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BBC The forgotten volunteers - Indian army WWII

I find it interesting how history and certain historians and countries have systematically washed out and reduced the history of WWII to European and Pacific theater and focusing mainly on white soldiers of the Allied and Axis powers and even Japanese soldiers; completely ignoring the British Indian Army (modern day Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh) role in WWII. Today's British society is for the most part ignorant of their "service" and "contribution" to the British...

It can also be viewed as shameful for people of the subcontinent to even bother helping Britain, considering all the historical reasons not to.

Correct me if I'm wrong but British Indian Army formed the single biggest Allied Army formation and without them North Africa could have fallen to Afrika Corps lead by Desert Fox Rommel. If Germans had captured Suez Canal, the entire Allied Army east of canal would have been in danger. From Suez Canal it was a short hop to Iran and their oil.
Correct me if I'm wrong but British Indian Army formed the single biggest Allied Army formation and without them North Africa could have fallen to Afrika Corps lead by Desert Fox Rommel. If Germans had captured Suez Canal, the entire Allied Army east of canal would have been in danger. From Suez Canal it was a short hop to Iran and their oil.

i believe the Russians had the largest formation .
Volunteers? Indians were under British rule. When the British ordered Indians to fight they had no choice.
They joined the army as volunteers!

Bulk of the british indian army came frm todays Pakistan as the british believed in the martial race theory.
Volunteers? Indians were under British rule. When the British ordered Indians to fight they had no choice.

Indians joined voluntarily, as they believed the British to be the lesser evil.
no wonder the brits were racist back then and are now,just a matter of time before they'll get the taste of their own medicine:smokin:

How will they get a taste of their own medicine?
Correct me if I'm wrong but British Indian Army formed the single biggest Allied Army formation and without them North Africa could have fallen to Afrika Corps lead by Desert Fox Rommel. If Germans had captured Suez Canal, the entire Allied Army east of canal would have been in danger. From Suez Canal it was a short hop to Iran and their oil.

Sounds about right... Don't forget the British Indian Army at Dunkirk, France, Italy, and Burma...
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