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Barrel along: After a decade, Pakistan resumes crude oil export


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Barrel along: After a decade, Pakistan resumes crude oil export – The Express Tribune

By Saad Hasan
Published: August 24, 2014
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Shipments: 70,518 tons, is the quantity of ultra-light crude oil exported in the last two months, according to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

Pakistan has resumed export of crude oil after a gap of 10 years as output touched an all-time high of 98,000 barrels per day (bpd) in June 2014, an increase of 22% over the previous year, officials said.

Around 70,518 tons of ultra-light crude oil – known as condensate – has been exported in the last two months, according to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). The export value is stated at $60.7 million (Rs5.9 billion).

“At least one ship of 32,000-ton capacity is leaving the port every month,” said an industry official. “We expect exports to rise because the output of condensate has gradually increased over the years.”


The petroleum crude is coming from different fields in Sindh and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Three multinational firms, United Energy Pakistan, which took over the assets of BP in the country, OMV and MOL are mostly involved in the exports.

Pakistan State Oil (PSO) has allocated two 55,000 capacity tanks to two of the multinational companies for storing condensate before the shipments are made, said an official.

“These companies want to sign three-year contracts with PSO for using the tanks, indicating their long-term intention to keep the exports going.”

Export of crude started after the discovery of the Badin Gas field along with the by-produce condensate in the 1990s. The refineries initially didn’t have the capability to process the condensate but when Attock and Pak Arab refineries started consuming most of the domestic supply, government restricted exports in 2004.

The average oil production in Pakistan jumped 13% to 86,000 bpd in fiscal year 2013-14 compared to the previous year. The oil output even reached an all-time high of 98,000 bpd by the end of June 2014.

Around 60,000-65,000 bpd of oil is consumed by local refineries, leaving a surplus of 24,000-25,000 bpd for export, said the officials.

A major chunk of the increase in oil output came from the Tal block, which saw average oil production rise 63% to 17,000 bpd. The block contributes 20% of the total oil produced in Pakistan.


Industry officials believe that Pakistan’s crude oil output is expected to increase to 130,000 bpd in a year or two, a sharp rise from the stagnant 66,000 bpd seen previously.

While there remains uncertainty over the exact size of oil reserves in the absence of any broad geological survey, Pakistan has estimated recoverable reserves at 27 million barrels.

The petroleum industry generally believes Pakistan’s geology is gas-prone rather than having any substantial oil potential.

Increase in oil output is coming in shape of condensate and other light crudes, which are hard to process in local hydro-skimming refineries, officials say.

Local light crude also gives a better yield of petroleum products as Attock Refinery, which relies on domestic supply, produces 20-22% of furnace oil against other refineries that have a furnace oil composition of 30-35%.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 24th, 2014.
Freedom eagles coming soon :devil:

Back to the main point:

That totals 235,200,000.00 USD x 101.010 PKR = 23,757,552,502.44 PKR (23.75 Billion rupees) for one month as per below calculaiton

98,000 barrels per day x 80 USD (conservative price, as current price is over USD 100.00) = USD 7,840,000.00 per day

USD 7,840,000.00 per day x 30 days = USD 235,200,000.00

235,200,000.00 USD x 101.010 PKR = 23,757,552,502.44 PKR (23.75 Billion rupees) for one month

where is this being "invested". You know what i mean? :D
We need more investment in Oil and Gas sector including the shale oil/gas as with the reserve Pakistan is holding,it is more of an shame by importing our energy needs
Consumption is like 400k BPD
Local Production is 98k BPD or 24-25% of total consumption
Old Stats says Pakistan fulfills 10% of its Oil & 26% of its Gas needs from its own resources Majority with SUI field....
Oil = you said 25% Averages..... 15% Increase
Gas = 26% ......No Increase (Pak required 380,000 & produces somewhat 99,000 ) No idea about units of Gas

ISLAMABAD: In a major development, the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the American federal authority on energy statistics and analysis, has estimated fresh recoverable shale gas reserves of 105 trillion cubic feet (TCF) and more than nine billion barrels of oil in Pakistan.

