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Beef Ban Brings Back Memories of Dogra Rule.

What social drive. Those states who have banned the beef they have been exporting it to other states like goa etc. As they dont slaughter cows ,they dont even take measures to do something abt taking care of increasing cow population. Which is why the cows have been dying very ugly deaths by feeding on plastic bags etc. Those reports hav been shared here i can take them out and show u.

But what they do in india is one thing, they got no right to do that in kashmir. Stop defending them all the time. Its a disputed territory ,its a muslim majority state. The most meat luxury many poor kashmiri muslims cud enjoy is cheap beef meat. And again its a disputed territory ,no one cud implement such heinous laws there. Yea sab hamaray saath bhi ho sakta tha if our region wasnt freed. U never understand the fear and pain we on the other side of the border feel.

And as of insulting hinduism ,u must recall few days back some indian had said something very nasty abt our God,itagged u tehre god knows y u did nothing.
I cud have attacked his or hindus God but thats not what my faith taught me. I felt too awkward to say anything like that and went quiet.

U must be proud of ur achievments in jk?
What do you mean ?

I am not related to dogra rulers but as a dogra i take pride in my folks wherever they are as for kashmir its a hindu land and we have prior claim over it.
So what is the big deal about Beef ban? Respect the ways of the majority. But then tolerance is not taught in Pakistan and other islamic countries where minorities are being genocided left and right.
Dogra are still here,however Jammu was muslim majority 60 % till 1947,after the partition unfortunately which killed 300000 lakh muslims in jammu while lakhs fled to other kashmir of pakistan while their properties took over by Sikhs and Hindus.

kathua lost 50% of its muslim population,Urdu Bazar became Rajinder Bazar and Islamia School became Hari Singh High school.
Yes your shameful achievements.
If we allowed all migrants to enter our territory then it will be a stupid decision.
In the name of migrants many raw agents can easily infiltrate into our territory for covert operations.

Eid ul Azha is not far. In Kashmir We will see how well your ban law exists. Happiness is when kashmiris raise our flag in your territory and you cannot stop them. :partay:

As per your signature, then just die. Yes we do not stop people who raise Pakistani flags, that is how we identify them. I am a Dogra. We do not bother to write much. but I can see you love to spit garbage from your mouth. bring your army to my land, we are low on fertilizer for our basmati and rajma.
Before getting involved in this debate

I would like to know whether we can get pork meat in Pakistan????

I am not trolling here but if anyone can tell me that will be helpful....
Ask cholistani desert hindus they eat boars
As per your signature, then just die. Yes we do not stop people who raise Pakistani flags, that is how we identify them. I am a Dogra. We do not bother to write much. but I can see you love to spit garbage from your mouth. bring your army to my land, we are low on fertilizer for our basmati and rajma.
Mr Dogra be informed my army is still engaged in your holy land, in the form of Azad Kashmir we liberated area 13,297 bloody km² and kicked your ancestors with just 11 .303 rifles.
Shame on you.
This is hunting...

I am asking about commercial pork meat industry.....

You got your answer, so stop playing and twisting with words any more. If you will insist I will start a comparison we allow people to hunt boars can India allow people to hunt cows?
As per your signature, then just die. Yes we do not stop people who raise Pakistani flags, that is how we identify them. I am a Dogra. We do not bother to write much. but I can see you love to spit garbage from your mouth. bring your army to my land, we are low on fertilizer for our basmati and rajma.

when our army arrives 2 iok kashmir only fertilizer will be indian soldier 4 u cant fight pakistani army and well proof in 1965 dear :coffee:

My achievement is cow slaughter. :)
My ancestors achievement was humiliation of dogras and liberation of Azad Kashmir.

u answer so stupid with saying cow slaughter achievment and not 1965
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