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Battle for Idlib: Turkey's drones and a new way of war

I give this shameful deal no more than a month.
Here what’s going to happen next
- russians will start bombing runs again
-they are in process of resupplying hardware to SAA. More troops will be dispatched from training centers to Idlib.
Once they are ready another push will begin. As in the past small chunks, testing your reaction, then big push

RTE really fucked up by flying to Moscow.
This is what user @blackeyes posted in main thread

You know what. Its good that this happend. Turkish people are against İdlip deployment.This deal is a clear indication that Regime will take Idlib and surroundings. I want our Armed forces to focus on YPG on the east of Fırat.

since I am banned there I’ll respond here.
Is this user that naive?doesnt he understand that after idlib, Bashar will go after Afrin(thanks to russia they hold Tel Rifat) then Al Bab and last that shithole of town Ras al Ayn.
its like saying “you know what, fvck it, we lost 60 soldiers, so what? We don’t want Idlib”
I swear, some of you people are something else...

Honestly I expected more from Akar. Upon return from Moscow submit for resignation. Appear in media and blast Erdogan and his failed policies. Instead he acts like a lapdog
This is what user @blackeyes posted in main thread

You know what. Its good that this happend. Turkish people are against İdlip deployment.This deal is a clear indication that Regime will take Idlib and surroundings. I want our Armed forces to focus on YPG on the east of Fırat.

since I am banned there I’ll respond here.
Is this user that naive?doesnt he understand that after idlib, Bashar will go after Afrin(thanks to russia they hold Tel Rifat) then Al Bab and last that shithole of town Ras al Ayn.
its like saying “you know what, fvck it, we lost 60 soldiers, so what? We don’t want Idlib”
I swear, some of you people are something else...
You cant blame him,he looks at it from a soldiers pov,his concentration automaticly goes to ongoing ops.
Idlib is over for him(as for many others).

Honestly I expected more from Akar. Upon return from Moscow submit for resignation. Appear in media and blast Erdogan and his failed policies. Instead he acts like a lapdog
Akar is from the same gang(grew up together with some of the AKP founders),he is one of those who took over the Turkish Armed Forces from the inside(it took them 25 years),so he will never turn on Erdogan.
Wow. I just saw how Putin greeted Erdogan. There was a statute of Catherine the Great(ya I know she was German) behind Turkish delegation and behind their seating arrangement a small statue depicting Shipkin battle from 1877-1878 war.
Gotta give it to Vlad. First he humiliated RTE in Idlib then made him go to Moscow and on top of that trolled him in Kremlin. The latter is quite childish but still it’s a bitch slap. It’s like a control shot
I am surprised that no one from RTE protocol looked around and advised him to go to different room or at least storm out in rage. Fvcking A. it means behind closed doors Vlad really ripped him a new one.
Tom Rogan summed up Erdogans capitulation to Putin. Few interesting details


"I would like to once more give my condolences for the death of your soldiers in Syria," Putin began, without even looking Erdogan in the eye. He continued with a vintage show of Chekist dark humor, "This is always a big tragedy." Then, the former KGB lieutenant colonel jumped to the central lie. "Unfortunately, nobody, even the Syrian military, knew about their whereabouts." And Putin added, "Syrian soldiers have also suffered."

Any leader with a basic sense of self-respect or national honor would have interrupted Putin here. As I say, Erdogan knows that Putin knew where his forces were. He knows that those forces were targeted with Putin's approval. Putin's words were thus an insult to all Turks.

Amazingly, Erdogan then decided to make himself look even weaker, and he succeeded.

He offered an excuse as to why the meeting was being held in Moscow and not Ankara, even though he had requested the latter. Erdogan knows that the meeting is in Moscow because Putin wanted the image of Erdogan coming to pay homage and beg for a compromise. But rather than sidestep this issue, the Turkish president said he had only accepted Moscow due to Putin's constitutional changes. It would be laughable were it not so pathetic.
Akar is Erdogans lapdog.
He is a minister of Erdogan. You really speaking nonesense again. And fix your rethoric according to Forum rules.

