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Bavar 373


Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of


Bavar 373 (Persian: Belief-373) is the Iranian long range Air defense system under development.[1] Development of the system was a response to the Russian ban on exporting advanced S-300 systems to Iran.


History :

After the Russian ban on exporting S-300 to Iran, Defense minister Ahmad Vahidi told Iranian media at Sept. 22. 2010 that they will develope a similar domestic system by themselves: “We have planned to build a long-range air defense missile system similar to S-300. By God’s grace and by the Iranian engineers’ efforts, we will reach self-sufficiency in this regard.”
It was later revealed that the name of the system will be Bavar 373. Bavar meaning "belief" and 373 which is the Abjad number of prophet Mohammad's name [3]
Farzad Esmaieli, commander of Khatam-ol-Anbia Base told Iranian media that the development of this system started by the direct order of supreme leader Ayatollah Kahmenei when the first information about cancellation of S-300 contract was heared and Iranian personal were still being trained in Russia on it.[4] He said the project was in the stage of prototype designing and that it was not going to suffer from the weak points of the S-300. He continued that in the area of detection and radars, a very good point was reached and defense ministry was working on two or three missiles each for a different range and altitude.
Later he said the system is much more capable than S-300, without mentioning the S-300 version he meant. He said that the design was complete, all the parts were going to be manufactured inside the country and it had a good ability to detect and intercept enemy aircraft.
In November 22, 2011, the first prototype was built. [5] [6] Iran announced that the system was designed and built by defense ministry, domestic industries and some Iranian universities. Esmaieli said that Iran doesn't even think about S-300 anymore as Bavar-373 was much more capable.
Commander: Iran-Made Bavar 373 Air Defense System's Capabilities Equal to Russian S-300
BS talking.............They said bavar 373 is more then s300...now equal.
Commander: Iran-Made Bavar 373 Air Defense System's Capabilities Equal to Russian S-300
BS talking.............They said bavar 373 is more then s300...now equal.

S-300 has various variants, if they mean equal to its latest model, then it is an incredible achievement still. How many countries can make a system like S-300 PMU2?

Get ready for sticky thread about B-373 !!!

Commander: Iran-Made Bavar 373 Air Defense System's Capabilities Equal to Russian S-300
BS talking.............They said bavar 373 is more then s300...now equal.

He further said that the missile system, dubbed as Bavar (Belief) 373, is even more powerful and more advanced than the Russian S-300.

In the meantime, Iran designed and developed its own version of the S-300 missile shield, known as Bavar (Belief) 373. The Iranian version has superior features over the original Russian model as it enjoys increased mobility and reduced launch-preparation time.
S-300 has various variants, if they mean equal to its latest model, then it is an incredible achievement still. How many countries can make a system like S-300 PMU2?

Only a handfull truelly can. But there are plenty that can claim so to. I dont really believe Bavar will be equal to S-300 until we can get more information on the system, and actually see it fired and hit a target at the very least.
How can Iran make a system like S-300 without having access to one? For example, the Irani planes Saegher make sense because Iran had several F-4's. And if it is better than S-300, does Iran need to buy S-300? Why buy a foreign system which will have a huge profit margin when you can make your own and even export it?
How can Iran make a system like S-300 without having access to one? For example, the Irani planes Saegher make sense because Iran had several F-4's. And if it is better than S-300, does Iran need to buy S-300? Why buy a foreign system which will have a huge profit margin when you can make your own?

Seems they brought patriot pac-2 or hq 16...:azn:

how they access that without a base system...on the other hand iran have s-300 pmu from unknown source

So why can't they develop a system like pmu-2?
Commander: Iran-Made Bavar 373 Air Defense System's Capabilities Equal to Russian S-300
BS talking.............They said bavar 373 is more then s300...now equal.
The are going to sign a new contract for the latest missiles... The S-300 PMU2 is the same.

How can Iran make a system like S-300 without having access to one? For example, the Irani planes Saegher make sense because Iran had several F-4's. And if it is better than S-300, does Iran need to buy S-300? Why buy a foreign system which will have a huge profit margin when you can make your own and even export it?
That is most probably because the contract was signed in 2007, you can not breach a contract ... The Russians did and they have faced a $4 billion law suit, now they abide by their contract which will give them a better reputation.
Iran started developing its own version in 2010, it should be almost ready by now. This is in addition to a minimum of 5 batteries of the S-300 PMU2 with the latest air defense missiles.
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Only a handfull truelly can. But there are plenty that can claim so to. I dont really believe Bavar will be equal to S-300 until we can get more information on the system, and actually see it fired and hit a target at the very least.

Of course, that's why I said added "if" to my post. Nothing is certain until we see the final result of this project.
The parade and the display of the Sayyad-4/Bavar missile made a few things very clear:

-The Bavar system is not based on some black market obtained S-300/HQ-9 technology

-Like the Sayyad-2 its design heritage and origins seem to the in US designs

-The Sayyad-2 was a Standard/Patriot(launcher) hybrid. The Bavar looks to me like a AIM-54(MIM-54)/Patriot hybrid for the following reasons:

-The AIM-54 is probably the highest technology missile interceptor available as basis for a SAM in Iran. It was already quite ahead of its time when it entered service. For the Sayyad-2 the lower technology standard missile was used as basis, the AIM-54 would be the ideal choice for the Bavar.

