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Bashir (Sudan): A military base on the Red Sea, SU-35, SU-30 and S-300

''Your amaze me when it comes to Water nile , only 8 billion cubic water reaches Egypt and Sudan from lake Victoria due to swamps in South Sudan. Nile Basin countries have been withdrawing water from lake Victoria at an unprecedent rate to the point where now they are thinking about reducing withdrawal volume to protect the marine life in Lake Victoria .''

Egypts problem....

''85% of the Nile waters comes from lake Taka in Ethiopia and this is an international river which means its owned by all countries that it passes through whether Sudan , Egypt and Ethiopia . When you say Egyptians have no right in nile waters thats a very dangerous statement . Egypt is not acting like a hard man but rather extremists like yourself who come up with such dangerous statements , thankfully your not a politician otherwise Sudan would have been lead into a destructive war with Egypt .''

hhhhhh this is hilarious, am the extremist now? very funny dude.... oh wow destructive war don't worry, nothing will happen now. but Egypt is losing influence by the day. It can easily get to a point within the next 2 decades That Egypt is the weaker state. It wouldn't have the capacity to go to war with 2 nations with a combined population of over 170 million. Seeing the way Sudan is opening up and Ethiopia is developing with double digit growth, Egypt better resolve this diplomatically

''Breaking the 1959 water nile agreement would also mean Egypt has the right to break the border agreement with Sudan . Your government understands this and if it breaks this agreement and reduce Egypt water supply significantly then it would lead to an ugly war and both countries will lose especially Sudan since weakening of Sudanese army would lead to the fall of Sudan when other separatists groups utilize such war as a chance to succeed .''

Nile water agreement has nothing to do with the border agreement. Egypt was never part of Sudan. The Sudanese government is playing cards right. wait till the right moment after this inernational isolation is fully broken and the army gets re-equiped. Economy wise there is not a large difference between Egypt and Sudan, GDP is $311 BN vs $118 BN. per capita is nearly the same. Am pretty sure I schooled you earlier that there are no groups within Sudan calling for independence, try something new and stop using wikipedia sources. Sudan can literally sign Entebbe any moment and Egypt can only blame itself

''Another point that makes me laugh when you said Sudan gets 400 billion cubic meters of Water per year
Sudan Total renewable water resources per year is only between 40 to 60 billion .''

Do you even know what renewable water resources mean? find a dictionary and then come back. Sudan rainfal is upto 400 BN and underground water upto 900 BN. without taking into account rivers and potential increase in Nile water shares.

''Investors will rely on either Nile or ground water when they farm in Sudan , you know well Sudan only gets seasonal rainfall between July to October and its unsustainable for proper farming . If Sudan was like Britain where it rains through out the year that would be another case .''

You know very well that Sudan has multiple climates in different regions. Regions like Sennar, Qadarif , Blue Nile, Kordogan and South Darfur get a lot more rainfal than Khartoum, Red sea state , Northern State etc... underground waters and nile waters can play a role, no problem.

''The figure I got was from Fao site and I did say Egypt , Sudan and Libya are rich in ground water but this requires investments and technology that Sudan currently does not posses and even if it does its not Sustainable due to corruption in Sudan , your Water resources would be used up in 50-60 years if mega projects are carried out especially when foreign investors grow water hungry crops like Rice , Barseem and Corn .''

Sudan FDI stock hit $42 BN regardless of economic sanctions in 2016. Its FDI stock could likely reach $86 Billion by 2020, mainly invested in agriculture. sources of these investments are rich arab gulf states. So capital and technology is not an issue in the short term. And lol at water resources used up after 60 years, you do realise that ground water can easily recharge? river waters and rainfal is pretty much unlimited in a sense.

''If Uganda withdraws more Water from Lake Victoria and builds hydro dams then both Egypt and Sudan would benefit as it means more flows through the white Nile .''


''Egypt problem is not with other Nile countries as its not affected by them in any shape , the problem is mainly with Ethiopia and it will be solved between both countries politicians .''

think we know that....

''By the way I am not Egyptian and I dont watch Egyptian media as its of low quality and lack subjective arguments Just like other Arab media outlets .''

nice story....

''Let me give you an advice you should fear someone who has nothing to lose than someone who has something to lose . As long as Egypt gets its share or most of it then Egypt would have no reason to wage war but once Egypt loses most of each share then it will have nothing to lose , this is when Sudan will face a bleak future .''

Now let me give you an advice without really caring what nationality you are. Power dynaics can change within years, But the Nile water will always flow from South to North with Egypt being the last in the que. It is only a matter of time before the upper countries

Get me a source which actually states that there were 5 million Sudanese ''refugees'' in Egypt and a link where they are 2 million Sudanese in your country right now. whether the link is in english or arabic I don't care, just post one lmao and if not, then please just shut up and keep moving....

and lol at the bombs comment, thats nice to hear. am pretty sure the brainwashed once are those egyptians that listen to their media everyday and believe they actully own the river lmao
Shut up your big mouth....and try to open your closed ears
Arabic and English sources....talking about 1 to 3 millions.....try to read and educate your self....don’t be so lazy like that with your brain washed Head.



If Ethiopia and Sudan one day tried not to recognize the water shares of Nile agreements during the times when both are British colonies......then Egypt must not recognize the borders agreements during that time as well.

Also good to know that The capital of Sudan (Khartoum) was founded by the Egyptian Ruler MOHAMED ALI in 1820.
did any one has any idea about this pic?

Angola Su-30K. That's the first of 12 refurbished ex-Indian aircraft.



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