These estimates of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves are many times larger than so far proven reserves of 24 TCF for gas and about 300 million barrels for oil. Pakistan currently produces about 4.2 billion cubic feet of gas and about 70,000 barrels of oil per day.

Pakistan's current annual consumption of oil is only 150 million barrels
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When I was doing Matriculation I read in Pak-Studies that Pakistan fulfills 10% of its Oil & 26% of its Gas needs from its own resources Majority with SUI field....
Oil = you said 25% Averages..... 15% Increase
Gas = 26% ......No Increase (Pak required 380,000 & produces somewhat 99,000 ) No idea about units of Gas

ISLAMABAD: In a major development, the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the American federal authority on energy statistics and analysis, has estimated fresh recoverable shale gas reserves of 105 trillion cubic feet (TCF) and more than nine billion barrels of oil in Pakistan.

These estimates of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves are many times larger than so far proven reserves of 24 TCF for gas and about 300 million barrels for oil. Pakistan currently produces about 4.2 billion cubic feet of gas and about 70,000 barrels of oil per day.

Pakistan's current annual consumption of oil is only 150 million barrels

Pakistan Don't import gas from any country so far except the LPG.

Our OIL production is set to reach 130k BPD within the next few years and would grow for the years to come.And once the Extraction of Shale OIL/Gas begins,we will be energy independent(2030-35)
Condensate is not crude oil. In the industry condensates are called NGL i.e. Natural Gas Liquids. All natural gas field have some liquid (mostly pentane with a little hexane & heavier hydrocarbons) as bye product.

Pentane has very high vapour pressure (57.9 kPa at 20 C) therefore in hot climate it is difficult to blend it with normal gasoline. Main use of Condensate is as feed stock for Ethylene crackers. Condensate can also be used for urea manufacture; Madras Fertilisers Ltd. (MFL) & Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd (MC&F) in India do it.


While there remains uncertainty over the exact size of oil reserves in the absence of any broad geological survey, Pakistan has estimated recoverable reserves at 27 million barrels.


It appears that Mr Saad Hasan can’t do simple arithmetic. 130,000 barrels per day equates to 3.9-million barrels per month or 47-million barrels per year. This being twice the size of the total reserves is an impossibility.

The reserve estimate figure is out by a factor of ‘Ten’. Actual reserves are in the range of 270-million barrels. However, I have my doubts at the production level. At this rate we will exhaust our reserves in 6 years. Both the crude productions as well as reserves figure appear to be incorrect.
Isn't it time to plan either expansion of existing refineries or installing new ones? @niaz sb?
Condensate is not crude oil. In the industry condensates are called NGL i.e. Natural Gas Liquids. All natural gas field have some liquid (mostly pentane with a little hexane & heavier hydrocarbons) as bye product.

Pentane has very high vapour pressure (57.9 kPa at 20 C) therefore in hot climate it is difficult to blend it with normal gasoline. Main use of Condensate is as feed stock for Ethylene crackers. Condensate can also be used for urea manufacture; Madras Fertilisers Ltd. (MFL) & Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd (MC&F) in India do it.


While there remains uncertainty over the exact size of oil reserves in the absence of any broad geological survey, Pakistan has estimated recoverable reserves at 27 million barrels.


It appears that Mr Saad Hasan can’t do simple arithmetic. 130,000 barrels per day equates to 3.9-million barrels per month or 47-million barrels per year. This being twice the size of the total reserves is an impossibility.

The reserve estimate figure is out by a factor of ‘Ten’. Actual reserves are in the range of 270-million barrels. However, I have my doubts at the production level. At this rate we will exhaust our reserves in 6 years. Both the crude productions as well as reserves figure appear to be incorrect.

Actually i still remember a source from the past claiming upto 40bn Barrel of offshore oil reserves.

anyway the estimate of 270million barrel is way too low for a geography of Pakistan.Even Afghanistan has close to 4Billion barrel proven oil reserves with some source's even claiming 11Billion barrel of oil reserves.
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