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Beijing is Funding Separatist Movements in India

so cutiepie indians are okay with funding terrorism in Pakistan but have issue with china funding oppressed groups in india?
How did you not see the advancing Chinese troops in Galwan?

Talk about secrets

what does your comment have to do with what we are both discussing? are you going " look, shiny item over there" again?
what does your comment have to do with what we are both discussing? are you going " look, shiny item over there" again?

Were you looking at the Pakistani spy moon while Chinese advanced into Galwan with sophistication?
In 1980, after the reconciliation between China and the United States, Deng xiaoping's strategy was to stop attacking politically, shrink militarily, and concentrate on building the economy. So China has withdrawn support for many of the world's leftists, China offers only the last refuge of the left, We will not abandon our friends . China has since become a good guy in world politics.But the world should not forget China's power.

The recent confrontation between China and the United States is because the Americans have forgotten this. China doesn't want to get too involved in the Middle East, which is the stage for the United States, Russia and Europe. So China has to some extent cooperated with the U.S. sanctions against Iran. China has only acquiesced to some companies doing business with Iran. But the Americans are clearly overreacting and pressing China to respond.The question is whether China will abandon its old ways and instead embark on an all-out assault.

This includes, of course, clandestine support for the left-wing opposition.

I think this is a change worth observing. Indians have supported Tibetan separatists for decades and now I feel it is time to repay indians for their kindness. :azn::azn::azn:
Your move to own the S china sea, take away sovereign territory from leftist countries around it, disregard UN arbitration court ruling against you on this, is because of your love for leftist governments? :china::big_boss:
Were you looking at the Pakistani spy moon while Chinese advanced into Galwan with sophistication?
This must be an inside joke because it makes no sense. Carry on El Sidd, many of his kind, ruler of the land of trolls and king of the off topic islands :)
The peddlers of cooked up information continues unabated unabashed even when it has no basis and borderline ludicrous.
Your move to own the S china sea, take away sovereign territory from leftist countries around it, disregard UN arbitration court ruling against you on this, is because of your love for leftist governments? :china::big_boss:
When the Chinese explored the entire South China Sea, the people around them had not yet learned to build ships. After the Chinese delineated the sea, neighboring countries have not yet been established.Even France has not claimed the South China Sea.In the 1970s, suddenly a bunch of countries started to claim sovereignty in the South China Sea.

How do they get new territory? force?
How do they take it, how do we take it back.

You took the neighbor’s belongings while the neighbor was asleep, but when the neighbor asked you for it, you shouted for peace and asked not to change the status quo.
Take the initiative to send it back to make a friend, or get beaten and snatched back?

BTW,there is really no left wing in the surrounding countries.Left-wing governments all over the world are basically dead.
When the Chinese explored the entire South China Sea, the people around them had not yet learned to build ships. After the Chinese delineated the sea, neighboring countries have not yet been established.Even France has not claimed the South China Sea.In the 1970s, suddenly a bunch of countries started to claim sovereignty in the South China Sea.

How do they get new territory? force?
How do they take it, how do we take it back.

You took the neighbor’s belongings while the neighbor was asleep, but when the neighbor asked you for it, you shouted for peace and asked not to change the status quo.
Take the initiative to send it back to make a friend, or get beaten and snatched back?

BTW,there is really no left wing in the surrounding countries.Left-wing governments all over the world are basically dead.
rent4country is a proven Indian false flagger ... I have already blocked him weeks ago and I suggest you all do the same. No American in the US would give two ****s about India; they only know India as a dirty, poor, overcrowded slum country/rape capital that produces curry (which I have to admit I myself love and eat frequently). But besides that no one gives two craps ... literally no one even heard about the Galwan clash here. The methods of butthurt Indian trolls are becoming increasingly sophisticated, such as switching flags, and as such new tactics must be adopted accordingly.
rent4country is a proven Indian false flagger ... I have already blocked him weeks ago and I suggest you all do the same. No American in the US would give two ****s about India; they only know India as a dirty, poor, overcrowded slum country/rape capital that produces curry (which I have to admit I myself love and eat frequently). But besides that no one gives two craps ... literally no one even heard about the Galwan clash here. The methods of butthurt Indian trolls are becoming increasingly sophisticated, such as switching flags, and as such new tactics must be adopted accordingly.

Proven? pray tell. It should be no surprise that an American will support India over China.

Figaro is a Chinese fella upset that I have openly claimed to be pro India, given our stated US-Indian foreign policy stance in the Indo-pacific region and vis-a-vis China. He is also upset I called him out a few weeks ago as a Chinese behaving badly here. There is an important distinction between us. I come at China from a foreign policy perspective, never hateful- but he seems to be unhinged and triggered always making bigoted and racist comments about India.

P.S for someone who blocked me, he sure loves to come and whine about me & about some new comment I made_ every few days to others :)
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rent4country is a proven Indian false flagger ... I have already blocked him weeks ago and I suggest you all do the same. No American in the US would give two ****s about India; they only know India as a dirty, poor, overcrowded slum country/rape capital that produces curry (which I have to admit I myself love and eat frequently). But besides that no one gives two craps ... literally no one even heard about the Galwan clash here. The methods of butthurt Indian trolls are becoming increasingly sophisticated, such as switching flags, and as such new tactics must be adopted accordingly.

The writing style gives it away every time.

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