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Battle for Idlib: Turkey's drones and a new way of war

The keyword,
the most efficient.

Turkey is the no.1
in war drones.
And, many more are on the way to the front!! Couple it with indigenous motors, large production facilities under constructions, AESA radars, indigenous WVR/BVR missiles etc.....


Hopefully in short term,
looks like a lose,

but in long term,
a victory,

Insha Allah.
Folks think they're in control!!! Even the tiniest coronavirus is enough to show them their place by HIS PERMISSION...
It seems you really care of turkish people. You said 60 turkish soldiers were killed by Assad. How many were killed by PYD/PKK?
There are many FETO and pkk supporters active for disinformation in all social media.
As a foreigner you can see the difference by saying how many killed by pkk and I add more ,did they know the avarage of turkish soldiers killed by pkk per year since 1984.
Whats the avarage of last three years after Turkey's last decisions. HOW MANY TURKISH SOLDIERS LIVE SURVIVED?Some People here always against Erdogan can see his failures but cant see his sucsess.
Turkish army operation against assad is honourable success as tactics and the use of DRONES ,EW ,guided weapons and network centric warfare systems . For the politics aims of the operation I cant say successfull or not. In a few weeks we will learn.
I also mention here problem with Russia is not only idlib. We will make operation to pyd/pkk in the russian controlled part of syria and Russia has the second powerfull army of the world.
Some people for some reason seem to think Turkey is the first country to ever use drones in combat. I really don't get it. Nothing was pioneered here from what is already known in this website.

The way we used is so far unqiue, we are the only ones who used Drones in a heavy conventional setting.
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Striking the PKK under Russian umbrella is far more easier then striking it under US umbrella tho so I dont think that the Russians could do much there,furthermore election is nearing in 3 years and getting rid of refugees is becoming one of his main priorities so he will certainly act with an iron grip in north syria at least for the next years.
Ok. Then go ahead and strike pkk behind tel Rifat lines.
In the meantime Russians set up a base in sdf controlled area 45km from Raqqa. Let’s see how you going to attack them
Russians did many things in Afganistan!! Are they there now???

By the by, Turkey and Russia aren’t going for one-to-one fight....
I give rats *** about Russian whereabout 30+ years ago but these days they are few clicks from your border.
russia can and will go against Turkey they were the culprit in killing 60 of your soldiers while you droned useless Shias and regime
I give rats *** about Russian whereabout 30+ years ago but these days they are few clicks from your border.
russia can and will go against Turkey they were the culprit in killing 60 of your soldiers while you droned useless Shias and regime

Turkiye backed FSA killed thousands of Russians and Persians including generals in Syria in the last 8 years

PUTIN-ASSAD-ROUHANI dreamed about taking whole Idlib and forcing 4 million sunni muslim Syrians to move from Idlib to Turkiye

-- PUTIN : We have no plan for meeting ... Assad Regime will take whole Idlib
-- ERDOGAN : Ok , our military power will solve problem in Idlib

Turkish UCAV and Electronic Warfare technologies changed the game in Idlib
even Russia,Europe,India are dreaming about this UCAV and EW technologies

Bayraktar TB-2 and ANKA-S UCAVs killed over 3.200 of Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists in Idlib in one week

Bayraktar TB-2 and ANKA-S UCAVs destroyed 155 Tanks , 51 Howitzers , 52 MLRS , 29 AFVs , 68 Military Vehicles ,15 Anti Tank Weapons , 36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns and 8 Air Defense Systems like PANTSIR-S1 , BUK-M2 in Idlib in one week ( 15% of Assad Regime military equipments )

also over 3500 Turkish Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs and over 25.000 Turkish soldiers and over 20.000 Syrian National Army soldiers were ready for massive attack in Idlib

-- and PUTIN : ooh shit we are ready to meet in Moscow for ceasefire
-- ERDOGAN : Ok , we are coming to Moscow to solve Idlib problem with dialogue
Turkiye backed FSA killed thousands of Russians and Persians including generals in Syria in the last 8 years

PUTIN-ASSAD-ROUHANI dreamed about taking whole Idlib and forcing 4 million sunni muslim Syrians to move from Idlib to Turkiye

-- PUTIN : We have no plan for meeting ... Assad Regime will take whole Idlib
-- ERDOGAN : Ok , our military power will solve problem in Idlib

Turkish UCAV and Electronic Warfare technologies changed the game in Idlib
even Russia,Europe,India are dreaming about this UCAV and EW technologies

Bayraktar TB-2 and ANKA-S UCAVs killed over 3.200 of Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists in Idlib in one week

Bayraktar TB-2 and ANKA-S UCAVs destroyed 155 Tanks , 51 Howitzers , 52 MLRS , 29 AFVs , 68 Military Vehicles ,15 Anti Tank Weapons , 36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns and 8 Air Defense Systems like PANTSIR-S1 , BUK-M2 in Idlib in one week ( 15% of Assad Regime military equipments )

also over 3500 Turkish Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs and over 25.000 Turkish soldiers and over 20.000 Syrian National Army soldiers were ready for massive attack in Idlib

