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Battle of Pangong Lake August 15 2017 - Indian beaten down cold by PLA kungfu master!

and...we don't need anything but a fly kick to show that we can handle Indian Army with naked hand...American wouldn't dare to perform our heroic act, they're so cowardly to fight only with overwhelming superiority and fully armed.
Anyone would fall with a kick from behind. Dare to try this stunt from front.
If we are hated so much then why ASEAN nations including Singapore want us to throw our weight to counter China in the region. Why Singapore is giving easy visas to Indians and offering them permanent residency to them? Why do they do so much business with us. Tell your govt. to slow down on us.
And we will keep bullying Pakistan. US could not stop us, China can not stop us from doing so.
It serves our purpose to have balance in our region.
If sucker India willing to help us, why not ?
Look through Singapore blogs, you don't find much love for India.
You have to look for "Ah Nei" when referring to Indians.
Indians go 'ah nei nei' 'ah nei nei' all the time, so we call them 'Ah Nei'

Easy Visas to Indians ?
Not anymore.
Our Government has learned from their folly,
we let them know our displeasure at the 2011 elections.
Singapore blocks visas for Indian IT professionals
Road cleaners, Rubbish collectors, Construction workers are still welcomed but limited.
Save it

You are just lucky to be one of those millions who actually make it to adulthood

49 INDIA 40.50 2016 EST.
50 KENYA 38.30 2016 EST.
121 CHINA 12.20 2016 EST.
192 EUROPEAN UNION 4.00 2016 EST.

Yes of course Lucky to be born in India and getting wealthy day by day. One can take out of his frustration by taking out such data and he actually should see the trend also which will make more frustrated.

It serves our purpose to have balance in our region.
If sucker India willing to help us, why not ?
Look through Singapore blogs, you don't find much love for India.
You have to look for "Ah Nei" when referring to Indians.
Indians go 'ah nei nei' 'ah nei nei' all the time, so we call them 'Ah Nei'
Chinese are 'ah tiong'.

Easy Visas to Indians ?
Not anymore.
Our Government has learned from their folly,
we let them know our displeasure at the 2011 elections.
Singapore blocks visas for Indian IT professionals
Road cleaners, Rubbish collectors, Construction workers are still welcomed but limited.
You left beggars
U know why indian army is a joke compared to singapore army?

singapore army always focus on fighting against all adversaries, since we are small we think like israeli.

India army is a like a big fat spoiled kid only trained for fighting insurgents and unrest in troubled parts of the country or to do border patrols.

In fact, the reason why india lost to china in 1962 is because simply india is laidback and reactive.

I still see the same thing today, as echoed in indian media.

If xi jinping is mao zedong or if we assume mao is immortal, mao would have wiped off half of india clean with PLA for what india did at doklam.

be glad that xi is a nice guy.
lol that's the best you can come with...:rofl::rofl: our soldier's flying kick has shaken the entire foundation of India, a shock therapy that you Indian will remember for long long time:lol:
When you brought up damming up Yarlung Tsang Po river you got them all shook up. This incident with the flying kick hurt them again. You will see many psed pics of fat kids imitating a fly kick because it's the Indians way of calming their bruised egos.
When you brought up damming up Yarlung Tsang Po river you got them all shook up. This incident with the flying kick hurt them again. You will see many psed pics of fat kids imitating a fly kick because it's the Indians way of calming their bruised egos.


this picture shows that india actually relying on china river for lifeline.

china should just cut off india's water supply besides vetoing them at UN and nuclear suppliers group.

how dare they invade into chinese territory.

Indians should treat chinese like their dads and show abit of respect.

China is afterall also 3 times larger.
Yes of course Lucky to be born in India and getting wealthy day by day. One can take out of his frustration by taking out such data and he actually should see the trend also which will make more frustrated.

Just to add China solved its infant mortality by fetus slaughter, where a baby before becoming an infant is scrapped of the mothers womb because it does suit Chinese population Eugenics requirements i.e China's one child policy.

