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Battle of Pangong Lake August 15 2017 - Indian beaten down cold by PLA kungfu master!

Which one is you??

Wow i thought i had the most bad reviews then i saw ur profile at negative 29 ratings!

Thats like 3.5 times worse than me!

No need a war..someone like you will cause india's destructiom
Wow i thought i had the most bad reviews then i saw ur profile at negative 29 ratings!

Thats like 3.5 times worse than me!

Straight trees are the ones that are cut down at the earnest!!You remember that, boyo. :)
Not if you are afraid that you might get anal raped!!In that case, you would be right to just stay out of the way and go fuckk yourself in the @rse!!Up for it now, Mr. Chimp?? :lol:
oops look at the false flagger he expects Indians to have +ve rating on PDF. :lol:
Not if you are afraid that you might get anal raped!!In that case, you would be right to just stay out of the way and go fuckk yourself in the @rse!!Up for it now, Mr. Chimp?? :lol:

@WebMaster @waz @Slav Defence

No negative from Indian analysts for this outstanding post?
Mili bhagat?

Negatives only reserved for me?
Little China is becoming more and more of a laughing stock. No wonder it was once referred to as a Court Jester in the UN.
Little China is becoming more and more of a laughing stock. No wonder it was once referred to as a Court Jester in the UN.
A court jester is a part of the court

india will never be a security council member and will not be allowed in the court

Wow, you are like that persistent stench mark that piece of tar that simply won't get flushed out, again, showing the color of a typical commie b@stard!!Yeah, complain to which ever of your dads you want to :lol:

If u wanna complain so much, i suggest you and nair plus ur cheerleaders bunch join the indian army now.

Dont talk too much, show your patriotism where it is.

My word goes out to those tagged and those not tagged (u know hu u r, india cheerleaders with a skirt)


@proud_indian @fsayed @Alphacharlie
@SorryNotSorry @Star Wars
@navtrek @doe33

@gslv mk3 @Stephen Cohen
@Jackdaws @Gurjot.S
@hellfire @nair @Majet Raha
@AnnoyingOrange @Dem!god
@Rollno21 @wiseone2 @third eye @Guynextdoor2
Super Powder China will send India back to stone age by PLA throwing Stones. Sometimes I feel pity on China, after all they are seen as ruhaani taaqat by their cheer leaders and they are doing this nonsense.
If u wanna complain so much, i suggest you and nair plus ur cheerleaders join the indian army now

I ain't the one complaining, it's your buddy Ashok who's been running to every father he's got here in pdf!! :lol:
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A court jester is a part of the court

india will never be a security council member and will not be allowed in the court

If u wanna complain so much, i suggest you and nair plus ur cheerleaders bunch join the indian army now.

Dont talk too much, show your patriotism where it is.

My word goes out to those tagged and those not tagged (u know hu u r, india cheerleaders with a skirt)

Nice of you admit China is pretty much a Court Jester. Rather be outside than be a clown on the inside. Well, at least that's our take. Perhaps being a Court Jester is a matter of pride for Little China.
Funny thing is nobody in india dare fought back
We fought with brave armies like Pakistani, not like sisy armies throwing stones at paramilitary personals. You should feel lucky that you guys not encountered martial regiments of IA, they would have make hakka noodles of your PLA
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