-- and PUTIN : ooh shit we are ready to meet in Moscow for ceasefire
-- ERDOGAN : Ok , we are coming to Moscow to solve Idlib problem with dialogue
As of now, based on Gregory Waters investigation from loyalist death notices, there are 348 dead regime. Between 30-50 Shias(Lebanese Hezb, Zeynabdiyun, Fatimiyun)
Let’s say another 1000 are wounded. So we have 1400
Tanks, apcs, mrls, howitzers little over 100, that’s including the ones destroyed on the ground by the rebels and loot.
Akar, as a typical lapdog, inflates those numbers to stratosphere but whatever:yahoo: Russia will replenish hardware and I am sure they’re working on that.
Yes you killed many IRGC throughout the war but guess what they control most of the country while you control shit. On top of that in due time they will push you out just like they pushed you out behind Sochi lines and gave shit on RTE threats.
Hence, reality on the ground is quite different from what RTE controlled media brainwashes local folks
As of now, based on Gregory Waters investigation from loyalist death notices, there are 348 dead regime. Between 30-50 Shias(Lebanese Hezb, Zeynabdiyun, Fatimiyun)
Let’s say another 1000 are wounded. So we have 1400
Tanks, apcs, mrls, howitzers little over 100, that’s including the ones destroyed on the ground by the rebels and loot.
Akar, as a typical lapdog, inflates those numbers to stratosphere but whatever:yahoo: Russia will replenish hardware and I am sure they’re working on that.
Yes you killed many IRGC throughout the war but guess what they control most of the country while you control shit. On top of that in due time they will push you out just like they pushed you out behind Sochi lines and gave shit on RTE threats.
Hence, reality on the ground is quite different from what RTE controlled media brainwashes local folks

You are one funny guy, one time you are talking about Turkey agression in Syria. Next day why did you stop and now you are telling us ther is not much destroyed.

Like the rest of the hizbies changing faces:-).

Trash you are nothing more....:p:
While this shitbird cant find any of my posts and has diarrhea of the mouth and brains YPG/PKK comfortably launched an atgm in Afrin area. I am sure russians will take care of them real good and soon will offer deal they can’t refuse

Of course there is nothing unique. What’s unique is how dumb loyalist kept moving their armored columns and attempting to launch air strikes.
oh! Almost forgot. What’s also unique is that’s it’s ok to kill 60 NATO soldiers and forget about Sochi line. Imagine what Israel would do if Bashar/Ru/Iran kill one IDF soldier. They’ll pulverize Damascus and hang Bashar by his balls in Qardaha.
Blah blah blah

What did US do when iran bombed the bases in iraq and that is overtly? Did trump retaliate? It has claimed 109 brain injuries now however at time of the attack the western media and US govt portrayed the bases as empty. Once caught lying about bases being empty why should'nt they not lie about the dozens of deaths as well?
As of now, based on Gregory Waters investigation from loyalist death notices, there are 348 dead regime. Between 30-50 Shias(Lebanese Hezb, Zeynabdiyun, Fatimiyun)
Let’s say another 1000 are wounded. So we have 1400
Tanks, apcs, mrls, howitzers little over 100, that’s including the ones destroyed on the ground by the rebels and loot.
Akar, as a typical lapdog, inflates those numbers to stratosphere but whatever:yahoo: Russia will replenish hardware and I am sure they’re working on that.
Yes you killed many IRGC throughout the war but guess what they control most of the country while you control shit. On top of that in due time they will push you out just like they pushed you out behind Sochi lines and gave shit on RTE threats.
Hence, reality on the ground is quite different from what RTE controlled media brainwashes local folks

Turkish Armed Forces recorded everything ... only watch but dont cry ok ?

after the Assad Regime attack on Turkish Forces in Idlib 27.02.2020

Turkish Armed Forces killed 3.322 Assad Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists

also Turkish Armed Forces destroyed

3 UAVs
2 SU-24 Fighter Jets
1 L-39 Aircraft
8 Helicopters
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems


and loser clowns still dreaming about so-called Kurdistan ... keep dreaming dream is free

Al Bab
and now Idlib

sooner or later Tel Rıfat , Munbij and Ayn al Arab
minimum 12 million sunni musllim Syrians who so hate radical sectarian murderer dictator Assad are with Turkiye

RTE is president of Turkiye and AKAR is minister of defense who kicked all of you in Iraq,Syria,Libya,Somali,Qatar,Cyrus and in the Eastern Mediterranean
Off topic, but saw a new Bollywood movie Baaghi 3 based in Syria yesterday. The Syria they showed had the normal screaming ME terrorist characters, but also songs and item numbers in clubs.
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