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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

pitbull planed this hijack!

watch at 1:12

Pitbull says: Now it's off to Malaysia' and 'Two passports, three cities, two countries, one day'. LOL
three cities kuala lampur, Kota baru where the plane went missing and beijing

before these lines it also says: No Ali no Frazier

One of the iranians name with stolen passport is Ali. LOL
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i love those staged propaganda pics...

Because obviously a staged photo would crucially impede the mission carried out by the air crew who have nothing better to do other than to flood the social media with Instagram photos while flying their staged aircraft over a blue screen.
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i love those staged propaganda pics...
Next time stay in darkness room shoot photos through the window and open camera flash, u will get the same 'staged propaganda pic'.

Photo skill: Overexposed
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03.13 07:07pm Malaysia's defense minister told journalists, to help searching MH370 Malaysia military had provided military radar raw data to China and America. Malaysia government repeat "There is no hiding any information" Malaysia militay had shared radar data with China and America.

19:07 3月13日 【马来西亚重申“没有隐瞒任何信息”】马来西亚国防部长刚刚表示:在中国卫星探测到疑似飞机碎片地点附近 没有发现残骸。目前搜救力量主要集中在南海,马六甲海峡也在搜索范围内。马来西亚“将搜救置于国家安全之上”,已将军方雷达的原始数据交给美国和中国,再一次重申“没有隐瞒任何信息”。
Not sure about the "4 hour" engine pings to satellite.

Malaysia Airlines missing plane: MH370 'vanished', says Malaysia

the engine monitoring system, known as ‘‘Airplane Health Management’’ is a separate system.

However, Reuters reported on Monday that MH370 did not have this system installed.

Once again, confusing and contradictory claims being made by third parties, media reports the wildest rumors, and Malaysia gets blamed for the confusion.
03.13 07:07pm Malaysia's defense minister told journalists, to help searching MH370 Malaysia military had provided military radar raw data to China and America. Malaysia government repeat "There is no hiding any information" Malaysia militay had shared radar data with China and America.
You should ask Malaysia to provide the radar data reading for both military and civil radar.

Just curious: do China and America have any permanent radar installations in the region? If not, there isn´t much you can do with the raw data as the plane transponder was switched off.

If Malaysia wants Vietnam to assist, then they should provide the data to Vietnam as well. The raw data reading can be compiled with the data from Vietnam own long range military radar.

China, Vietnam fume over slow reverts, radar readings | Free Malaysia Today

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