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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

Anyway, I am not going to post further here because it is obvious you are not going to change your opinion.I sure hope one day you also face such problem in your country and then make theories and enjoy them.
Watch Out for Indian Involvement in Burma!

Monday October 19 2009 19:42:21 PM BDT

By Abid Bahar,

Lately Burma shows genuine confidence for a possible confrontation with Bangladesh. This could be due to Indian involvement in Burmese politics especially in the disputes over the maritime boundary. In this area India and Burma are working together against Bangladesh.

We also have reports about Indian presence in Arakan gas projects and in the Kaladan River transit for India to the Bay of Bengal. Lately, India is also actively helping the Burmese military to fight against the Burmese ethnic minorities. It appears that to help the military distract its present Burmese democracy movement by the ethnic minorities; the notorious Indian policy makers might even help Burma to start a war with Bangladesh. Indian army chief visits Burma. (WAI MOE, India’s Army Chief visits Burma

India’s Army Chief visits Burma) We don’t know what is in their mind.

Like the 1/11 show and the Pilkhana tragedy, we came to know only after it was all over. The devil is in Burma on the driver seat! Burma's trope build-up and over confidence with Bangladesh means something. Arakanese supreme leader Aye Kyaw officially claims that Chittagong belongs to Burma and demands Burmese military's help. If war takes place, it will involve superpowers and ultimately like the first British involvement in Burma, this time allows direct American involvement in Burma-Bangladesh politics.

We know that USA has some development/ (underdevelopment) projects in Southern Chittagong. The US army did detail mapping of the Bangladesh-Burma border region during the Moin U backed puppet Care taker govt. The consequence of such a bloody American handshake will be the displacement and death of both innocent Burmese and Bangladeshi people and the loss of democracy or the loss of the prospects of democracy in both countries. As we know, war brings superpower’s testing arms but for the victim the financial dependence and human suffering in countries already in debt. This could be the other fallout of the Bush era India- US alliance and an Indian proxy war against Bangladesh. Our research institutes and policy makers should watch out the devil in detail.


WAI MOE, India’s Army Chief visits Burma
India’s Army Chief visits Burma

Abid Bahar, Burma’s Missing Dots, 2008

News from Bangladesh,
Hundreds being tossed across Bangladesh-Myanmar border: Report
Hundreds being tossed across Bangladesh-Myanmar border: Report :: Samay Live

Abid Bahar,
E mail : abidbahar@yahoo.com

Everybody can be a specialist in that newsfrombangladesh site. That turning out to be a humor site.
Anyways the Arakanese leader's claim is true. CHT blongs to Arakan and Arakan belongs to BD. We should take over full Arakan state with the help of Uncle Sam. LOL
Everybody can be a specialist in that newsfrombangladesh site. That turning out to be a humor site.
Anyways the Arakanese leader's claim is true. CHT blongs to Arakan and Arakan belongs to BD. We should take over full Arakan state with the help of Uncle Sam. LOL

You are too eager to give in to uncle command, aren't you? Uncle is there to collect not to give anything. one should wonder whay anyone with self respect is so desperate to give in to others??
Anyway, I am not going to post further here because it is obvious you are not going to change your opinion.I sure hope one day you also face such problem in your country and then make theories and enjoy them.
Do not post on those topics that disturb you. But, post on BD-Burma conflict. Have you noticed one person proposing to build one division of new soldiers if one division of troops are sent to the Burmese border.

This theorist thinks that the troops have been moved from the India border. He thinks troops are always stationed at the border, it is ridiculus. Why people have to suggest nut things I do not know.
China will probably remain silent if Myanmar attacks. Myanmar has come out of the influnce of China and relies on India now for support.

Thank God there are not people like you in GoB. Otherwise, even after China takes over Bangladesh through Myanmar, you would say that it is better we are under Chinese rule than under Indian influence.

You want to know who is spending money in Myanmar (i.e. filling up the Burmese military's pockets) even though they are killing their own people Buddhist monks, Muslim rohingyas and democratic activists. Its our old friend China.
Al Jazeera English - Business - China investment in Myanmar soars

And if you go to war, you will be fighting Billions of $$ worth of Chinese made weapons, tanks and ships, not Indian

* 100 Type 6911 medium battle tanks and more than 100 Type 63 light tanks (of which only around 60 are thought to be serviceable);
* 250 Type 85 armoured personnel carriers, multiple-launch rocket systems, howitzers, anti-aircraft guns, HN-5 surface-to-air missiles, mortars, assault rifles, recoilless guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and heavy trucks;
* Chengdu F-7M Airguard jet fighters, FT-7 jet trainers, A-5M ground-attack aircraft and SAC Y-81) transport aircraft; and
* Hainan-class patrol boats, Houxin-class guided-missile fast-attack craft, minesweepers and small gunboats.

In the past year, China has also delivered 12 Karakoram-8 trainers and 1 ground-attack aircraft, which are produced in a joint venture with Pakistan. The latest batch arrived in January.

China's Ambitions in Myanmar --- Asia Pacific Media Service
Thank God there are not people like you in GoB. Otherwise, even after China takes over Bangladesh through Myanmar, you would say that it is better we are under Chinese rule than under Indian influence.

