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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

Chinese and India will both support Burma and USA will not be coming to your rescue this will be the realistic scenario.
Chinese and India will both support Burma and USA will not be coming to your rescue this will be the realistic scenario.

India will not support Burma. Why India should support BD as they only think India is going to kill them. Let them fight for their sovereignty. I am sure they are capable.
The Saudi trip was an utter failure. The BD delegation was rebuked. Both Pakistan and Saudi are distrustful of this BD government. China is also not on friendly terms. You can also expect that India will betray us to achieve their strategic objectives against China. Only the US will come to our aid but the Indians will not like that.

Why are you not talking about some else then India, China and US. Is there no other country who can come and fight. Allowing US is not India's interest and it could force India to help BD. China is not friendly wars but if you have good trade balance then surely they are good enough to take care about you.
The reports of the Burmese buildup are reported on all different papers icluding burmese sources

Burma, Bangladesh Reinforce Border Troops

Indian encroachment is not a military encroachment if it was Bangladesh would finished in a matter of hours.

India will continue to arm Burma, but one suggestion to India should be to seal the border since mass refugees may come across if a war starts

China will gain more than India in this but both stand to gain since both have decades long military ties with Burma. Burma will most likely easily be the winner so i see both countries gaining from this. The India -China angle is irrelevant since this is a burma-bangladesh conflict both India and China can possibly improve relations by sharing the spoils from the burmese victory.
BD is surely not looking for mercenaries to fight its war against Burma or India. Do you know that without the mercenary Gorkha troops, Indian army will just evaporate without ever going to the battle field? Indian army minus Gorkha and Sikh is equivalent to zero. So, do not brag.

We will teach Burma a lesson this time and we have already taught your coward army a good lesson in 2001 Roumary battle. 13 BDR troops faced 400 IA troops without fear, and this time you will see what we do against Burma. And do not forget that by sacrificing many lakhs of our Muslim blood, we have given you a win in 1971. Number of deaths of your coward army was only 1,300. It is a shame.

A day will come when we will be seeking war spoils in your NE. It is not happening already because of Indian govt request to reign on our fundamentalists. Only they themselves can take over your NE. These fundamentalists are not interested in Burma war, they like your NE to be a part of BD. So, better wait for that day of judgement instead of saying stupid things.
Why are you not talking about some else then India, China and US. Is there no other country who can come and fight. Allowing US is not India's interest and it could force India to help BD. China is not friendly wars but if you have good trade balance then surely they are good enough to take care about you.

Why do you suddenly suggest about getting a foreign troops when we have many millions of our own waiting to give blood? The bottom line is if we are not capable to defend our land by ourselves, then we must cease to exist as a nation. A weak nation has no right to exist. So, do not inflame the situation by all your senseless suggestions. Wait and see what happens.

Initially, it was BD that was aggressive last year in the sea. Analyse the present situation, it is our BDR who have started the friction. What is your idea? If we are so scared about Burma, then we would have given a meek response to the Burmese fencing. We do not care about India, why should we care about Burma.

It would be better for India to make terms with Burma, because they may attack your land also. They did it once in 1817 to 1826 to your NE. Indian army is too scared to fight Burma. We saw it in 1971 what your army is. So, better you do not say inflamatory remarks.
Do you know that without the mercenary Gorkha troops, Indian army will just evaporate without ever going to the battle field? Indian army minus Gorkha and Sikh is equivalent to zero. So, do not brag.
Oh is it so? Wow....so Easy being a analyst.

A day will come when we will be seeking war spoils in your NE.
Anytime, fanboy. Makes life easier for the nuke seekers in my country. This hawks in delhi are wary of the islamist in your country and parrot the reason you mentioned above for keeping the nuke's.
Why do you suddenly suggest about getting a foreign troops when we have many millions of our own waiting to give blood? The bottom line is if we are not capable to defend our land by ourselves, then we must cease to exist as a nation. A weak nation has no right to exist. So, do not inflame the situation by all your senseless suggestions. Wait and see what happens.

Initially, it was BD that was aggressive last year in the sea. Analyse the present situation, it is our BDR who have started the friction. What is your idea? If we are so scared about Burma, then we would have given a meek response to the Burmese fencing. We do not care about India, why should we care about Burma.

