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Beef Ban Brings Back Memories of Dogra Rule.

1st muslim not 2 eat cow then muslim not 2 do namaz 5 times day then muslim not 2 fast then muslim 2 eat pork and make worship 2 hindu god , all modi plan 2 make indian muslim 2 become hindu. shame india. india muslim must rise up and make all part of india above mumbai into pakistan part 2
Any ways i also heard about your causalities as well and dead indian troopers.

I know but i want to listen it from you.

India make muslim slave...modi big plan....india muslim fight.....separate country....all happy
1st muslim not 2 eat cow then muslim not 2 do namaz 5 times day then muslim not 2 fast then muslim 2 eat pork and make worship 2 hindu god , all modi plan 2 make indian muslim 2 become hindu. shame india. india muslim must rise up and make all part of india above mumbai into pakistan part 2
Beef ban represents all that is wrong with India today and epitomizes its failure in adopting proper secularism. A country does not impose the majorities religion onto others. Beef ban was one of the reasons we muslims were forced to vouch for Pakistan in 47. It is surprising that if someone else eats beef it still hurts Hindutva feelings. Its surprising because its like Kashmiris demanding and forcing Hindus not to eat pork.

India must realize that muslims are already on the verge of rebellion, the BJP being responsible for the death of thousands of muslims. Muslim rights should be given to them.

I concur with you.

For sake of true secularism, Cow slaughter should be legalised while Adhan should be banned. After all , a common man have a right not to listen to screeching of a Mullah in morning. State should not allow anyone to trample on individual liberties of people.

Regarding second point, Muslim in India are free to rebel. They are just 14.2% of Indian population with practically no representation in Military, Para-Military, or even armed police. All 172 million of them could be massacred in matter of fortnight , if they decide to rebel. They have no military training, neither do they have access to advanced weaponry as Sikhs massacred all Muslims in areas adjacent to Pakistan, thus cutting line of communication of non-Kashmiri Muslims from Pakistan.
:D LOL. Muslims celebrating homelessness of non Muslims. Why am I not surprised? :)

For your info, Dogras are still there. :tup:
Then remind one thing how your so called rule were crushed by handful poonchians in year 1947.
Dogra Memories. :haha:
Be informed we liberated Azad Kshmir to liberate Jammu and Kashmir,i warned you to quit J&K otherwise we Ajkians will host more training camps.:guns:
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Dogra are still here,however Jammu was muslim majority 60 % till 1947,after the partition unfortunately which killed 300000 lakh muslims in jammu while lakhs fled to other kashmir of pakistan while their properties took over by Sikhs and Hindus.

kathua lost 50% of its muslim population,Urdu Bazar became Rajinder Bazar and Islamia School became Hari Singh High school.
the word jackass was used for those who mock other faiths and then demand the respect for the same faith as mine and report the posts of those who are not Indians.

for me Mocking any faith including Hindu faith is exactly the same as mocking my own Muslim faith.
its a basic teaching of Islam that anyone mocking other's faith earns two sins... one for mocking the belief of other person and then another one when the other person mocks Islam as a response.

such habit is most retarded and brain dead when a person is so defensive about his own faith that he doesnt even want others to even talk about it as a matter of fact but in the same breath wont spare a moment to mock the practices of others.

I sound like a broken record but if it was up to me I will punish any Muslim mocking other faiths as if he has Mocked Muhammad PBUH or Quran.

please accept my apologies that someone has been born in a Muslim faith and therefore sees it a birth right to mock your faith.

Note: a Jackass here will say that well does it not apply to Hindus too? why do they mock Islam. my response is... Jackass listen i am not Hindu.. I wont speak for them.
I will only talk from my side and talk about the pilocks who actually invite hatred and mockery to my faith through their jackass attitude.

this is the most off putting tendency I see among people (all sides, corners) here and really kills the whole motivation to log into the forum
The thread was closed so replying here.

I agree here completely. I have raised the question of Muslim rights in Indian occupied regions constantly. Not once will I attack the Hindu faith. There are Hindus in Pakistan and Muslims in what is now India. So we should be very careful that we don't offend our people. Truly having a larger minority for India is beneficial to them as people to people interactions between differing religious groups means better relations between religions. The Indians unfortunately do not see the benefit of having a minority and have disparaging views of the secular system, their attitude making India a weak secular state if not a total mockery of the secular ideal itself. That being said India shouldn't be banning beef most particularly for kashmiris if not all people in what is now India.
The thread was closed so replying here.

I agree here completely. I have raised the question of Muslim rights in Indian occupied regions constantly. Not once will I attack the Hindu faith. There are Hindus in Pakistan and Muslims in what is now India. So we should be very careful that we don't offend our people. Truly having a larger minority for India is beneficial to them as people to people interactions between differing religious groups means better relations between religions. The Indians unfortunately do not see the benefit of having a minority and have disparaging views of the secular system, their attitude making India a weak secular state if not a total mockery of the secular ideal itself. That being said India shouldn't be banning beef most particularly for kashmiris if not all people in what is now India.
the Hinduism drive is a natural social movement because of a large faith of people it could have been some other thing.
its a human nature.

this is true because it will go against the Congress philosophy. Indians have a chance to show their good civic sense in a multi faith society we miss that here in pakistan and our record itself is not very appealing
The thread was closed so replying here.

