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BBC: Snow White syndrome in India

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It's not doing you much good sun shine.:cheesy:
It's past 1.00 am here and i have an early start, see you guys later.
JD, you could do with a breather, need to focus on a cream that turns you dark, could save these whiteys a bundle. good night.

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Well yes,Lord Krishna was known to be of Dark complexion as It is mentioned in Mahabharata, That Lord Krishna was of dark complexion but was an epitome of beauty.

Lord Krishna is always portrayed blue because he is a Avatar of Vishnu & it is clearly mentioned in the Puranas, Vishnu got the divine colour of clouds....So all the avatars of Vishnu are generally portrayed in divine colour of clouds(blue)....

Hindu gods are either blue or white. I never seen a picture of a brown hindu god, maybe thats why indians love white skin color so much because they have white gods :cheesy:




Even their elephant god is white :cheesy:

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Man this thread is full of racist bastards, so much talk about complexions and race and gods etc etc very sad indeed.
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Ok people need to calm down. There is no need to bring Hindu gods into this, that stuff is sacred i would advise members of this forum not to mess with it.
As far as indian members claiming some how this thread is inflammatory they need to look at the post of their fellow countrymen also. In which Pakistan is a terrorist infested **** hole and the only free country in this world is India.
Just when you thought caste system was exclusive to India, this has to be the tops.Colour discrimination against Afro Caribbeans is like a blind leading a blind.

Not entirely true :cheers: Usually Indian women prefer a fair guy and hence everyone wants to become fair lol :D This is India and yup ppl are racist not entirely.
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