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Battle of Pangong Lake August 15 2017 - Indian beaten down cold by PLA kungfu master!

Learn to differentiate the difference between a baby,infant and fetus

My god how dumb are you people, do you even think before you type :D
Google Ganges river and see how many people, cows and babies are dumped in the river
anything you say 180 million strong slum powa :china:

YEAH finally something Indian are proud of since 2012 :D

Of course we have to consider nothing ever changes in India :D

So are you happy ?
I am happy that you had survived :D

So does your parents :D

Well even if you don't they can simply make another one, no big deal :D
Just to add China solved its infant mortality by fetus slaughter, where a baby before becoming an infant is scrapped of the mothers womb because it does suit Chinese population Eugenics requirements i.e China's one child policy.

Not to forget ancient supreme Chinese cultural practice of dumping babies in rivers

Heartbreaking picture of newborn baby who was dumped in a river horrifies China after it was posted online
  • Tragic image of dead infant was taken from a riverbank in south east China
  • Search is on to identify newborn baby wearing a nappy and rompersuit
  • China has one-baby policy and higher levels of female infanticide as result
By Harriet Arkell

PUBLISHED: 07:34 EDT, 14 August 2013 | UPDATED: 08:03 EDT, 14 August 2013

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An horrific image of a newborn baby drowned in a river has caused outrage in China after it emerged on local social networking sites.

The picture - taken from a river bank in south east China - apparently shows a dead infant wearing a romper suit and a nappy several days after the newborn had been abandoned in the water.

The photo has appalled Chinese internet users who have set up an online search for clues to the baby's identity.


This photograph (pixellated by MailOnline) of the newborn baby drowned in a river has horrified people in China


Every nations has its shares of traitors, so no point blaming Singaporean for such kind

Bhopal gas tragedy is worst...

The bhopal government took secret money from union carbide and the people who suffered til today have no compensation, entire families died, people are still dying and nobody has done anything for them...

YEAH finally something Indian are proud of since 2012 :D

Of course we have to consider nothing ever changes in India :D

I am happy that you had survived :D

So does your parents :D

Well even if you don't they can simply make another one, no big deal :D
But your Parents have produced a dumb and stupid boy. Their sentiment is a big question mark.
This forum might have the largest numbers of false flag.

There are generation of Chinese not born in China but act more han than the hans themselves.

we are no strangers to such type ;)

Every nations has its shares of traitors, so no point blaming Singaporean for such kind

Didnt knew that Singapore is part of India if not whats with the betrayal

You indians either have poor understanding of geography or you cant wait to get out of your slums into a developed nation

Shameless :D
Indians are celebrating all over the internet that their soldier kicked the Chinese but it's the other way around the Indians were getting obliterated mate

Yes, they were celebrating KO Chinese all over the internet, and then the reality set in. Now they are out to find next thing to celebrate.

Don't forget the Chinese govt officially claimed no such incident even happened (or wasn't "aware" of it)....and now this video surfaces lol. Pravda style tactics in full flow from them....Baghdad bob would be proud.

....and now this deranged Chinese OP troll and his posse going AGAINST what the chinese govt claim was and even labelling it a "battle" lol. It certainly shows the rifts within China slowly simmering to a boil over absolutely non-issue. That's why India simply wins by holding the current situation, speak little and then expose the CCP propaganda machinery methodically in front of whole world....because global times charts theory, but PLA doesn't follow the implementation of it lol. I love that dissonance.....very stalin-esque....but problem is China grown very big for its own authoritarian "Middle Kingdom" govt increasingly....so sit back and watch the fun.....treat each China troll here as the joke it is.

I am pretty sure you actually knew the difference between these two.
Didnt knew that Singapore is part of India if not whats with the betrayal

You indians either have poor understanding of geography or you cant wait to get out of your slums into a developed nation

Shameless :D

Stay in your slum

Dont terrorize the world with your naive bigotry

You should try using google translate over Baidu one.

It would help you understand my posts.

PS: do not do anything illegal in attempting to access google resources.
Now we wouldn't want the CCP to organ harvest its brightest from wu shi xian academy. ;)
Last edited:
You should try using google translate over Baidu one.

It would help you understand my posts.

PS: do not do anything illegal in attempting to access google resources.
Now we wouldn't want the CCP to organ harvest its brightest from wu shi xian academy. ;)

Long time no see, my friend. Ready to report any one for racial slur again? :partay:
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