Not to forget ancient supreme Chinese cultural practice of dumping babies in rivers

Heartbreaking picture of newborn baby who was dumped in a river horrifies China after it was posted online
  • Tragic image of dead infant was taken from a riverbank in south east China
  • Search is on to identify newborn baby wearing a nappy and rompersuit
  • China has one-baby policy and higher levels of female infanticide as result
By Harriet Arkell

PUBLISHED: 07:34 EDT, 14 August 2013 | UPDATED: 08:03 EDT, 14 August 2013

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An horrific image of a newborn baby drowned in a river has caused outrage in China after it emerged on local social networking sites.

The picture - taken from a river bank in south east China - apparently shows a dead infant wearing a romper suit and a nappy several days after the newborn had been abandoned in the water.

The photo has appalled Chinese internet users who have set up an online search for clues to the baby's identity.


This photograph (pixellated by MailOnline) of the newborn baby drowned in a river has horrified people in China

China with the largest concentration of slum dwellers in the world is a natural spokesperson for all slum dwellers in the world and are entitled to be big mouth slum braggers;)



So no questioning Chinese slumlords here when it comes to their statements on slums. :astagh:

Look at you.

So proud of your achievement, you people even made it into top 5 in 2016 !

Dharavi, Mumbai, India

Population: 1 million

In Dharavi, where Slumdog Millionaire was filmed, thousands of small businesses thrive. The slum has an informal economy with an estimated $1 billion annual turnover.

Residents have opposed attempts to develop Dharavi, which sits on prime real estate in India’s financial capital, Mumbai.

"People think of slums as places of static despair as depicted in films such as Slumdog Millionaire," said Sanjeev Sanyal, an economist and writer.

"If one looks past the open drains and plastic sheets, one will see that slums are ecosystems buzzing with activity... Creating neat low-income housing estates will not work unless they allow for many of the messy economic and social activities that thrive in slums," he said.

You are a singaporpporian...
Your loose motion is loose 24/7 you should by some motion sensing diaper first than commenting on Singaporporian matters.
Every nations has its shares of traitors, so no point blaming Singaporean for such kind
Yes of course Lucky to be born in India and getting wealthy day by day. One can take out of his frustration by taking out such data and he actually should see the trend also which will make more frustrated.

You left beggars

Ignorance is bless.

No wonder stupid people are always so happy.

So happy to had made it into adulthood.

No wonder indians are so tolerance to dirt and smell :D
Look at you.

So proud of your achievement, you people even made it into top 5 in 2016 !

Dharavi, Mumbai, India

Population: 1 million

In Dharavi, where Slumdog Millionaire was filmed, thousands of small businesses thrive. The slum has an informal economy with an estimated $1 billion annual turnover.

Residents have opposed attempts to develop Dharavi, which sits on prime real estate in India’s financial capital, Mumbai.

"People think of slums as places of static despair as depicted in films such as Slumdog Millionaire," said Sanjeev Sanyal, an economist and writer.

"If one looks past the open drains and plastic sheets, one will see that slums are ecosystems buzzing with activity... Creating neat low-income housing estates will not work unless they allow for many of the messy economic and social activities that thrive in slums," he said.

anything you say 180 million strong slum powa :china:

this picture shows that india actually relying on china river for lifeline.

china should just cut off india's water supply besides vetoing them at UN and nuclear suppliers group.

how dare they invade into chinese territory.

Indians should treat chinese like their dads and show abit of respect.

China is afterall also 3 times larger.
That will be done sooner or later as northern China need water. India as an enemy will make decision to relocate water to northern China much easier.
Just to add China solved its infant mortality by fetus slaughter, where a baby before becoming an infant is scrapped of the mothers womb because it does suit Chinese population Eugenics requirements i.e China's one child policy.

Learn to differentiate the difference between a baby,infant and fetus

My god how dumb are you people, do you even think before you type :D
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