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BBC lies ?

Interesting. Whenever BBC publishes any report of accusing the Pakistan army or govt, then it is accused of being anti - Pakistan, anti-muslim, but now everyone is ready to believe anything because a disgruntled former member of the party has turned against it and could be saying things to get him a mansion and bank balance. But what do know.
Sue them mate, don't throw empty farts here at PDF. If your believed terrorist party is not playing RAWs games; despite discovery of Indian ammunition, admission of terrorists for training in India and despite Altaf begging RAW for help, Sue BBC and show the world your leaders are innocent. NO one would want to prove BBC wrong more than your leaders but just F! do it. Sue them and see your leaders getting free from treason charges.
Just wàiting to see your reaction , if the same BBC open another pandoras box telling about JEWISH SUPPORT TO PTI & specially IMRAN KAHN ?LOLZZZ
Is the MQM an espionage agency like the ISI? Intelligence Agencies don't operate like a political party. A Political Party is supposed to be transparent and open unlike an Intelligence Agency. Thus, your analogy is far off and your desperate attempt to defend the MQM is humorous at best. Your comparing Apples and Oranges my friend.
Doesnt Matter the Platform they are speaking about what Matters is CREDIBILITY of Source as both comes from BBC Both were Researched and Checked according to BBC's so Called Standards and then got Released so if BBC is Credible then it should considered both ways not just be Practiced upon one. If MQM is Indian Sntich Today then ISI was Harboring World most Wanted Terrorist yesterday According to BBC.
Again pathetic attempt, there is nothing stopping the MQM from following two parallel law suits. They both are not mutually exclusive. The mere fact that Tariq Mir did not deny his statement that has been leaked in the Media is proof enough that his testimony is true. Instead of refuting it and denying it, his first words were 'Who gave this to you?'. MQM needs to understand this is not the same Armed Forces anymore that MQM can cut a deal with, this a Gen Raheel a through Professional who is going to end the militancy of the MQM.
Tariq Mir is keeping his Mouth Shut due to having case under Probe and letting the Lawyers do his Talking That is how it works in West and might be Advised by their Lawyers as well to WAIT for the Investigation because their is most Likely Chances that They couldnt able to find any Money Trail that lead to RAW Source.
In my personal opinion, MQM is not an Anti Pakistan Party. Hazrat Syed Altaf Hussain might be, but not the party on ground. Altaf Bhai thought he could hoodwink the Indians by accepting the money because who does not like free money and continue to carry on his activities. But this has blew up in his face and this time around MQM will face music. MQM is not the same violent force as it used to be, Rangers have clipped their militant wings. Even though being a die hard MQM supporter, you acquiesced in another thread that MQM is involved in criminal activities.
Its Irrelevant MQM is Pro Pakistani or Anti Pakistani and frankly no one give a damn about it either as people support them for lots of reason other then Muhajir Card or Quaid-e-Tehrik's so called Charisma and till no Alternative comes in they would keep getting Support in Karachi so they are going no where no matter how bad Establishment wants to Get rid of them. They have faced these kinds of Pressure Before so Establishment should also be aware that they are dealing with people who had served their Time as Political Prisoners in the Past so they arent that easy fight anyways.
Interesting. Whenever BBC publishes any report of accusing the Pakistan army or govt, then it is accused of being anti - Pakistan, anti-muslim, but now everyone is ready to believe anything because a disgruntled former member of the party has turned against it and could be saying things to get him a mansion and bank balance. But what do know.
Whole point was media can't become judge or juddicry any where in the world ?
But idiots here can't get it ?lolzzz
Just wàiting to see your reaction , if the same BBC open another pandoras box telling about JEWISH SUPPORT TO PTI & specially IMRAN KAHN ?LOLZZZ

Whole point was media can't become judge or juddicry any where in the world ?
But idiots here can't get it ?lolzzz

More useless rhetoric completely devoid of any objective facts, and using too many question marks. Unfortunately this is what the other MQM'ers on PDF consider as wisdom, if so then all hope is lost for these people.
Doesnt Matter the Platform they are speaking about what Matters is CREDIBILITY of Source as both comes from BBC Both were Researched and Checked according to BBC's so Called Standards and then got Released so if BBC is Credible then it should considered both ways not just be Practiced upon one. If MQM is Indian Sntich Today then ISI was Harboring World most Wanted Terrorist yesterday According to BBC.
Tariq Mir is keeping his Mouth Shut due to having case under Probe and letting the Lawyers do his Talking That is how it works in West and might be Advised by their Lawyers as well to WAIT for the Investigation because their is most Likely Chances that They couldnt able to find any Money Trail that lead to RAW Source.
Its Irrelevant MQM is Pro Pakistani or Anti Pakistani and frankly no one give a damn about it either as people support them for lots of reason other then Muhajir Card or Quaid-e-Tehrik's so called Charisma and till no Alternative comes in they would keep getting Support in Karachi so they are going no where no matter how bad Establishment wants to Get rid of them. They have faced these kinds of Pressure Before so Establishment should also be aware that they are dealing with people who had served their Time as Political Prisoners in the Past so they arent that easy fight anyways.
Im back solider !:triniti:

More useless rhetoric completely devoid of any objective facts, and using too many question marks. Unfortunately this is what the other MQM'ers on PDF consider as wisdom, if so then all hope is lost for these people.
Offtopic , reported
@Irfan Baloch
You can check him out how many times been reported out of topic & what you guys done in that regard ?
Check my & his history , & beg me to hit him back? Sir !
Just wàiting to see your reaction , if the same BBC open another pandoras box telling about JEWISH SUPPORT TO PTI & specially IMRAN KAHN ?LOLZZZ

If this happened it would either be true or false. In this scenario I would expect Imran Khan/PTI to go to court and clear their name, because if they did not, it would mean they are guilty.

There is perfect example of this and any cricket fan will know about this. Back in 1996 Botham and Lamb had made all sort of claims about Imran and ball tampering. Imran took both Lamb and Botham to court in London for libel under defemation laws.

He promptly won, thereby proved both Lamb and Botham wrong. The court awarded £500,000 costs in favour of Imran Khan.

Botham and Lamb bowled over by defeat in pounds 500,000 High Court test - News - The Independent

Now why don't you tell MQM to do the same, go to court and put their 'money where their mouth' is? Actions speak louder then words.

Actions. Imran coming out of court after winning in the defemation case in 1996 in London.


A happy Imran and not so happy Botham. This is how you deal with lies. You shut'em up in court.


Res ipsa loquitur (Latin for "the truth speaks for itself") in the Courts

Not bloody shout conspiracy, saazish, unfairness, Jews, Isreal and rest of favourite tools of the deception and deciet that are used by some people to try to fool the ignorents.

Again put your money where your mouth is - Go to court. Actions ?
If this happened it would either be true or false. In this scenario I would expect Imran Khan/PTI to go to court and clear their name, because if they did not, it would mean they are guilty.

There is perfect example of this and any cricket fan will know about this. Back in 1996 Botham and Lamb had made all sort of claims about Imran and ball tampering. Imran took both Lamb and Botham to court in London for libel under defemation laws.

He promptly won, thereby proved both Lamb and Botham wrong. The court awarded £500,000 costs in favour of Imran Khan.

Botham and Lamb bowled over by defeat in pounds 500,000 High Court test - News - The Independent

Now why don't you tell MQM to do the same, go to court and put their 'money where their mouth' is? Actions speak louder then words.

Actions. Imran coming out of court after winning in the defemation case in 1996 in London.


A happy Imran and not so happy Botham. This is how you deal with lies. You shut'em up in court.


Res ipsa loquitur (Latin for "the truth speaks for itself") in the Courts

Not bloody shout conspiracy, saazish, unfairness, Jews, Isreal and rest of favourite tools of the deception and deciet that are used by some people to try to fool the ignorents.

Again put your money where your mouth is - Go to court. Actions ?
It happens many times , but suing isnt going to clear the mess created to target anyone ?
What happens in IRAQ ?
Where it stands ?
Mr Tony Blair sued by whom ?
As for asumption , I can't accept also some stupid media getting honky donky on IMRAN or even PTI ?
That not means they are traitors ?
Its whole a stupid theory , to get some one through media , just because the prosecution doesn't have enough evidence ?
As I already put as the bottom line , that no media can become judge & jury ?
It only can lead a investigation , we need to wait about it ?
Instead of bieng stupid & judging someone ?
BBC is a state owned media organisation run by tax payer's money...& like everywhere else even in the UK their first & foremost agenda is to push UK's national interest. Even BBC propagated the myth about Saddam Hussain having weapons of mass distraction, like every other mainstream media in the west. Now I'll let you decide whether BBC upholds the truth all the time?


Saddam and Altaf are two different issues---. Saddam could not sue them and neither could the isi. Altaf on the other hand can.

He is being charged with taking money from the enemy and doing terrorist activities in another country. He is charged with being involved in terrorist activities-----.

So---none of the BBC documentaries or news releases against Pakistan or Saddam are the same as this news item.
Doesnt Matter the Platform they are speaking about what Matters is CREDIBILITY of Source as both comes from BBC Both were Researched and Checked according to BBC's so Called Standards and then got Released so if BBC is Credible then it should considered both ways not just be Practiced upon one. If MQM is Indian Sntich Today then ISI was Harboring World most Wanted Terrorist yesterday According to BBC.