-Unlike S-300 family missiles, the Bavar as shown during the parade has no TVC system but just a Patriot like aerodynamic control surface steering. It's design is closer to the AIM-54/PAC-3 concept and should provide enough agility when compared to the S-300.

-There are three points which would make such a AIM-54 based missile very effective and comparable to the S-300:

-Creating a high power phased array PESA illumination system like that of the S-300 Fap-lid/Tombstone is a huge technological task, especially at extended ranges 105km+. Going this path would be a huge risk factor.
So what we have seen so far for the Bavar is what appears like a more powerful Hafez AESA engagement radar. This AESA system would not be powerful enough to illuminate the target for the TVM/SAGG/SARH seeker of a S-300/Patriot like missile, but it can track the target at 200km+ ranges and communicate with the interceptor and give it mid-course updates.

-The shown Bavar-373 engement radar should be able to track fighter size targets at 200km and if cued by a larger search radar, especially those in VHF band, it should be able to pick-up stealthy targets at 100-200km.

-The TVM/SAGG/SARH guidance of the S-300/S-400/Patriot/Standard/HAWK missiles has some benefits and in the past the cost effectiveness was the most important. No active radar seeker is needed and with the TVM/SAGG system complicated engagement and radar comparison algorithms are not done by the flight computer of the missile but within the ground based FCS. Additionally the TVM/SAGG system has guidance redundancy which makes it very robust against jamming.
Therefore to use a active radar seeker SAM like a MIM-54 or what I think the Bavar/Sayyad-4 is, you need two things:
Huge advances in computing power for missile rated CPUs and advances in ARH seeker technology. In this way you can reach the same cost-effectiveness as with S-300/Patriot like TVM/SAGG SAM's. The savings of having a simpler FCS/SAM-Radar come on top.
Iran is a country that has the gift of having AIM-54's as starting point which China for example had not. This path would be the least risky with the biggest grow potential and I'm quite sure this is what the Bavar-373 employs.

-The potential weak point of not having a TVC system can be almost eliminated by using a ARH SAM for following reason:
Like the AIM-54, the missile is positioned above the target by the engagement radar and the dives while activating its active radar seeker. This engagement trajectory is in this extreme form not possible by a TVM/SAGG guided SAM as the upper part of the target is not sufficiently illuminated by a ground based radar. So the end-game agility requirements differ here: A AIM-54 like SAM can greatly increase its speed by diving into the target and by doing so, greatly increase its agility and effectiveness of aerodynamic control surfaces to such a point that the airframe G-load restrictions becomes the limiting parameter and makes a additional TVC system like in the S-300 useless. Hence the TVC-less Bavar/Sayyad-4 could have the same end-game kill probability as the S-300/S-400 by being basically a MIM-54. The savings of not employing a TVC system can then compensate the higher costs of an ARH seeker and the weight savings can compensate the higher drag of the Sayyad-4 fins. TVC makes sense of a missile which has to intercept ballistic missiles primarily but if the Sayyad-4 is mainly used against aircrafts (up to SR-71/Mig-25) then there could be no penalty at all by using aerodynamic control surfaces (even benefits).

-Benefits of a diving trajectory ARH seeker SAM is obviously that the much higher RCS top area of the target aircraft can be engaged. This coupled with the huge advances in computing power could easily compensate the benefits a TVM/SAGG system has via its seeker/engagement radar redundancy. Hence the anti-stealth capabilities of the Bavar-373 could be way higher than that of the S-300 while the S-300 would have the upper hand in anti-ballistic missile role with its TVC equipped missiles.

-I expect a square launcher for the Sayyad-4 not a round S-300 like. Should be similar to the advanced Taiwanese SAMs and as apparently no S-300 technology is involved in the Bavar, I also don’t expect to see a cold-launch system for it. But could be that the effort was taken on basis of the TOR-M1 cold launch technology.

-The development of the Sayyad-4 by reverse engineering the AIM-54 technology is impressive and could have led to the development of the Fakkur-90 AAM.

-Concentrating on a tracking-only AESA engagement radar could have become possible by recent technology break troughs. Those T/R modules don’t have to be very powerful ones for such a system and available in the open market. The Hafez radar and others would greatly benefit from this development, basically sharing the development costs and all using the same T/R modules.

-Its quite large. I would estimate the booster is roughly 70% of the Fateh-110/Zelzal-2 booster. The booster should be bigger than the HQ-9 booster and close to the S-300 booster giving it indeed a long range cabaility of 100-200km+. The missile booster technology should not be a technological bottle-neck for Iran, with the top diving/non proportional guidance system even a single-pulse booster without sustainer (as used and demonstrated by Irans soild fuel ballistic missiles) could become an option

- The biggest challenge in by hypothesis would be to reverse engineer and further develop the AIM-54 technology. Namely the active radar seeker. One thing should be clear: the blessing of having access to the AIM-54 is similar as having access to the S-300PMU/S-300PMU1 system and Iran would be stupid not to make use of this blessing.
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