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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

Fox news being the total idiots they are. Saying the Plane may be in Pakistan :rofl:

There is a limit to low grade journalism.

While they are the faux news, but considering the 777 had fuel for 5 hours plus 1-2 contingency (which is normal for airliners), it can easily fly to Pakistan/India region. Now if it was flying below FL 300 (30,000ft) then it would seriously affect the range, but depending on speed and altitude, it is possible. It would be difficult to sneak in, considering both and India and Pakistan deploy high level radars around the Sindh/Gujarat/Punjab region, but it is plausible.

In no way i am saying it happened, but 777-200ER (9M-MRO) has more than enough range to fly to Pakistan and beyond, considering it barely flew 1 hour out of Malaysia until contact was lost. What they need to check is how much actual fuel was put on board.

"Seafloor event" possibly linked to MH370: Chinese researchers - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Chinese researchers have detected a "seafloor event" near the waters between Malaysia and Vietnam, an area suspected to be linked with the missing Malaysian jetliner MH370, a university announced on Friday.

The event occurred at about 2:55 a.m. local time on Saturday, about one and a half hours after the plane's last definitive sighting on civilian radar, according to a research group on seismology and physics of the earth's interior under the University of Science and Technology of China.

EXCLUSIVE - Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane flown deliberately toward Andamans - sources| Reuters

(Reuters) - Military radar-tracking evidence suggests a Malaysia Airlines(MASM.KL) jetliner missing for nearly a week was deliberately flown across the Malay peninsula towards the Andaman Islands, sources familiar with the investigation told Reuters on Friday.

Two sources said an unidentified aircraft that investigators believe was Flight MH370 was following a route between navigational waypoints - indicating it was being flown by someone with aviation training - when it was last plotted on military radar off the country's northwest coast.

The last plot on the military radar's tracking suggested the plane was flying toward India's Andaman Islands, a chain of isles between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, they said[

If it was following the waypoint route, then it would have been seen on some radar. That's why waypoints are established to keep airliners within tracking range, unless of course over large ocean.
While they are the faux news, but considering the 777 had fuel for 5 hours plus 1-2 contingency (which is normal for airliners), it can easily fly to Pakistan/India region. Now if it was flying below FL 300 (30,000ft) then it would seriously affect the range, but depending on speed and altitude, it is possible. It would be difficult to sneak in, considering both and India and Pakistan deploy high level radars around the Sindh/Gujarat/Punjab region, but it is plausible.

In no way i am saying it happened, but 777-200ER (9M-MRO) has more than enough range to fly to Pakistan and beyond, considering it barely flew 1 hour out of Malaysia until contact was lost. What they need to check is how much actual fuel was put on board.

The thing isn't the fuel, it's just the mind boggling theory!

People are suggesting that the pilot flew the plane to a 3000m strip in Somalia running on fumes and the plane is hidden there.

Another one said that it is in Af-Pak border!!!

It would be incredible if 5+ countries in the way wouldn't have detected an unidentified airplane!

Photo: Indian Navy
The thing isn't the fuel, it's just the mind boggling theory!

People are suggesting that the pilot flew the plane to a 3000m strip in Somalia running on fumes and the plane is hidden there.

Another one said that it is in Af-Pak border!!!

It would be incredible if 5+ countries in the way wouldn't have detected an unidentified airplane!

The theory, as mind-boggling as it may be, is plausible.

Now, the best way to look for the plane is to scour all airstrips from spy Sats in the region where 777 could have flown according to it's range.

777-200ER if not full with fuel (which it won't be at at the end of 7 hour flight, assuming) can land within 6000ft, probably more if the pilots really had some big balls.

So if it did land, it would have landed on an airstrip or some sort of hard surface. Satellites can pick it up easily. It is not easy to hide a plane that big. I can see my car parked outside my house in Karachi on Google Earth. So if a 777 made it to land, it will be found.

But like i said, it is plausible, DOES NOT mean that it happened. Might have crashed or ditched in the ocean by a psychotic pilot. Happened in the case of Egypt Air 990 i think.
when there were theories of it running out fuel i remember reading some place by a malaysian airlines authority that flight time was 6 hours and plane had 8 hours of fuel so it can't run out of fuel
" Chinese researchers have detected a "seafloor event" near the waters between Malaysia and Vietnam, an area suspected to be linked with the missing Malaysian jetliner MH370, a university announced on Friday.

