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BD navy submarines are at Chittagong port

Are you nuts? We are Bangladeshi first and foremost. Islam is Only the religious system majority of us believe in.
Bengali is the Prime inherited imbedded value we have. Dont mix religious and cultural values, Dude.
People like him probably feel more affinity to Muslims in India/Pakistan elsewhere than they do to our own Hindu and other brethren in Bangladesh.
Are you nuts? We are Bangladeshi first and foremost. Islam is Only the religious system majority of us believe in.
Bengali is the Prime inherited imbedded value we have. Dont mix religious and cultural values, Dude.

Dude, Bangladesh departed from India for Muslim homeland. Pakistan did not work out as planned but Bangladesh never returned back to India.
That does not make Bangladesh a Islamic theocratic state. But It is a Muslim state with a secular constitution. Lets put it that way.
Dude, Bangladesh departed from India for Muslim homeland. Pakistan did not work out as planned but Bangladesh never returned back to India.
That does not make Bangladesh a Islamic theocratic state. But It is a Muslim state with a secular constitution. Lets put it that way.
It's the Bengali nation independent of everyone dude, if it had joined India, then we wouldn't be the Bengali nation anymore but just a state. We are a Bengali state as much as say Afghanistan is a Pashtun state, and not part of Pakistan.
It's the Bengali nation independent of everyone dude, if it had joined India, then we wouldn't be the Bengali nation anymore but just a state. We are a Bengali state as much as say Afghanistan is a Pashtun state, and not part of Pakistan.

Ofcourse it is a state for everyone, the term citizenship will have no validity then. But the second word is contradictory, in one word you are saying the country is for everyone and in 2nd sentence you are saying its a Bengali state. dumb.
Like it or not, whatever Bengali state you are claiming, would not have existed if there were no Muslim in it. You think you had an independent Bengali state if Hindus were majority in it? LOL
Ofcourse it is a state for everyone, the term citizenship will have no validity then. But the second word is contradictory, in one word you are saying the country is for everyone and in 2nd sentence you are saying its a Bengali state. dumb.
Like it or not, whatever Bengali state you are claiming, would not have existed if there were no Muslim in it. You think you had an independent Bengali state if Hindus were majority in it? LOL
Maybe, maybe not, but do you think we would have an independent Bengali state say we were located around Pakistan for e.g.?

and by 'everyone', I refer to Bengali Hindus, Christians, Buddhists. Maybe, unlike you I recognize my heritage, my paternal family is a descendant of Isa Khan Bhuiyan, and are thus old Muslims, but my maternal side are composed of recently converted Hindu Zamindars.
Maybe, maybe not, but do you think we would have an independent Bengali state say we were located around Pakistan for e.g.?

and by 'everyone', I refer to Bengali Hindus, Christians, Buddhists. Maybe, unlike you I recognize my heritage, my paternal family is a descendant of Isa Khan Bhuiyan, and are thus old Muslims, but my maternal side are composed of recently converted Hindu Zamindars.

I dont care about what Pakistan is today. What I care about the history and struggle of our people for the creation of Bangladesh. 1947 is one of the most important chapter of it.
I dont care about what Pakistan is today. What I care about the history and struggle of our people for the creation of Bangladesh. 1947 is one of the most important chapter of it.
Our state was created in 1971, we were then created as secular nation. A secular, Muslim majority nation like say Turkey.
Our state was created in 1971, we were then created as secular nation. A secular, Muslim majority nation like say Turkey.
Thats where you are wrong. The process started in 1947 and ended in 1971. Just think deep.
Historical wrong was done by joining Pakistan instead of becoming Bangladesh in 1947.
Thats where you are wrong. The process started in 1947 and ended in 1971. Just think deep.
Historical wrong was done by joining Pakistan instead of becoming Bangladesh in 1947.
If we had become Bangladesh in 1947, it would've been a united Bengal then.
If we had become Bangladesh in 1947, it would've been a united Bengal then.

I suggest we get off the subject debating the names for the boats.

Who cares if its NoboJatra or Nowrooj?

I am more interested in discussing the capabilities of the 'tool' and what (of our problems) it will solve (or not) for our Navy.
1)Maybe, maybe not, but do you think we would have an independent Bengali state say we were located around Pakistan for e.g.?
2) and by 'everyone', I refer to Bengali Hindus, Christians, Buddhists. Maybe, unlike you I recognize my heritage, my paternal family is a descendant of Isa Khan Bhuiyan, and are thus old Muslims,
3) but my maternal side are composed of recently converted Hindu Zamindars.

1) A geographical location cannot be changed. Bengal is where it is. Do not speak of a fuzzy, very hypothetical and meaningless point.

2) There was no feudal lord named Isa Khan Bhuyan. There was a famous feudal lord called Isa Khan Afghan. People with the family title of Bhuyan are not related to this Masnad-i-Ala Isa Khan. In Jangalbari, his descendants today call themselves Dewan.

All other feudal lords and many of their retinues of that time belonged to a mixed Pathan stock who migrated from Hindustan to Bengal after their defeat at the 1st battle of Panipath in 1526 by Babar, and after another defeat at the 2nd battle of Panipath in 1556 by Humayun.

3) There is probably no very recent converts to Islam. Most of the conversions from Hindu to Muslim were made during the first fifty years after 1605 when the Delhi Mughals annexed this land with Hindustan. No people in Bengal is aware of their heritage, foreign/local/mixed, because no scribed account is left.
I recognize my heritage, my paternal family is a descendant of Isa Khan Bhuiyan, and are thus old Muslims, but my maternal side are composed of recently converted Hindu Zamindars.
Ahem ahem, no offence but, in Bangladesh knowing family root that long is almost impossible because of our heavy mixture. So, how do you managed to know that?
Our state was created in 1971, we were then created as secular nation. A secular, Muslim majority nation like say Turkey.
But, the long struggle of Muslims of Bengal created Pakistan. Bangladesh was created then because Pakistan was created. Without Pakistan we would have remained Indians. Do you really understand this tiny thing of continuity? Do you really think BD was sent from Aasman by some powerful force suddenly in 1971. If it is not, then better learn the history of its people in the past.
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Thats where you are wrong. The process started in 1947 and ended in 1971. Just think deep.
Historical wrong was done by joining Pakistan instead of becoming Bangladesh in 1947.
Why do you think it was a historical mistake to be east Pakistan in 1947? We have to think history in its proper perspective. Muslims of Bengal fought to create an united Pakistan that started from the 1910 formation of All India Muslim League in Dhaka. We should not see 1947 history in the 2016 prism. What is not necessary today was necessary in 1947.

The other option in 1947 was to be with west Bengal and India.

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