You want to know who is spending money in Myanmar (i.e. filling up the Burmese military's pockets) even though they are killing their own people Buddhist monks, Muslim rohingyas and democratic activists. Its our old friend China.
Al Jazeera English - Business - China investment in Myanmar soars

And if you go to war, you will be fighting Billions of $$ worth of Chinese made weapons, tanks and ships, not Indian
Why do you think there are not people like MBI Munshi in the GoB? He already claimed in another post that he is an ADVISER to the military of BD. These advisers want BD to give up its claim to the sea territory only to prove that Burma is strong because India is backing it.

Whatever these ignorants are fond of writing, GoB does not even knows these guys exist. Do not forget there are Burmese citizens in PDF who pretend to be BD citizens. They always will backstab our country.
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A conflict with Burma is also a conflict over Rohingyas. Although there are a few rezakar Rohingyas who support their Burmese masters, most of the Rohingyas want a country free of tyranny by the Burmese Junta. Most of them are persecuted and many have migrated to BD. But, the rezakar Rohingyas in PDF try never to speak against their Burmese masters.

BD must rectify things. Muslim Arakan was annexed by Rangoon in 1784. Now, BD must not allow this issue to be slipped away from being internationalized this time. A direct conflict with Burma is needed. Either Burma allows autonomy or grants outright independence to Arakan. The best course for the Rohingyas is, of course, to join their cousines in Chittagong.

Some ignorant theorists are crying RAW hands in Burma. So, a conflict is more needed in Burma to oust RAW from there.
I stand by my statement that if we send an army division to fight Myanmar we raise another division to replace it to face India just in case.

There are some problems regarding your statement.

1.First of all,India-Bangladesh border is huge.And we cannot afford to put so many soldiers in the border,as our army has around 160000 troops.Each Divisions consists of 10000 to 20000 troops.Where do you plan to put them?

2.Sending a division of army troops will allow India to bring troops and fortify near border.And we will be seen as the aggressor in the West.We will lose the support from west,which we would have otherwise gotten if India attacked BD first.

3.Myanmar has a huge army.To fight them,we will need at least 50000 on that border alone.So surely not adequate number of troops to send in the India-Bangladesh border.

So I think this is not applicable.Instead we should keep BDR on high alert.They can hold off attacks until army reaches there,if there is any attack from India.
Although there are a few rezakar Rohingyas who support their Burmese masters,

Yes and they are playing a very vital role for Burmese Intelligence agencies in the border.They look like Bangladeshis,so they are being used by the Burmese to spy inside our territory.
Recently,I think a few months ago,a rohingya was caught by BDR,while taking pictures of military establishments.This also goes on to show that Burma was planning for this for quite a long time now.
Watch Out for Indian Involvement in Burma!
Monday October 19 2009 19:42:21 PM BDT
By Abid Bahar,
It is a good invention that RAW is behind Burmese military build-ups, but no one is saying who is behind BD build-up. Since there is a RAW instigation in Burma, it is, therefore, necessary that BD wipes out RAW from that country by taking over Arakan.

With Arakan in BD hand, there will not be any oil/gas issue with Burma. Arakan is Muslim and the population want to become a part of BD. But, unfortunately, some pro-Burma Rohingya stooges in this forum are against BD taking action against Burma.
BDR intensifies patrol
along Myanmar border

Bangladesh has intensified patrol along northeast frontiers with reinforcements of border guards amid growing tension since Myanmar started mobilising troops and barbed-wire fencing earlier this month.
Myanmar navy attacked a group of Bangladeshi fishermen Sunday night and took away their fishing boat and nets, security people and locals said.
At least 44 Myanmar trespassers were held on Monday in different areas of Bandarban district as Myanmar authorities initiated voter enrolment in its frontier province which has concentration of Rohingya Muslims, police said.
'We have beefed up our patrol along Myanmar border and reinforced our outposts there,' Maj Gen Mohammad Mainul Islam, director general of BDR, told New Age on Monday.
Tension mounted along the Nikkongchari border in Bandarban after Myanmar started fencing on October 2 and deployed army on its side of the border.
The Myanmar government officially rejected the reports on troops mobilisation saying it was a 'routine work.'
United News of Bangladesh reports, law enforcing agencies have launched a drive to round up Rohingyas who fled home and took shelter in the border districts.
Police said 44 Rohingyas were held in Roangchhari, Bandarban sadar, Lama, Alikadam and Naikhangchhari.
Quoting local commanding officer of BDR, our Cox's Bazar correspondent reports that border guards strengthened their patrol at 15 points of Nikkongchari on Monday.
Lt Col Mozammal Hossein, commanding officer of 42 rifles battalion at Teknaf said, 'Nasaka has not yet replied to BDR's proposal for a flag meeting to defuse border tension.'
BDR will lodge protest with Myanmar authorities against snatching of a Bangladeshi fishing boat and nets by Myanmar naval force Sunday evening. Rescued fishermen alleged that at least 10 armed navy men of Myanmar took away their boat and nets and left them in the sea as they were fishing in Bangladesh waters Sunday evening.

Source: New age
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