Wow. I just saw how Putin greeted Erdogan. There was a statute of Catherine the Great(ya I know she was German) behind Turkish delegation and behind their seating arrangement a small statue depicting Shipkin battle from 1877-1878 war.
Gotta give it to Vlad. First he humiliated RTE in Idlib then made him go to Moscow and on top of that trolled him in Kremlin. The latter is quite childish but still it’s a bitch slap. It’s like a control shot
I am surprised that no one from RTE protocol looked around and advised him to go to different room or at least storm out in rage. Fvcking A. it means behind closed doors Vlad really ripped him a new one.
Don't let your nose down in Turkish affairs in the Turkish section. We know when to start a war and when to finish. Although Assad is a murderer, we know that the USA is not less than him. We have now taught Assad a lesson. Now it is time to clear the cancer called PYD with Assad if he has a mind.
He is a minister of Erdogan. You really speaking nonesense again. And fix your rethoric according to Forum rules.

Don't let your nose down in Turkish affairs in the Turkish section. We know when to start a war and when to finish. Although Assad is a murderer, we know that the USA is not less than him. We have now taught Assad a lesson. Now it is time to clear the cancer called PYD with Assad if he has a mind.
Assad MURDERED almost or over 60 your soldiers. 60 Turkish families lost a son, father, brother. Tragedy came to 60 Turkish households.
and this &MKALE1 wants to fight PYD with Assads help.
There is one word that characterizes you-SPINELESS
Assad MURDERED almost or over 60 your soldiers. 60 Turkish families lost a son, father, brother. Tragedy came to 60 Turkish households.
and this &MKALE1 wants to fight PYD with Assads help.
There is one word that characterizes you-SPINELESS
I don't think you care about Turkish families. Yes, he made this mistake, and he paid its price a little bit. But sometimes there are other threats that need to be addressed in order not to worry more Turkish families. As the Turkish army, we will destroy the PYD to leave a future without PYD to our future generations.
Assad MURDERED almost or over 60 your soldiers. 60 Turkish families lost a son, father, brother. Tragedy came to 60 Turkish households.
and this &MKALE1 wants to fight PYD with Assads help.
There is one word that characterizes you-SPINELESS

It seems you really care of turkish people. You said 60 turkish soldiers were killed by Assad. How many were killed by PYD/PKK?
It seems you really care of turkish people. You said 60 turkish soldiers were killed by Assad. How many were killed by PYD/PKK?
Degradation of Turkish military is quite concerning as well as Turkish society in general.
now as for PYD/PKK let me explain you, my naive ME immigrant from Germany/Holland, what’s going to happen.
facing Turkish onslaught PYD will make friendly gestures to Assad and regime+Russia+ Iran will move in to help them. We witnessed how it played out in october 2019.
after consolidating his power grip on PYD(except DZ area under USA) Bashar will get plenty of Kurdish cannon fodder to move against Turkish controlled area. Turks might play another round of Drone Games so save face but will be pushed out the region in shame and disgrace.
I see it from sofa in windy Chicago and so I far all my predictions came out to
be true.

I don't think you care about Turkish families. Yes, he made this mistake, and he paid its price a little bit. But sometimes there are other threats that need to be addressed in order not to worry more Turkish families. As the Turkish army, we will destroy the PYD to leave a future without PYD to our future generations.
Once PYD gets under russian umbrella you will shit your pants and won’t dare to challenge their master. Kurds have long and productive relationship with Russians going back to Cold War era. But I guess they don’t teach that part in Turkish schools.
Btw, I have no interest discussing these matters with SPINELESS individuals whether they are Kurds, amricans, Turks or Russians. Good luck fighting PYD
Striking the PKK under Russian umbrella is far more easier then striking it under US umbrella tho so I dont think that the Russians could do much there,furthermore election is nearing in 3 years and getting rid of refugees is becoming one of his main priorities so he will certainly act with an iron grip in north syria at least for the next years.
Some people for some reason seem to think Turkey is the first country to ever use drones in combat. I really don't get it. Nothing was pioneered here from what is already known in this website.
Some people for some reason seem to think Turkey is the first country to ever use drones in combat. I really don't get it. Nothing was pioneered here from what is already known in this website.

The keyword,
the most efficient.

Turkey is the no.1
in war drones.
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