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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

Vietnam aircraft found the fuel trace ...
coordinate : 0755N - 103852E.
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Vietnam has dispatched 7 aircrafts including a An 26 plane and 6 helicopters including four Mi-171 helicopters searching the plane. Plus a coast guard boat CSB 2001 and a SAR 413 rescue boat are mobilised and join the search effort.

VN sends forces to search crashed Malaysia Airlines plane | Tuổi Trẻ news



if needed and required by Malaysia, in addition Vietnam can offer 11 coast guard boats from Phu Quoc and Khoai Isle, two rescue boats from the Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center. they are on standby.
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Malaysia newspaper online report the coordinate of last contact is 06°55′15″N,103°34′43″E
But Malaysian searcher at that location did not find any sign of the airplane.
never down on site of lost contact.

1. 2 VN aircraft with low altitude searching ... and found some oil trace in the posted coordinate.
2. Many VN Search and Rescue ships during the search now and all night ...
Malaysia newspaper online report the coordinate of last contact is 06°55′15″N,103°34′43″E
But Malaysian searcher at that location did not find any sign of the airplane.
That 06°55′15″N,103°34′43″E means last time Boeing 777-200 flight on 10,000m sky, if disintegration in the air it will spend time to drop down finally the accident areas in different place.
This is so sad, may the families find some solace :(
Malaysia, with 239 people disappears. The Italian on the list: 'I'm in Thailand' the Boeing departed from Kuala Lumpur was headed to Beijing, but might be crashed into the sea. Passenger list shows the name of Luigi Maraldi, but contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He had reported stolen passport, probably used by one of the people come on board. Malaysian Minister: ' Terrorism? We are considering all the possibilities '

A Boeing 777-200 of Malaysia Airlines with 239 people on board disappeared in the night while over the sea to the South of Viet Nam, two hours after the departure from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing without having launched no warning before losing contact with the control tower. In the list of passengers released by the Chinese Cctv tv site, is also the name of an Italian, Luigi Maraldi. After a morning of searches, the Foreign Ministry announced that it has been contacted by Maraldi, 37 years, found safe and sound in Thailand. The man also called his parents to reassure them.In recent months, Maraldi had reported stolen his passport on 1 August while in the Asian country. Back in Italy he got a new document in Ravenna, where Meanwhile took up residence, then came back in Thailand. This morning the staff of Commissioner of Cesena went to her parents ' home, but they were the same parents to tell police that the young man had called earlier to say he was fine and was in Thailand. A scenario so it is on the list of persons embarked because someone climbed aboard the aircraft using her passport stolen. Although officially the aircraft is still classified as 'missing', with the passing of hours gradually dwindle the hopes of good news. According to the Vietnamese authorities, the aircraft crashed into the sea a minute before entering national airspace, 300 miles from the island of Tho Chu, between the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea. Although the aircraft's signal has not yet been identified, was organized a rescue operation in cooperation between the authorities of Viet Nam, China and Malaysia. According to Chinese media two Beijing's Navy ships are heading towards the area.The plane had departed MH370 41 minutes after midnight, for a flight that would last six hours. On board – in addition to our fellow citizens – there were mainly Chinese (153), 38 12 Indonesians, Malays, but also Australians, Europeans and Americans, as can be seen from the list of passengers. The airline said the pilot was a 53 year with over 18,000 flight hours behind, joined by a first officer on Board of 27 years. But the absence of news for hours – admission that the flight was gone came when the plane would have had to be landed –
Malaysia Airline's press conference in BeiJing, the good thing is they still know nothing.




Is it true that 5 Indians are on board that Flight because no one is reporting about it on TV

The airline said people from 14 nationalities were among the 227 passengers - at least 152 Chinese, 38 Malaysians, seven Indonesians, six Australians, five Indians, four French and three Americans. A Chinese infant and an American infant were also on board.

Source Reuters
Malaysia Airlines plane missing, presumed crashed in South China Sea| Reuters
Two Malaysia Airline's pilots, 53 and 27 age. They driving MH370 Boeing 777-200

Tomorrow 03.09, China Coast Guard N.o3411 ship (from Spratly Islands) will arrive possible accident areas in Gulf of Thailand. Other rescure ships will arrive 2-3 days later from HaiNan and GuangDong province.

I guess at last PLA Navy might send nuclear submarines to search MH370's 2x 'Black Box' (flight recorder) under Gulf of Thailand.

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VN deputy transport minister says the weather condition was normal when the plane went missing.
All Vietnamese fisher boats in the region are requested by the authority to help searching the aircraft.

it is very critical to find any survivors In the few next hours...
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