The event occurred at about 2:55 a.m. local time on Saturday, about one and a half hours after the plane's last definitive sighting on civilian radar, according to a research group on seismology and physics of the earth's interior under the University of Science and Technology of China.

Source: Xinhua news"

Well done Brothers on top of these pics :china:


Latest news showing a possibility of hijacking which forced the plane to divert its flight westward towards indian ocean!
I said it before it was under the ocean. They need to search underneath and not above the water surface.
New story coming again, don't ask me where to get this i won't reply any question. If the truth, all just my dream. Thanks !

1. The good news is MH370's passengers still alive (maybe not all).

2. MH370 landed in one of Andaman islands airport.

3. Copilot and his accomplices hijacked MH370

Someguy do not wanna crash MH370 airline, they wanna get this plane so hijacked it and flied to West reach Andaman islands. Why ? Coz they need Boeing 777-200 to carry another passangers waiting in Andaman islands (maybe terrorists), they will fly to terrorism attack(It will be more dangerous than last '9.11' attack). MH370 carrying original 200x passengers as hostages and new terrorists will fly to the North ... Thailand ? Myanmar? or China YuNan ?









Now MH370 in here, Great Coco island (North of Andaman islands)
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New story coming again, don't ask me where to get this i won't reply any question. If the truth, all just my dream. Thanks !

1. The good news is MH370's passengers still alive (maybe not all).

2. MH370 landed in one of Andaman islands airport.

3. Copilot and his accomplices hijacked MH370

Someguy do not wanna crash MH370 airline, they wanna get this plane so hijacked it and flied to West reach Andaman islands. Why ? Coz they need Boeing 777-200 to carry another passangers waiting in Andaman islands (maybe terrorists), they will fly to terrorism attack(It will be more dangerous than last '9.11' attack). MH370 carrying original 200x passengers as hostages and new terrorists will fly to the North ... Thailand ? Myanmar? or China YuNan ?

Now MH370 in here, Great CoCo island.

china operates SIGINT gathering stations @ coco islands ..?so landing plane there seems improbable ..!!

here is a better map of COCO islands

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

Low altitude flight close to sea-surface might avoid radar. BTW i just wonder the Great Coco island belong to which country ?

Just Google Earth there's a long runway on the Coco island and few resident houses, it looks like a abandoned airport.

coco islands belong to Myanmar & as per some sources that airstrip is operated by Chinese.
India takes up with Myanmar reports of China 'base' in Coco islands | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

and i was wrong about the number airports in Andaman and Nicobar there 's 4

1. Campbell Bay Airport (VO94):

Campbell Bay located on the island of Great Nicobar, the largest of the Nicobar islands in the eastern Indian Ocean, some 190 km to the north of Sumatra has a small airport. Although the satellite pictures show the single runway to be too small; given the scenario, the plane could have landed there

2. Car Nicobar Air Force Station (CBD):

This 37 Wing Air Force Station at Car Nicobar is spread over an area of 504 acres. The 3,000-feet bitumen runway was built by the Japanese during their occupation of these islands between 1942 and 1945. The runway was later extended to 8,886 feet by the Indian Air Force in 1967.

3. Shibpur Airstrip (IN 0053):

The third option is the Shibpur Airstrip. Shibpur is a village located on North Andaman Island of the Andaman and Nicobar islands in India. There is a 1 km long Indian Navy Airstrip next to the village. The MH370 could have possibly landed here as wel

4. Vir Savarkar International Airport:

The airport, commonly known as the Port Blair Airport, located 2 km south of Port Blair, is the main airport of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

The airport has a single runway of 3,290 metres in length that can accommodate most narrow-body aircraft, that inclues Airbus A320, Airbus A321 and Boeing 737. It wouldn't have been difficult for the MH370 to land here.

Missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 ‘Deliberately Diverted’ Towards Andaman and Nicobar Islands: List of Unused Airports Where the Plane Possibly Landed [Photos] - International Business Times
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there is one airport @ andaman and its operated by Indian Navy ,so that be impossible to land MH370 there apart from that china operates SIGINT gathering stations @ coco islands so landing plane there too seems improbable .

here is a better map of COCO islands

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!
Low altitude flight close to sea-surface might avoid radar. BTW i just wonder the Great Coco island belong to which country ?

Just Google Earth there's a long runway on the Coco island and few resident houses, it looks like a abandoned airport.
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