It would be better for India to make terms with Burma, because they may attack your land also. They did it once in 1817 to 1826 to your NE. Indian army is too scared to fight Burma. We saw it in 1971 what your army is. So, better you do not say inflamatory remarks.

ya you seen our army in 1971. Thats why you are seeing bangladesh today. You are completely out of your senses.
It would be better for India to make terms with Burma, because they may attack your land also. They did it once in 1817 to 1826 to your NE.
We know what they are capable of. Its a china proxy as far as we are concerned.

Indian army is too scared to fight Burma. We saw it in 1971 what your army is. So, better you do not say inflamatory remarks
Why do you waste your usually decent post to fan boy comment's? BD & India history , for good or bad, is known to all. Kindly keep the jingoism for your brethren, will help them feel good.
Number of deaths of your coward army was only 1,300. It is a shame.


show some respect to the men who helped you be what you are today,-'bangladeshis'.....this guys sacrificed their lives for you guys,you idiot.......yes ,bd-s also gave their bloods,but idiot try to understand,that was your motherland not ours......no taking away from the brave freedom fighters of bd,but without india's help(how little it could have been) 1971 would'nt have been possible......shame on s§its like you,who dare to disrespect a soldier!
BD is surely not looking for mercenaries to fight its war against Burma or India. Do you know that without the mercenary Gorkha troops, Indian army will just evaporate without ever going to the battle field? Indian army minus Gorkha and Sikh is equivalent to zero. So, do not brag.
One more puff from that pipe and you will be walking on water.
You can also expect that India will betray us to achieve their strategic objectives against China.
Interesting choice of words there. 'Betray'? So you would rather want India to support you in your war efforts? Strange, comming from a fellow who has made a career out of India baiting.

Only the US will come to our aid but the Indians will not like that.
Not directly, but indirectly through supplies.
show some respect to the men who helped you be what you are today,-'bangladeshis'.....this guys sacrificed their lives for you guys,you idiot.......yes ,bd-s also gave their bloods,but idiot try to understand,that was your motherland not ours......no taking away from the brave freedom fighters of bd,but without india's help(how little it could have been) 1971 would'nt have been possible......shame on s§its like you,who dare to disrespect a soldier!
Before we show respect to your 1,300 braves, show respect to the few lakhs of brave sons of our soil in the 1971 war. Also accept that we gave you a rare win in that war. Not only you are denying respect to our braves of 1971, you are disrespecting us now in relation with Burma.

Are we that meek and weak that we need foreign troops to fight against Burma? Why some Indians should suggest such a thing? Yes, we will need arms and jets from foreign countries, but we will do our fighting.

Note one thing, Burma has too vast agriculture land and resources, and too few people. We may help balance the equation this time.
The Daily Star - Details News

Myanmar brings in everything
Troops, tanks, warships, frigate to spread tension further; Dhaka terms it routine exercise
M Abul Kalam Azad and Ahmed Hussain

The Myanmar military brought in heavy tanks, artillery guns, 12 warships and a frigate along its border with Bangladesh in the last 24 hours ended yesterday evening as part of its preparation for a large-scale conflict with Bangladesh, sources at the Bangladesh Armed Forces said.

Bangladesh also has strengthened its military build-up in a bid to repulse a Myanmarese incursion by preparing 30 warships in Chittagong and Khulna, a Navy official stationed at Chittagong told The Daily Star.

However, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni at a press conference yesterday rejected reports about the heavy military build-up by Myanmar along Bangladesh border, saying it is a routine movement of the security personnel.

"I had talks with our ambassador, an army officer, in Myanmar and he told me that it is a routine practice," she said, adding, “Foreign Secretary Mijarul Quayes also called the Myanmar ambassador in Dhaka and the envoy conveyed him the same message.”

Ground reality did not support the foreign minister's claim as various sources in the military, Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) and intelligence agencies said that the situation on the border remained tense.

"The situation at Bangladesh-Myanmar border has remained tense," Major General Mainul Islam, director general (DG) of BDR, said last night.

The BDR DG met State Minister for Home Affairs Shamsul Haq Tuku yesterday and 'normally' discussed the border situation.

"I am going to place some proposals tomorrow (Monday) to include construction of more Border Operations Outposts across the border and a few more battalions to strengthen the border guards," he told The Daily Star.

