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BD-India maritime boundary verdict on July 2


Jun 19, 2008
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India-Bangladesh maritime boundary verdict on July 2 -

India-Bangladesh maritime boundary verdict on July 2
Senior Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 2014-06-23 13:14:02.0 BdST Updated: 2014-06-23 13:25:29.0 BdST

  • Bay_of_Bengal_map.jpg

The judgement on the maritime boundary delimitation case between Bangladesh and India will be delivered on July 2 at the Hague , a senior Bangladesh Navy official has told bdnews24.com.
The hearings ended in Dec last year when both sides argued their case before the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at the Netherlands capital.

The argument focussed on issues including the location of the land boundary terminus, the delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone, and the continental shelf within and beyond 200 nautical miles.

Bangladesh earlier won an arbitration case against Myanmar over the maritime boundary in the Bay of Bengal in 2012 at International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) in Hamburg.

Bangladesh went in for arbitration over the delimitation of the maritime boundary under the United Nations Convention on Law of Sea (UNCLOS) on Oct 8, 2009.

Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, former foreign minister Dipu Moni, Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque and Secretary for Maritime Affairs Mohammad Khurshed Alam spoke in last hearing in Dec, the foreign ministry earlier said.

Attorney General Goolam Vahanvati led the Indian side.

Lawrence Martin, Professor Philippe Sands, Professor Payam Akhavan, Paul Reichler, Professor Alan Boyle, and Professor James Crawford argued for Bangladesh, according to the foreign ministry.

R K P Shankardass, Professor Alain Pellet, Professor Michael Reisman, and Sir Michael Wood KCMG argued on behalf of India.

Judge Rüdiger Wolfrum from Germany is the President of the Arbitration tribunal while Judge Jean-Pierre Cot from France, Judge Thomas A Mensah from Ghana and Dr Pemmaraju Sreenivasa were the other members.
Regardless of the verdict, if anything of value, like gas/oil is found in the BAngladeshi part of the sea, India should pull a south china sea on Bangladesh, we are not Myanmar. :angel:

Why not do a CRIMEA instead?
Regardless of the verdict, if anything of value, like gas/oil is found in the Bangladeshi part of the sea, India should pull a south china sea on Bangladesh, we are not Myanmar. :angel:

BD is too smart to allow India such a free lunch. BoB belongs to Bangladesh. Go back to Indian Ocean, India where you can save your skin.
BD is too smart to allow India such a free lunch. BoB belongs to Bangladesh. Go back to Indian Ocean, India where you can save your skin.

give us BOB,we'll pass Teesta Deal. :lol: or else,we'll get both. :rofl:
My guess is that the verdict will be in favour of India. Reason: India is using the same argument which Bangladesh used when it won a similar verdict against Myanmar (Bangladesh is using Myanmar's argument now).
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