Again, your justifications are humorous. Why can't you understand that there is a difference between a Political Party and the ISI? The ISI was not elected by the People of Pakistan to represent them. The professionalism of BBC is very well known, and that is why this news is being taken very seriously. I will say it again, if the MQM feels that this documentary is false they should sue BBC in the court of law as their laws regarding Defamation are very strong.

Tariq Mir is keeping his Mouth Shut due to having case under Probe and letting the Lawyers do his Talking That is how it works in West and might be Advised by their Lawyers as well to WAIT for the Investigation because their is most Likely Chances that They couldnt able to find any Money Trail that lead to RAW Source.

Tariq Mir is keeping his mouth shut because if he denies it, and this written statement is presented in the Court of Law by the Met Police, he is in deep deep trouble. The mere fact that he refused to refute it is evidence enough that he has acquiesced to this media report.

Its Irrelevant MQM is Pro Pakistani or Anti Pakistani and frankly no one give a damn about it either as people support them for lots of reason other then Muhajir Card or Quaid-e-Tehrik's so called Charisma and till no Alternative comes in they would keep getting Support in Karachi so they are going no where no matter how bad Establishment wants to Get rid of them. They have faced these kinds of Pressure Before so Establishment should also be aware that they are dealing with people who had served their Time as Political Prisoners in the Past so they arent that easy fight anyways.

First of all the Establishment is not targeting MQM because of its political wing. It is targeting MQM because of its militant wing and the fact that it has taken money from India. MQM has not faced pressure like this before because this Operation is not like the one they have faced before. You're still not getting it, there has been a complete strategic mind shift in the GHQ in which they are treating physical terrorism on par with economic terrorism. This is why PPP is now feeling the heat too.

MQM has a golden opportunity to come out of this mess clean and pure. It should disband its militant wing and present itself as a true Political Party instead of a Criminal Mafia. But if they continue to support and refuse to end their militant wing, they will loose the fight. MQM needs to realize that this is a fight they cannot win, sooner or later they will have to renounce violence.
Why doesn't your God (nauzubillah) Altaf sue the BBC then? If the BBC ever lies, it gets its arse handed over to it in a defamation lawsuit.

why ISI does not sue BBC for the Documentary ?
why ISI does not sue BBC for the Documentary ?
They issued an official and legal statement, denying the report entirely. Unlike the MQM case, the report about the ISI was not based on evidence or police reports or statements from ISI officials- it was based on statements from ''a senior newspaper executive'' only.
Pakistan's ISI denies involvement in reporter's murder - BBC News
They issued an official and legal statement, denying the report entirely. Unlike the MQM case, the report about the ISI was not based on evidence or police reports or statements from ISI officials- it was based on statements from ''a senior newspaper executive'' only.
Pakistan's ISI denies involvement in reporter's murder - BBC News

no no no , you did not answer my Question nigga , why ISI did not Sue them ??
i hope you know the meaning of Sue :D
no no no , you did not answer my Question nigga , why ISI did not Sue them ??
i hope you know the meaning of Sue :D
Because from a legal perspective, the BBC did not technically defame the ISI. It only quoted statements by other people. None of the reports had any evidence and none of them quoted UK Law Enforcement agencies. None of those reports made any definite conclusions.

So, if the ISI was to sue the BBC, all the BBC would say is: ''we don't need to prove it because we never said anything - we simply reported what others were saying''. And if those others were to be summoned in court, they would testify that yes, they did say the things the BBC attributed to them. Case closed.

Besides, the ISI loses nothing from those reports because it is a government agency and not a political party. It does not depend on public opinion to do its work.

Compare the two reports:
Pakistan's shadowy secret service, the ISI - BBC News
''Pakistan's directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, is once again facing accusations of double-standards''

Pakistan's MQM 'received Indian funding' - BBC News
''Officials in Pakistan's MQM party have told the UK authorities they received Indian government funds''

Massive difference.
Because from a legal perspective, the BBC did not technically defame the ISI. It only quoted statements by other people. None of the reports had any evidence and none of them quoted UK Law Enforcement agencies. None of those reports made any definite conclusions.

So, if the ISI was to sue the BBC, all the BBC would say is: ''we don't need to prove it because we never said anything - we simply reported what others were saying''. And if those others were to be summoned in court, they would testify that yes, they did say the things the BBC attributed to them. Case closed.

Besides, the ISI loses nothing from those reports because it is a government agency and not a political party. It does not depend on public opinion to do its work.

Compare the two reports:
Pakistan's shadowy secret service, the ISI - BBC News
''Pakistan's directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, is once again facing accusations of double-standards''

Pakistan's MQM 'received Indian funding' - BBC News
''Officials in Pakistan's MQM party have told the UK authorities they received Indian government funds''

Massive difference.

and you believe in some Photo copied Papers , half of them are hidden ? and the report made on the basis on Pakistani Sources ? lolz ...
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