An intelligence agency official said Myanmar has doubled its military presence at the border over the last couple of weeks, a move that has prompted Bangladesh to take similar measures.

"Myanmar has sent in 37/57mm artillery guns that will bring Chittagong under their firing range," the Navy officer told The Daily Star after the foreign minister claimed normalcy at the border.

Based on the information so far gathered, we suspect that Myanmar is making preparation for a short-scale naval conflict, he said.

"Suspicious military preparations have been going on at the Myanmarese side of the border over the last two months," an intelligence official said, adding that the Myanmar army has newly deployed two battle units at their side.

Earlier Myanmar had deployed nine Light Infantry Battalions in its border with Bangladesh. As part of their repeated provocative acts, the junta has violated international border rules and constructed illegal barbed wire fences along the frontier.

"We in the Bangladesh Navy suspect that Myanmar wants to intrude into our sea and declare a large chunk of area as their Maritime Exclusive Zone," the Navy official said.

The Myanmar junta can intrude into the Bangladeshi waters any time to claim ten nautical miles area, which covers the disputed block, which is thought to be a big source of oil and natural gas, he said.

Sources said after Bangladesh's maritime boundary talks with Myanmar ended inconclusively in April, Bangladesh Navy made a deployment plan last September and sent it to the government for immediate action.

The deployment plan urged the government to strengthen maritime patrol at the Bay of Bengal and arrange joint naval exercises with friendly countries.

Meanwhile, sources in Sittwe (formerly known as Akiab) said that Myanmarese Air Force Tatmadaw has stationed three fighter planes at the Sittwe airfield. Sittwe is only 80km away from Chittagong airport.

Twelve warships are constantly patrolling the Bay area, which borders Bangladesh, the sources added.

According to Bangladesh Navy sources, a new Myanmar navy frigate, built with the Chinese help at Yangon, has arrived at the Bay of Bengal.

"There have also been new tanks and armoured columns are pouring in using the 40km road that they have recently built," said another Navy officer.

He said Bangladesh has kept around 30 warships standby in Chittagong and Khulna to repulse any Myanmarese incursion. “The Myanmarese army personnel are regularly infiltrating into Bangladesh territory in the guise of civilians to gather information.”

Briefing newsmen, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni also said she had no information about whether Myanmar's border guards were trying to push Rohingya refugees across the border.

In reply to a question, the foreign minister said Myanmar is not violating international laws by erecting barbed wire fences along Bangladesh border as well. "Myanmar is constructing fences in their territory conforming to international laws," she said.

Dipu Moni also said the movement of the Myanmar security forces has no link with Bangladesh's decision to seek UN arbitration to determine maritime boundary between the two neighbouring countries.

Asked whether Bangladesh asked China to mediate to resolve the crisis, she replied that she had no idea about any official proposal in this regard.

Meanwhile, no new leave for the navy men are now being granted, as all leaves in the Bangladesh Navy have been restricted, sources at the navy said.
Firstly. Border Fencing.
1. US - Mexican Border. - "The 1,951 mile (3,141 km) border between the United States and Mexico traverses a variety of terrains, including urban areas and deserts. The barrier is located on both urban and uninhabited sections of the border, areas where the most concentrated numbers of illegal crossings and drug trafficking have been observed in the past. These urban areas include San Diego, California and El Paso, Texas. As of August 29, 2008, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security had built 190 miles (310 km) of pedestrian border fence and 154.3 miles (248.3 km) of vehicle border fence, for a total of 344.3 miles (554.1 km) of fence. The completed fence is mainly in New Mexico, Arizona, and California, with construction under way in Texas. [2]............."
2. Pak - Afghan Border. - "Islamabad, Jan 10: After introducing sophisticated biometric system to regulate the movement of people at Chaman Border Point with Afghanistan, Pakistan said it will complete fencing in parts of its border with Afghanistan by July 2007 to prevent cross border infiltration of Taliban militants.
The biometric system that regulate the entry and exit points was inaugurated at Chaman border yesterday by Pakistan Interior Minister Aftab Khan Sherpao..........................."
3. Indo-Bangla Border. - "The Indo-Bangla border fencing project is expected to be completed by March 2010, an official statement said on............."
4. Indo-Burma Border. - "India defence.com: 18 September, 2006
The Home Ministry has taken up various measures to accelerate the fencing works along the Indo-Myanmar border to check illegal drug trafficking in the region........................"
5. Burma-BD Border. - "DHAKA: Bangladesh says its eastern neighbour Myanmar is "unilaterally" erecting a barbed wire fencing along its border and has mobilised troops and naval force.
Tension runs high along the Bangladesh-Myanmar 200 km long border, The Daily Star said Tuesday quoting unnamed defence sources............ "The reinforcements are still there but we do not have any information about the construction of fences," Hossain said.
"Bangladesh has no problem if Myanmar erects fences on their territory, he said adding, "It will curb smuggling and illegal trespassing". ........................"
6. India also has a border fence with Pakistan. It is constructed well inside Indian territory and at no time did Pakistan object to it. Only objections we heard came from cross border militant organisations who were the 'Raison d'être' for the fence.
7. I am well aware of the history of South Africa. At no point of time did you face the kind of threat from violent islamic terror groups that India today faces. You did face some threat from communist backed guerrillas from neighbouring countries but they were more in the nature of bush fighters, raiders and poachers. You therefore cant percieve the situation in South Asia or the middle East. Yes I am aware that there is some kind of restriction imposed by the UN, but the UN people do not have to die from Fidayeen attacks. So a nation has to take care of itself.

