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'Befitting reply’ if Myanmar creates anarchy in border: BGB chief

Your country is known ad the rape capital of the world. So concentrate on basterdia before thinking about BD. You guys even send you cow mothers to BD to be slaughtered and eaten then talk so mighty. Pathetic excuse of a human being you are.

that's why we will change rape capital from india to bhangidesh or Bangistan of 1971.

just like old times :lol:
that's why we will change rape capital from india to bhangidesh or Bangistan of 1971.

just like old times :lol:
Look dude I have no personal dislike for India or any country. The first post you made here was very disrespectful and not the way any decent human being should post. I didn't read all the posts here but it seemed you did it without any provocation too. That's why you got a reply that was also very disrespectful. You are quite new here. Its better not to discuss things in that manner. Just let it go.
বাংলাদেশের লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষ সারা দুনিয়াতে রিফিউজি হিসাবে আছে এবং প্রতিনিয়ত আরও যাচ্ছে। কিন্তু এই কয়েক হাজার দুর্ভাগা রোহিঙ্গা বাঙ্গালীর জায়গা এই দেশে হয় না।
বাংলাদেশের লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষ সারা দুনিয়াতে রিফিউজি হিসাবে আছে এবং প্রতিনিয়ত আরও যাচ্ছে। কিন্তু এই কয়েক হাজার দুর্ভাগা রোহিঙ্গা বাঙ্গালীর জায়গা এই দেশে হয় না।

You think Rohingyas would had come if BD did not provide them?
We are trying to save them from ethnic cleansing, that's why we are showing the resistance of allowing them. It in a way establish their rights in MM.
বাংলাদেশের লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষ সারা দুনিয়াতে রিফিউজি হিসাবে আছে এবং প্রতিনিয়ত আরও যাচ্ছে। কিন্তু এই কয়েক হাজার দুর্ভাগা রোহিঙ্গা বাঙ্গালীর জায়গা এই দেশে হয় না।
See how many of them are already in BD.
Do we really care what the batman @Nilgiri supports Myanmar or not. Talk to Burma about your feeling.

I don't need to talk to them. They are doing just great right now....how many rohingya have arrived back into BD in recent days? Just need to watch the reality unfold while you lot talking about "its time to blah blah".
I don't need to talk to them. They are doing just great right now....how many rohingya have arrived back into BD in recent days? Just need to watch the reality unfold while you lot talking about "its time to blah blah".

I would love to see how a pitch-black guy such as yourself is treated in racist Myanmar.

Such a pathetic excuse of a human being you are.

Try not to crack the mirror next time you look into it.:lol:
I would love to see how a pitch-black guy such as yourself is treated in racist Myanmar.

Such a pathetic excuse of a human being you are.

Try not to crack the mirror next time you look into it.:lol:

I can watch for myself:

But you can't understand, especially what they say about the bamar majority :) neither would you believe it anyway. Exodus from Myanmar of Tamil and other Indian immigrants is largely over, India negotiated on that....and citizenship is given for all those remaining now in Myanmar by coming to agreement and compromise.

Just cpl videos of many...plenty more. Myanmar people visit these temples too (many videos of that too) and take part in plenty of the Indian Hindu processions....so much for racism. How many Indians visit Myanmar do you know? and have experienced racism there?(strangely they keep re-visiting and encouraging more ppl to visit for themselves)

Its only butthurts like you that want to paint all Myanmar people in one broadstroke @Aung Zaya ...because you guys started this recent trouble (and the myriad of trouble before it like asking Pakistan to invade Arakan) and now complaining about the blowback after you have rightfully been cast into the totally irredeemable list as far as MM is concerned.

Everyone has to be eternally understanding and compromising to you on only your terms. Then you whinge when we treat you as an uncivilised bad neighbour in return....and then you whinge even more that all you can do is just whinge and cry because everyone called out your dumb bluff. That's all on you...karma + reality is a cruel b1tch. I suggest you try enjoy it. MM + BSF actions etc...on your kind are here to stay.
I can watch for myself:

Exodus from Myanmar of Tamil and other Indian immigrants is largely over, India negotiated on that....
Another load of indian bull crap. Why india is not taking Madeshi indians from Nepal BUT imposed trade embargo on Nepal?

