact that India still invited him to visit disputed areas on the China-India border not only goes against its commitment on Tibet-related issues, but also further provokes disputes on the border.

"This runs contrary to the positive trend of the development of bilateral relations, and will not benefit India in any way," she said.

The spokeswoman also said China will take necessary measures to firmly safeguard its own territorial sovereignty as well as its legitimate rights and interests.

"We urge India to immediately stop using the Dalai Lama to harm China's interests; to not inflame sensitive issues between the two countries; to not sabotage the foundations of border negotiations and bilateral ties; and to maintain China-India relations through practical deeds," she added.

Sun Shihai, a researcher on South Asian studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said China-India relations have encountered some difficulties recently due to a lack of political and strategic mutual trust between the two countries.

"This is unavoidable between any two big countries, but India should not play the Dalai Lama card, which will not help at all. Instead, it should look forward, and stick to dialogue and negotiations in order to solve the problems," Sun said.
Masood Azhar is just a tool, even bigger terrorist who was banned in west is ruling you, terrorism in non of your concern anyways. uncle sam is playing real game behind the scenes...
Thanks, Let us decide what our concerns should be. ... Yes, The real player is Uncle Sam, and It will squeeze CPEC before he gonna make SCS hotter... Afg., blocking CAR access to CPEC, Iran sanctions easing out, India investing Chabahar creating a big alternate for CAR to access arabian sea ...all is a part of big plan.
We will see how China reacts to declare Masood Azhar international terrorist this time...
except PDF Chinese they dont even know who are HAfiz Saeed, Masood Azhar and Dawood :lol: so how can they take this filthy terrorist as Hafiz Saeed? more appropriate example should be of ISIS or ETIM.

I was just citing an example.


Its pointless to discuss the common Chinese since they do not have any power.

Its equally pointless to discuss WITH the average chinese except to learn more about china. In fact, almost all of them will avoid discussion that are "uncomfortable". At best they will regurgitate standard chinese propaganda and mention 62 at a drop of a hat.

Very well said.

That is what I have observed. They choose to bypass the discussions that they may know holds some ground but doesn't correspond to what they have been made to believe. It reflects that there is still hope for friendship between India and China someday where their rationale at least acknowledges it.

It would be best if we resumed our friendship.
Thanks, Let us decide what our concerns should be. ... Yes, The real player is Uncle Sam, and It will squeeze CPEC before he gonna make SCS hotter... Afg., blocking CAR access to CPEC, Iran sanctions easing out, India investing Chabahar creating a big alternate for CAR to access arabian sea ...all is a part of big plan.
We will see how China reacts to declare Masood Azhar international terrorist this time...

Afghanistan is not necessary for CAR to access CPEC it only makes it moderately easier

Its always nice when little india tries to piss off the dragon.

From a Pakistani point of view it always helps us
Very well said.

That is what I have observed. They choose to bypass the discussions that they may know holds some ground but doesn't correspond to what they have been made to believe. It reflects that there is still hope for friendship between India and China someday where their rationale at least acknowledges it.

It would be best if we resumed our friendship.

There is a difference between Wishful Thinking and Reality.

Reality is that China seeks world domination and the ONLY way to have "friendship" with them is to become as rich and powerful as them, if not more.

This will change once China will Open up, but considering the fact that the chinese govt. has now started to "Rate" and "rank" chinese citizens even for their social behavior, its is unlikely that china will ever learn to think for itself in the political space.

They will continue to imitate ideas from the 18th century.
Thanks, Let us decide what our concerns should be. ... Yes, The real player is Uncle Sam, and It will squeeze CPEC before he gonna make SCS hotter... Afg.

I doubt that would happen.

A US under Donald Trump is going to face something similar to what Pakistan under Asif Ali Zardari suffered. No matter what his foreign policy experts think or recommend, Mr. Trump believes that he knows handling other countries from day one.

And there is little the US can do currently as Trump's commitment was towards building the US from within rather than wasting money on new wars. That North Korea threat was mere rhetoric. The last thing that Washington wants is get militarily engaged against China's interests.

blocking CAR access to CPEC, Iran sanctions easing out, India investing Chabahar creating a big alternate for CAR to access arabian sea ...all is a part of big plan.

Regardless of what Trumpland does, we need to carve out a serious regional masterplan which ensures that we are able to secure our interests and territorial integrity.

We will see how China reacts to declare Masood Azhar international terrorist this time...

Expect a big NO from them.

Remember, they won't side with us on anything strategic. We have to, at least for now, assume that they won't side with India on anything and take all our calculations accordingly.
Any intervention will change the dynamic from peaceful negotiations to treatment as a enemy state. The same way Pakistan is. I do not think, the Chinese realise the repercussions on Chinese investments and direction change of the Indian policy thinkers.

Anyways, with China having shown its cards, its time to move forward with full defence co-operation with Japan, Vietnam and the United States wrt China. But, step by step. Today move forward with economic development internally. 10 years from now, we will be ready for a frontal confrontation if necessary. The only language understood by the Chinese is strength.

1. Develop border roads. Whip the BRO into shape by ensuring a MoS is appointed for this separately called Defence Logistics and infrastructure.

2. Keep growing the economy.

3. Increase rail infrastructure for transportation of troops to the eastern front. and the northern Aksai Chin area.

4. Increase maritime exercises with Japan and strengthen our force projection in the IOR. The South China Sea hold exercises with the USN and JMDF. Force the Chinese to have to project muscle across the board.

5. Keep talking to the Chinese about peaceful solution, while making it clear, if they change policy on Kashmir, we change policy vis a vis Taiwan and Tibet.
Its always nice when little india tries to piss off the dragon.

From a Pakistani point of view it always helps us

Dragon living in fantasy-land. And taking some "friendly" pet rouge states with them inside the rabbit hole.
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