Secondly. Race/Religion.
I have nothing to do with your being white or muslim. I detected a strong anti-Indian undercurrent in your post and was trying to pin it down. Glad you cleared the mystery.

Mahatma Gandhi
Yes DbnReaper, your comments about Mahatma Gandhi were in extreme bad taste. Initially, I was annoyed at you for pouncing on Kidman, a raw fresher on his very first post but when I saw the snide reference to Mahatma Gandhi, I lost my cool, something I dont generaly do. Mahatma Gandhi was the father of modern India. We owe our independance and freedom to him. I would never dream of talking ill, even in jest, of people like Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu or even Cecil Rhodes for that matter.

Indians in SA
Now about protecting your nations interests from Indian/Chinese businesses. You are a white South African, right? You are a descendant of the British/Dutch adventurers/soldiers/businessmen who were the original capitalists the world has seen, right? Isn't South Africa founded basically on principles of capitalism? Well post aparthied, a certain degree of socialism may have crept in due to influence of ANC, but the identity of SA is basically that of a capitalist country. If Indian/Chinese businesses are better than your native businesses, you will get your *** kicked, isn't that just what free market capitalism stands for? After all the Indians who have gone there are not asking for your charity to survive, they are competing with your businessmen in your country on your terms and yet you feel threatened?

Any way, DbnReaper, nice interacting with you. It was a learning. Would not mind keeping in touch with you. No hard feelings. BTW, between the two of us, we may have managed to derail this thread.

Yes indeed we have managed to derail this thread and I am surprised that Bezerk hasn't banned me yet :rofl: Gandhi is just as much a SA hero as he is an Indian hero. Go ahead and mock Mandela, Tutu and Rhodes. We in SA do it on a daily basis ourselves. That's wot democracy is about. Keep in touch. :cheers:

As for the current situation between Bangladesh and Burma, on a serious note, I hope that the citizens of Bangladesh do not push their government for war. In Asia, the majority casualities of war are not the brave soldiers who don their uniforms to defend their nations. Sadly it is also the civilians who bear the brunt of warfare on a personal contact basis. Emerging economies like Bangladesh should not assimilate their military but should rather demand international intervention to resolve the situation. Burma is a military controlled state. Bangladesh is an emerging democracy. May the Almighty grant you the strength to use your human resolve rather than your human weapons to resolve this conflict.
The Saudi trip was an utter failure. The BD delegation was rebuked. Both Pakistan and Saudi are distrustful of this BD government. China is also not on friendly terms. You can also expect that India will betray us to achieve their strategic objectives against China. Only the US will come to our aid but the Indians will not like that.
Saudi King lives in practical life, he is not a Gaddafi. Saudians have reservations about the war criminals trial in BD, but it will not back down from its role as a benefactor of BD in times of its need. Same goes for Pakistan.

We need Saudi logistic and Pakistani diplomatic support. India will do us a favour if it just does not backstab us by mobilizing troops at some points with our border. India is double-headed and cannot be trusted by any of its neighbours. This govt will fall, if it accepts logistic support from India. Our military will certainly not accept it.
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