indian liars stinks from miles away.
বাংলাদেশের লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষ সারা দুনিয়াতে রিফিউজি হিসাবে আছে এবং প্রতিনিয়ত আরও যাচ্ছে। কিন্তু এই কয়েক হাজার দুর্ভাগা রোহিঙ্গা বাঙ্গালীর জায়গা এই দেশে হয় না।
93 thousand are waiting for return home from Europe.
You think Rohingyas would had come if BD did not provide them?
We are trying to save them from ethnic cleansing, that's why we are showing the resistance of allowing them. It in a way establish their rights in MM.
and what are we doing to save them?
93 thousand are waiting for return home from Europe.
Nobody is returning from Europe. Europeans are way better people than we ever will be.
The Bangladeshi State is the greatest culprit. They will have to answer to God on Judgment Day for their sins and cold-heartedness as they watched neighboring Muslims get butchered and when those same Muslims came begging for asylum at their doors they did not open the door but rudely turned them away. Do you think God will allow this injustice to go without reckoning? The Bangladeshi State should not defy Heaven, but rather bow down in humility. Hasina Wajed is the daughter of Pharaoh. You may be enjoying your power now, but tomorrow you will be in Hell if you do not change before it’s too late. The Burmese are nothing but animals. What do you expect from a filthy swine except filthy swine like behavior? The real disappointment is the Bangladeshi State which did not help its own people, the Rohingya are not only Muslims they are basically ethnic Bengalis.

Doesn't the Bangladeshi State know that the sea level is rising rapidly due to climate change and that their delta where millions and millions of them live will soon be uninhabitable. Despite seeing all of this they still do not fear God and turn away a few thousand Rohingya refugees. What will happen when your country is flooded and tens of millions of your people will turn into 'climate refugees'. Who will come to your aid then? At that time remember how God is punishing you and remember how you turned away your own Rohingya brothers who asked for asylum because they were being massacred but you arrogantly turned them away.
Nobody is returning from Europe. Europeans are way better people than we ever will be.

Already deal is signed between BD and EU.
This is an excellent initiative. We cant allow our economic migrant to claim refugee in Europe. We have to be equally sensitive to the European's concern. Otherwise genuine traveller from BD will face massive problem all around the world.

and what are we doing to save them?
Other than giving them arms we are doing everything that we can.

I can watch for myself:

But you can't understand, especially what they say about the bamar majority :) neither would you believe it anyway. Exodus from Myanmar of Tamil and other Indian immigrants is largely over, India negotiated on that....and citizenship is given for all those remaining now in Myanmar by coming to agreement and compromise.

Just cpl videos of many...plenty more. Myanmar people visit these temples too (many videos of that too) and take part in plenty of the Indian Hindu processions....so much for racism. How many Indians visit Myanmar do you know? and have experienced racism there?(strangely they keep re-visiting and encouraging more ppl to visit for themselves)

Its only butthurts like you that want to paint all Myanmar people in one broadstroke @Aung Zaya ...because you guys started this recent trouble (and the myriad of trouble before it like asking Pakistan to invade Arakan) and now complaining about the blowback after you have rightfully been cast into the totally irredeemable list as far as MM is concerned.

Everyone has to be eternally understanding and compromising to you on only your terms. Then you whinge when we treat you as an uncivilised bad neighbour in return....and then you whinge even more that all you can do is just whinge and cry because everyone called out your dumb bluff. That's all on you...karma + reality is a cruel b1tch. I suggest
you try enjoy it. MM + BSF actions etc...on your kind are here to stay.

MM tamil..

Most of the guys look look like castracize and the girls are trying their best to be Burmese. LOL
and what are we doing to save them?

Nobody is returning from Europe. Europeans are way better people than we ever will be.
yesterday a meeting was held with BD & European union delegates, where they decide 93 thousand BD people illegally who lived in Europe they have to return BD. Other hand in Malaysia few weeks ago many BD people arrested by police. already BD have enough people we can't take anymore. Rohingya pushing in BD this is pre-planned. a terror group will be organized with arms & in future whole world will be blamed BD for helping terrorist. then u guys know who are waiting for mission terrorist killing.
a terror group will be organized with arms & in future whole world will be blamed BD for helping terrorist. then u guys know who are waiting for mission terrorist killing.

They are not terror group. They are saying again and again that they are not there to harm civilians or other ethnic group. They are attacking legitimate military target. Dont try to demonize the people who are dying for their own motherland and for their own people.

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