I agree here completely. I have raised the question of Muslim rights in Indian occupied regions constantly. Not once will I attack the Hindu faith. There are Hindus in Pakistan and Muslims in what is now India. So we should be very careful that we don't offend our people. Truly having a larger minority for India is beneficial to them as people to people interactions between differing religious groups means better relations between religions. The Indians unfortunately do not see the benefit of having a minority and have disparaging views of the secular system, their attitude making India a weak secular state if not a total mockery of the secular ideal itself. That being said India shouldn't be banning beef most particularly for kashmiris if not all people in what is now India.

Most of that "disparaging secularism" is for effect and reactionary, on social media and places like this.

As a super minority I would know.
Most of that "disparaging secularism" is for effect and reactionary, on social media and places like this.

As a super minority I would know.
You guys are very powerful. Hows the state of Parsis in India. Any biases, discrimination. Dinshaw Avari here is doing well though Bapsi Sidhwa complains of discrimination in Pakistan. Nice to meet you sir. Sorry about the wall no reply thingy, I do not have much experience managing my wall/profile posts.
the Hinduism drive is a natural social movement because of a large faith of people it could have been some other thing.
its a human nature.

this is true because it will go against the Congress philosophy. Indians have a chance to show their good civic sense in a multi faith society we miss that here in pakistan and our record itself is not very appealing
What social drive. Those states who have banned the beef they have been exporting it to other states like goa etc. As they dont slaughter cows ,they dont even take measures to do something abt taking care of increasing cow population. Which is why the cows have been dying very ugly deaths by feeding on plastic bags etc. Those reports hav been shared here i can take them out and show u.

But what they do in india is one thing, they got no right to do that in kashmir. Stop defending them all the time. Its a disputed territory ,its a muslim majority state. The most meat luxury many poor kashmiri muslims cud enjoy is cheap beef meat. And again its a disputed territory ,no one cud implement such heinous laws there. Yea sab hamaray saath bhi ho sakta tha if our region wasnt freed. U never understand the fear and pain we on the other side of the border feel.

And as of insulting hinduism ,u must recall few days back some indian had said something very nasty abt our God,itagged u tehre god knows y u did nothing.
I cud have attacked his or hindus God but thats not what my faith taught me. I felt too awkward to say anything like that and went quiet.

Dogra are still here,however Jammu was muslim majority 60 % till 1947,after the partition unfortunately which killed 300000 lakh muslims in jammu while lakhs fled to other kashmir of pakistan while their properties took over by Sikhs and Hindus.

kathua lost 50% of its muslim population,Urdu Bazar became Rajinder Bazar and Islamia School became Hari Singh High school.
U must be proud of ur achievments in jk?
You guys are very powerful. Hows the state of Parsis in India. Any biases, discrimination. Dinshaw Avari here is doing well though Bapsi Sidhwa complainshaw walla (Pannas of discrimination in Pakistan. Nice to meet you sir. Sorry about the wall no reply thingy, I do not have much experience managing my wall/profile posts.

Nothing at all. And what power will 65000 people have (technically, in terms of numbers, a little bigger than a "tribe" - like the Jarawa)? In a country of 1.25 billion?

Were the Hindus to not like us, or the Muslims, do you think we would have survived on this land?

In school when I was very small (and this is a story told to me less than a month ago by my dad) Jamshedpur had horrible riots. Lots of bloodshed. The army was called out.

I was trapped in school. Peple were burning and cutting each other two roads away from where we lived. The area is called Dhatkidih. A Muslim dominated area.

My rickshawalla (Panna) was a Muslim. He could not come to school because Hindu mobs were killing Muslims. In Dhatkidih, Muslim mobs were doing the same to Hindus. Truckloads of Muslims from suburbs and other areas had infiltrated into Dhatkidih.

My mom called dad at work and he rode on his Jawa to school to pick me up. He was riding back with me (me sitting on the tank) when a Muslim mob stopped us before our road. Swords. And choppers. Dripping blood.

My dad says that we were going to get chopped that day. When a Muslim man jumped in front of that mob and said Nahin, inko nahin.

He was the dad of my boyhood fiend on our road, Rizwan, with whom I used to play cricket (and one whose cycle I learned to ride). And in whose house I once broke my foot while fielding.

So yes. Both Hindus and Muslims are my brothers. They are the same people who gave my people refuge when we were on the brink.

And I see the fight between Hindus and Muslims much as I see the divide between Irani Muslims and Zoroastrians. The same people. Brothers for millennia. But a faith changes. And suddenly NOTHING. But rivers of blood.
Before getting involved in this debate

I would like to know whether we can get pork meat in Pakistan????

I am not trolling here but if anyone can tell me that will be helpful....
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